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Everything posted by OddSox

  1. There's a SOLD sign up on the Silver Dollar now. I doubt that means it is coming back though. I would imagine whoever bought it is going to put up something new...
  2. There used to be a tall thin brunette named Charlie at the Silver Dollar before it closed - I don't know if she went to Tease after that though. She would be about 40, part-native and a slight German accent, no boobs to speak of but really nice nipples...
  3. Google says it has a rather checkered past... https://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lapresse.ca%2Factualites%2Fjustice-et-affaires-criminelles%2Faffaires-criminelles%2F201310%2F24%2F01-4703123-suspension-de-permis-pour-lancien-fief-dun-sympathisant-des-hells.php Perhaps its safer now?
  4. What about the girls? Are they supposed to be comfortable with going to the same school and possibly even the same classes with the men who threatened to rape them? Even if the men's names aren't public, I'm sure that everybody in the school knows who it was. Dalhousie isn't a big school - even Halifax isn't a big enough town.
  5. Anybody know if Charlie is still dancing anywhere?
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2189259/Hair-removal-creates-open-wounds-vulnerable-infection-warns-medical-expert.html Family physician Emily Gibson said that removing the hair is like creating 'open wounds' that are prone to infection and even sexually-transmitted disease, such as herpes, if in contact with another person.
  7. It wasn't that long ago that almost every small/medium sized town had their own little club - they're almost all gone now. So are the hardware stores...
  8. The only time I shaved was for my vasectomy. I kept it going for a while but found the whole experience hot, sweaty and itchy. I also remember gym class as a source of much angst as I was younger/later than most of my classmates - the last thing I wanted was less hair down there! Modern society is hard to understand sometimes - we have everyone calling for 'back to nature' yet something as natural as hair is dismissed as 'un-hygienic'. That being said, I do trim.
  9. For years I took my kids up to the top of King Mountain to watch the sunrise on Thanksgiving. Memorable times.
  10. Mud Lake - conservation area near Brittania. For an hour or so, you can forget you're in the city...
  11. Or maybe they were just listening to the radio...
  12. upstairs services? Additional Comments: upstairs services?
  13. Not really a website - but they are on Facebook... http://www.facebook.com/pages/Silver-Dollar-Cabaret/119458548135119?sk=info
  14. From the pictures (http://www.weblocal.ca/koolworld) it looks like there must be a whole subset of 'men' who like to pamper their hair. There's everything from hair dryers to funny looking coloured stuff...
  15. Can i ask you to PM the details too? Thank you.
  16. Years ago in Edmonton there was a place that started advertising 'topless haircuts' and created a big stink in the newspapers etc. However, once people realized that the only topless person was the one getting the haircut, the novelty wore off right quick!
  17. From the Citizen story: "I am shocked by it because I don't expect that," said Amie Bangoura, who works nearby on Bank Street. "When I see Asian massage, I am thinking Asian massage." Is anybody really that naive? Then again, when I see Asian massage, I also am thinking :twisted:Asian massage:twisted:.
  18. Yeah, as a "devout catholic" I wonder if she will be using birth control?
  19. I guess this is a new fad - everybody is climbing on the wagon... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/italy/2971511/Italian-model-plans-to-sell-virginity-for-1m-euros.html
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