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Posts posted by OddSox

  1. Tease is a very long way for me so rarely get there. I did drop in back in June. Did not get a chance to talk to this girl and searching for a name. Very tall and slim, definitely A cup boobs and late 30's early 40's. Seemed to be well known in the club as she was always talking with customers but didn't see anyone take her for a dance. Very much a spinner.


    There used to be a tall thin brunette named Charlie at the Silver Dollar before it closed - I don't know if she went to Tease after that though. She would be about 40, part-native and a slight German accent, no boobs to speak of but really nice nipples...

  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2189259/Hair-removal-creates-open-wounds-vulnerable-infection-warns-medical-expert.html


    Family physician Emily Gibson said that removing the hair is like creating 'open wounds' that are prone to infection and even sexually-transmitted disease, such as herpes, if in contact with another person.


    She added that 'freshly-shaved pubic areas and genitals are also more vulnerable to herpes infections due to the microscopic wounds being exposed to virus carried by mouth or genitals'.


    'Pubic hair does have a purpose, providing cushion against friction that can cause skin abrasion and injury,' she said.


    '[its] removal naturally irritates and inflames the hair follicles left behind, leaving microscopic open wounds.'


    The expert said that she has seen cellulitis, a soft tissue bacterial infection, in areas including a man's scrotum and penis.


    'Some clinicians are finding that freshly-shaved pubic areas and genitals are also more vulnerable to herpes'


    She compared newly-bare skin to a 'scorched battlefield'.


    'No matter what expensive and complex weapons are used - razor blades, electric shavers, tweezers, waxing, depilatories, electrolysis - hair, like crab grass, always grows back and eventually wins,' she wrote in the report.

    • Like 1

  3. The only time I shaved was for my vasectomy. I kept it going for a while but found the whole experience hot, sweaty and itchy.


    I also remember gym class as a source of much angst as I was younger/later than most of my classmates - the last thing I wanted was less hair down there!


    Modern society is hard to understand sometimes - we have everyone calling for 'back to nature' yet something as natural as hair is dismissed as 'un-hygienic'.


    That being said, I do trim.

    • Like 1

  4. Now, since this is a Toronto show, so chances are likely that some of the writers came from Ottawa. So it's possible that they decided to use a name that doesn't actually exist in Toronto to avoid lawsuits, so they may have decided to use a name from Ottawa. The fictional SD seems to be almost as colorful as the real SD.


    Or maybe they were just listening to the radio...


  5. Additional Comments:

    Forgot to add. They are trying an everyday lunch menu. It has brought in extra girls as well as customers. Friday was unusually busy. ( Mind you, can be Xmas cheers as well ). I still enjoy this clubs ambiance over the others in town and the addition of the upstairs services and the new kitchen may bring more new faces. Time will tell.


    upstairs services?


    Additional Comments:

    Additional Comments:

    Forgot to add. They are trying an everyday lunch menu. It has brought in extra girls as well as customers. Friday was unusually busy. ( Mind you, can be Xmas cheers as well ). I still enjoy this clubs ambiance over the others in town and the addition of the upstairs services and the new kitchen may bring more new faces. Time will tell.


    upstairs services?

  6. How bad can it be? I've been to some terrible small town SC. I'm going to check it out one of these afternoons and report.


    I must say though, they are really doing themselves a miservice by either not having a website or having one that no one can find. Without this cerb community any passer by would not know about this SC. I'm not talking about a mega website with profiles and links to porn. Just a basic page with the address and hours of operation.


    Not really a website - but they are on Facebook...



  7. From the Citizen story: "I am shocked by it because I don't expect that," said Amie Bangoura, who works nearby on Bank Street. "When I see Asian massage, I am thinking Asian massage."


    Is anybody really that naive? Then again, when I see Asian massage, I also am thinking :twisted:Asian massage:twisted:.

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