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Posts posted by PistolPete

  1. Is a very interesting subject going forward, especially in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.....2. b)


    Lots to be discussed by lawyers going forward.




    1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

    Fundamental Freedoms


    Marginal note:Fundamental freedoms


    2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

    (a) freedom of conscience and religion;

    (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

    © freedom of peaceful assembly; and

    (d) freedom of association.

    Democratic Rights






    It seems that everyone is getting rather paranoid about this new legislation. It still remains to be seen how the final legislation will appear, after all, the new voting and cyber bullying legislation have been changed due to pubic pressure.


    I must admit that the advertising sections surprised me. Even once it gets to be proclaimed, it will take both the police some time to figure out what resources they want assign to enforcement and how to implement it. After all prostitution is illegal in the US, but the ladies have found ways to promote them selves and there are boards similar to CERB that are still up and popular.

    • Like 1

  2. Really shouldn't listen or put a whole lot of value in some posts on boards as far as I'm concerned. Kathryn above gave you the appropriate information regarding a new bill becoming law.




    The only reason I asked is because someone on another board said it would be law by about June 20th, but that makes no sense. After all, doesn't a bill need to be read about three times, then get referred to a committee and then have the Senate vote on it before it receives royal ascent? Hard to believe that all that can happen in two to three weeks!
    • Like 9

  3. That always loves to "do it again" or "has to try it again" and "cease the moment" when the opportunity exists with these two ladies I just "do it" ;) and that opportunity came through yesterday with Delilah and Jessy.


    It was another stellar threesome.


    I'm still smiling today from ear to ear, and getting semi erected just thinking about it, the chatting or shall I say "commands" ,the multiple positions, the three way desires fulfilled, the orgasms,the fun,the laughter,the moans,the bodies quivering in pure delight, the friendships, it was another perfect duo and it was very remarkable to say the least.



    Thank you ladies once again :)

    • Like 1

  4. Happens within this community more than we know, or attempts too. I've have had my handle used with bookings with ladies by other guys, why? I will never ever understand.


    Kinda made me laugh though because two ladies that this happened too, on separate occasions, with another guy, the ladies already knew my number to text, well, he got caught red handed. ;)


    If I'm meeting a lady for the first time, we send pm's or email's exchange cell numbers then I even confirm to her by email/ pm yes that was me at

    $&@-#^*-1234 texting you.


    I like certainty, and you ladies deserve certainty as well, for your safety, always keep your guard up, regardless where the bookings are coming from, this board or where ever.





    I suppose what got me on this thinking path was while visiting PEI not long ago, I had a request for a special service. We had txt for 2 days, right up to the last 2 hours before the session. He claimed he was a CERB member, gave me his handle, ( one that I was familiar with ) THEN....BAM ! No more txt , no voice confirmation, just disappeared. Then I looked at his profile and this person was not logged on for while now. So I think someone just used his profile name to make this "fake booking" or he actually did it on purpose. Now had I asked him to PM with the date and time he wanted to book, at least I would have some kind of proof to back me up. ALSO, who ever it was, would have not been able to use a cerb name if I had a mandatory request to receive a PM to prove you are who you say you are.


    It was very frustrating as I set aside 3 hours on my busiest day there, only 2 night stay! Grrrr...

    • Like 1

  5. Sometimes I think I am in the porn industry...LMAO just kidding...I get tested every 3 months, and I posted my last check on my profile page from April.


    I would not ask an SP/MA for a test result EVER, as I never EVER had an issue in my years with ANY of the ladies over my time.


    What does that tell you?


    Providers are much more vigilant about their safety and health then most guys would be.


    My thoughts, and by the way...you ladies frigging rock!

    • Like 3

  6. Funny, but it does not bother me if the lady uses any term of endearment when we meet, but in 95% of meetings the use of my first name is always used! When the Hun or sweetheart or lover is used it is one or two times not repeated all through the encounter.


    But when it is used, I like it! as it shows affection, and doesn't bother me in the least.if lady wants me to call her by name only,no problem, or if she like me to call her other names, no problem again :) lol

    • Like 3

  7. Does sexy have an expiration date? If you were to go by todays standards, listen to tv, radio or fall prey to advertising, you'd believe it does. Everyday we are being fed the notion that "sexy" is a young, hard bodied male or female, of a particular body type and age. Nothing more.

    I always thought being sexy had more to do with non-physical attributes more than physical ones and that those who are considered sexy would still be so no matter their age.

    Are we becoming more shallow with each passing decade or as a society has it always been this way?


    No sexy does not have a expiration date, as far as I'm concerned, if you're 90 something years old, and your partner is still with you, or your partner has passed away but you found new love , isn't that sexy in its own?


