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Posts posted by halfbelgian

  1. I believe there's a new one in Victoria "Discreet Liasons" which seems to be run by a well known sp. There is also a co-op in Winnipeg featuring 4 well respected and reviewed women. I can't comment on the business practices of either but IMHO in theory they should be better run and would get my business were I so inclined.

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  2. This being said i often wonder why some choose not to help out.


    This society values and teaches individualism and competition so it's not surprising to me when people act selfishly instead of sharing and cooperating.


    You are to be commended for your outlook and I can only hope your example will be emulated, Emma.


    "Optimism of the will, pessimism of the intellect".

  3. From a guy on another board who seems to know what he's talking about:


    No FS and no BJ's - not at all.

    Their clothes stay on no exceptions.

    You can touch lightly through the clothing - nothing more.

    $80 should do the trick plus a tip if she's good!


    Would appreciate hearing how your appt goes.

  4. PP glad you spotted this but more importantly glad you started a thread. Many members here seem to take and not give and they would have kept this to themselves. This should ensure those who wonder how they become Senior members: "Contribute to the board".


    Yes I echo this comment wholeheartedly. Glad you're ok and you may have saved some other guy from a bad situation by giving us all the heads up and the reminder to be aware of your surroundings!

  5. Since the vast majority of posting on this board happens in the Ottawa section, I can't help being impressed by the quality in terms of the intelligence and positive/respectful attitudes usually on display.


    You people are a model of how a community should act IMHO and I can only hope your example will be replicated eventually on other less positively oriented escort boards that I also frequent.


    Next time I hear someone complaining about "those idiots in Ottawa" I'll step in and tell them about you guys....ok maybe I won't but you get my drift. ;)


    Keep up the great work and give yourselves a pat on your collective back!

  6. Now that I think about it, IIRC there was a "see my while you can" type message on her EC ad the last time I saw it, which seemed to indicate she wasn't long for the business or Winnipeg. Of course I might be thinking of someone else, memory and age you know. :confused: ;)

  7. I think you did the right thing. I know that I'm annoyed when I don't receive any acknowledgement of an e-mail, that seems to me to be a bad business practice and calls into question (for me) the professionalism of the person. That being said there can be lots of legitimate reasons for not replying and if I'm really interested I usually send a follow up about a week later indicating that if there's no response I won't be contacting them again (just so they know I'm not a stalker or nut case ;) ).


    You're between a rock and a hard place here as this person was obviously insulted by your declining of his generous offer to spend time with you :rolleyes: , and by his subsequent actions confirmed your reading of the situation. So in a way he validated your instincts. If you don't reply then people who share my opinion may think you're a flake or unprofessional. Possibly a neutral sounding refusal like "I'm not accepting any new clients at this time..." may assuage the hurt feelings of tools like that guy and prevent you being subjected to abusive replies.


    In any event hope you're having a great summer!

  8. There are 2 Brooke's on EC. One says she's visiting and used to be known as Dani and has had mixed reviews in the past IIRC. The other, with only the one picture, is a Winnipeg legend who's only started advertising again recently and you'd be crazy to miss the opportunity while she's available IMHO.

    Check out my review on here if you like.

  9. I read over at Perb that Mandy and Kerry have both retired. I am originally from Winnipeg and know that there is a huge selection of ladies for you to choose from. Check out EC




    Umm you're right about Mandy, Kerry is doing outcalls only this summer I believe and then she's done. The advice about EC is good, but the original request was from 2006 so not sure if giantsfan is still looking. :confused: :rolleyes:

  10. Interesting discussion, never came across Crowns...have you heard of Kimono..they are also ultra thin can be found in sex shops


    Yeah they are even thinner than the Crown's. The reviews I read were pretty positive but mentioned lots of lube was needed. The Crown "Skinless" ones got close to universal praise from consumers on www.condomdepot.com with the proviso that perhaps more lube than other types might be needed as well.

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