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Alpha Male

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Posts posted by Alpha Male

  1. Fruit Flies Home Remedies


    a) Remove Overripe Fruit:


    One of the easiest ways to deter fruit flies is to avoid leaving overripe or damaged fruit in the open. If you have a habit of using a bowl of fruit as a decorative centerpiece or kitchen table staple, don’t forget to periodically inspect the condition of your fruit.


    b) Rubbing Alcohol:


    To rid your kitchen of annoying fruit flies, fill a fine-misting spray bottle with rubbing alcohol [2]. Using just a little mist of the alcohol puts them out of their misery. They fall to the floor, where you can easily sweep them up. Parents tend to favor this method because it provides a much safer alternative to insecticides.


    c) Apple Cider:


    Set a trap that a fruit fly cannot refuse by filling an old jar to the halfway point with apple cider. After punching a few holes into the lid, screw on and place in any room within your house. The fruit flies are allowed to enter the jar, but will not be able to escape.


    d) Basil:


    Placing a pot of basil on a windowsill or table where fruit flies frequent will help lessen the number of fruit flies.


    e) Soap:


    Did you know that dry soap can act as a repellent for fruit flies? Simply sprinkle a little bit in garbage cans and anywhere else the pests like to hover about.


    f) Lavender


    Use lavender to deter fruit flies. A couple of suggestions include scattering the herb about your home, distributing oils in a burner, or hanging bunches of lavender close to open doors and windows. You may also repel the pests by soaking a sponge in a saucer filled with lavender oil and setting in a room where fruit flies frequent.


    g) Mind Your Mess:


    Fruit flies are also attracted to soiled sponges; old, damp dish rags; as well as food and drink spills so mind your messes and don’t let your garbage overflow if you wish to control your fruit fly problem. Also, fruitflies require damp or moist conditions in order to thrive and propagate within the home. It is for this reason that the are often seen in bathrooms. Run your bathroom fan while and after showering, and wipe down shower walls after showering as well. Not only will this deter fruit flies, but will also help prevent the presence of mold and mildew, which fruit flies are attracted to.


    h) Wine Trap:


    Fill a saucer with white wine and add a bit of detergent to it. Leave the saucer in a room where fruit flies frequent. They will sip on the wine and expire due to the wine causing ‘gut rot’ in pests.


    i) Clean Your Kitchen:


    Since fruit flies are attracted to mold and moisture, keeping your kitchen clean is a must. Even the slightest sign of old fruit pieces, peels, and open fruit act like a beacon for these pests.


    j) Open Your Window:


    Fruit flies dislike the cold and wind, therefore open your windows to allow fresh air to circulate throughout the room.


    Think that covers it.

  2. I wonder if women who get tatoos stop to think about what they'll look like in about 30 to 40 years? I don't mean the small tatoos but the humongous ones that some women get. I guess the same thing could be asked of men, but I don't think a wrinkled old tatoo would look half as hideous on a man as it would on a woman.

  3. I was told by a new employee that I looked like Sam Elliot in Tombstone. I thought he was nuts but a couple of weeks later, this drunk got on an elevator I was on, looked me up and down and said, "Hey buddy, you look like that guy......., oh what's his name? He was in that movie, you know......... with the the cowboys..........." I interrupted him and said, "Sam Elliot and the movie was Tombstone." His eyes got real big and he said, "F**k, you're good!!!!

  4. She hasn't advertised on cl in the past little while, maybe because it was discovered she was using fake photos. I've never seen her but according to a third party review on this thread, she provides an adequate service. Personally, I would stay away from anybody who attempts to deceive by using fake pictures. Read the rest of this thread alphawolfe and you'll probably find the answer you're looking for.

  5. Don't know how you did it Cowboy Kenny. Finding the fake picture that Sarah uses on her CL ad on another site. You also exposed Asian Wendy on CL for using fake photos as well. Well done and thanks for making us aware of these phoneys. In all fairness to Wendy, she does not state that it really is her in the photo. She works under the premise that all men think with the wrong head and will assume it really is her, even though she never actually says that it is. She'd have to put up a picture of a Cactus before we'd convince ourselves that it was a fake. Sorry Wendy, but we are not that stupid. I mean come on, someone looking that good for only 190 an hour? If it looks, sounds, smells too good to be true, it is. Sarah, however does say that her photos are "100% real", which thanks to Cowboy Kenny, we now know is false. If the one photo is a fake, how can you believe the other one? It's one thing to let men lie to themselves, but quite another to be fraudulent. What are the women who are posting fake photos thinking? That we'll say, " I made a date with Christie Brinkley, but Rosanne Barr answered the door! I can't just leave, it took me 15 minutes to get here! Oh well, how much was that an hour again?" It makes no sense to me. Ladies, stop it. Get real. Literally.


  6. Thanks for answering your critics Eva. The fact that you bothered doing so at all, and in such a sweet way, says alot about you. I for one, would not hesitate in seeing you after reading your post, but would have hesitated prior to your post. Well done. I am a retired hobbyist but still like to keep abreast of what is happening in the field.( No pun intended.) Old habits do die hard. However if I was to be tempted out of retirement, I would gladly contribute to your college fund. All the best to you.

  7. I agree 100% with your last post don1. Alot of these ladies demand respect but are slow in giving it in return. Also, common courtesy on their part would also be appreciated by the prospective client. Like answering the freaking email. Personally, if I don't get a response within 24 hours, then it is her lose and I move on to someone else. By the way, there was absolute nothing wrong with your email. Too explicit? She's a call girl for f**k sakes!! Give me a break!!! And to joyinottawa, "Another thing you guys should learn is the meaning of GFE...a GFE does NOT include facials". That was so condescending and rude. Maybe to you GFE doesn't include facials, but to another SP it might and often does. That's why these things should be discussed ahead of time and an email seems like the appropriate way to do it.

  8. I am thinking about seeing Serenity from EC. However after checking the other threads I found that there was very little information about her in the way of reviews, one bad one and one good one. The one good review gives very little detail. Surely more than just a couple of guys have seen this woman and I would really appreciate an honest, detailed review. I understand that you cannot be too explicit on the board so feel free to private message me. I will admit that I am a little fussy when it comes to these ladies and I want to know exactly what to expect should I choose to see Serenity. Your input will be greatly appreciated.

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