    Sexy is defined as desirable, seductive, sensual. It is not defined as that perfect 10 in a lady or man, after all who is perfect in this world?


    My kinda lady is in her being just herself as she portrays here on this board by her looks and personalities, I've met some very sexy ladies over my time,ranging in different body types and age, and they are all dam sexy in my books.


    I'm not driven by media, although when I was 13 looking at Playboy Centerfolds, or Penthouse, I was driven to shag one off with my right hand. :)


    I'm in my 50's keep in decent shape by walking,biking every day, as I have too to take care of myself physically. I've have had both parents pass away, it is a eye opener when we get up in age.


    I don't have that physique of the 6 pack abs,or huge biceps, (I did when I was 16-20 years if age) but that is what happens with age, I wear my heart on my sleeve, and I like to help others that I have been told by people it is a sexy trait mark to have. I like to think I would be still be fulfilling my sexual desires in my 90's. ;)


    So sexy is not just about looks, it is about personalities, the individuals character or quality.


    My nickel on the subject ;)

    • Like 3

  8. While being domesticated today, getting windows cleaned inside and outside, with the receiver pumping music through the ceiling speakers, in the house

    some oldies...

    "These Eyes" -The Guess Who

    "Take it Easy" - Eagles

    "Carry On Wayward Son"- Kansas

    "In the Air Tonight" - Phil Collins

    "Baby I love your Way" - Peter Frampton


    So many more great tunes, as they say "Good Music doesn't have an expiration date"

    • Like 1

  9. Last Wednesday May 28th 2014, will be a date that this guy will never ever, forget...EVER.


    Delilah and Jessy had became friends through the virtual world first, I found out that Jessy was visiting this past week, they both were quite content in meeting each other, through the 3 of us communicating, so it didn't take me long to shoot off a couple texts messages, and I set the date and time, and I'm VERY happy I did, so was Delilah and Jessy :)


    Both ladies rates applied for the 2 hours, I never have issues with ladies rates, I just simply pay it, however, PLEASE take note- there is additional rates for Jessy (check her ad's for any extra activity that she will provide for other services) ;) also check Delilah's ad's for service as there is a difference between the BBBJ checked off and what Delilah offers")


    I like clarity for those others that might be interested,it saves a 100's of pm's :) and well I have met both ladies just a few times myself so I already knew. ;)



    I can assure you it is for those that dare to take a ride on the wild side,it is also for those that admirer both of these gorgeous women like I do, oh and really...you should book 2 hours to fulfill every aspect from this duo.


    It was a gift for all 3 of us to share, and to cease the moment while that opporuntity existed, and share something very special.


    All of the above,tags clicked on for services, were part of our 2 hour session together ( you must revert to each lady's ad for tags,and who provides what service). I have never been a part of something so special, watching 2 beautiful women,with myself having such erotic pleasures.


    There was many orgasms, there was many different positions used, I think the best was one lady sitting on my face,while the other lady rode me cowgirl and they faced each other, the moans were of pure delight including myself....... it was simply PUT!!! pure erotic pleasure for the 2 hour duration.


    The other details that happen inside the room with the 3 of us will remain in tact with the 3 of us, just use your imagination. :)


    These ladies did NOT advertise for a duo, it was just by chance, and the timing was perfect and of course I reacted without fail and set it up immediately, I mean who wouldn't?


    There might be other possibilties with these 2 women down the road, based on schedules,advertising, and of course any lucky gent that might want indulge in the pure pleasures of Jessy and Delilah, as I did, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. :)


    Thank-you Jessy and Delilah, you ladies certainly made my 2014, this will be forever etched in my memory for years to come, or until we do it again;)

    • Like 5

  10. Status might be, as in married, GF,BF, open relationship,swingers, as long as the adults are able to fulfill that fantasy,but realizing the reality of the beautiful time spent with a woman that can fulfill their sexual desires without ever crossing that fine line.


    As they always go back to their spouse,GF,BF and what kind of relationship the provider and gentleman might be in. But being able to express thoughts emotions with one another, makes the time even more dynamic for both as they could possibly share intimate details, knowing that individual can be trusted two fold.


    If a SP has another relationship, I'm quite content not to ever get my nose in her business, I'm strictly looking to create moments, live and love freely without any strings attached. It is key to successful bonding with women within this business.


    As they say K.I.S.S. ( keep it simple stupid) but exploring so many kinky and desirable sexual encounters can be so much fun and of COURSE the rewards far outweigh other small issues in life.


    Live Well,Laugh Often,Love Freely......my motto ;)


    I hope this makes sense.

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