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Posts posted by v*****m*n

  1. When i was away at school, me and my guys went to one of the local SC and there she was, a girl i went to high school with. She came and sat down for a bit, we had a few laughs and a few of my buds to her to the CR. The next morning a few of the lads came over to get me and they were surprised to see her in my apt. She was a touring stripper and she did stay over with me a few more times during my three years away.

  2. I sometimes feel a little weird answering PMs "hello there!".... yet while I havent used a terms of endearment while doing so, I do think that the client approaching an SP could easily avoid eventually being offended by such words (or attempts at what to address someone as, not necessarily a false illusion of familiarity) by signing a name (not their CERB handle and not a single letter like "C." etc) to their PMs.


    if you dont give us anything to work with, how can we address anyone as they should be addressed?


    I agree and when we met you did call me by my name many times and that went a long way. That showed me that you were a real genuine lady and I knew we were gonna have lots of fun, and we sure did. You are one very classy lady Annessa and don?t ever stop.

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