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Posts posted by teched

  1. what was the outcome in simpleton terms. To me it sounds like that bawdy houses, homes and brothels were deemed illegal. And that a it was actually bad for the sex workers.

    thats what I understood. I hope i'm wrong


    I think you are wrong. As I understand it, it is no longer illegal to run a brothal or to live off the avails of prostitution.


    At least until the feds come up with a new law. I expect that could take awhile, but I guess that is up to Harper.


    Let's hope the feds leave it alone and allow Sex Workers work in a safer environment.

  2. Mod: Not sure if this is the place. I understand the reasoning behind reorganizing the main forum page, city names alphabetical within province name. But I find it is making things a bit harder to find.


    This is not a BIG deal, but a small annoyance. It used to be to scroll down to find my city, it was in one alphabetical list. Now, I need to search within the provinces, then city.


    If others agree I expect they will speak up in this thread.


    Do with this comment as you would like and thanks for all your efforts keep the CERB world alive.



  3. Being caught in an indiscreet situation hasn't happened yet, but every time I walk into a hotel lobby or down a street in an area I don't normally spend time in, I'm afraid someone I know will see me and ask me at an awkward time, hey I saw you the other day going into the xyz hotel, or on abc street.

    I would hate the thought of something like that coming up in some social situation with the SO.


    Hasn't happened yet, but one day.......

  4. Right now, I would do a guy for a new laptop, seriously! Interested? PM Me! :lol:


    I mean it, this POS has just about died on me already. Give me something with 4GB Ram running windows 7 or whatever, and I will give you the time of your life!


    Angela: That's the way is would have to work. Just post what you need and what it's worth to you. Hum, do we need a new barter section? ;)

  5. A web site is a huge plus. It should provide a decent gallery along with rates and services. But the same information on CERB will do as well.


    Given the number of SP's with their information available via a site or CERB, I would be hard pressed to book blind. There can always be exceptions, but that would be rare.


    I find CL to be a poor substitute as any pictures are of such low resolution they are not of much use.

  6. I was able to spend some time with Manuella this week and what a joy.


    After exchanging a number of PM's with Phoebee I booked some time with Manuella.


    I arrived to the high end downtown hotel to be met at the door by the beautiful Manuella wrapped in a towel. This lady is not at all represented well by the pictures on the site. Since those pictures were taken she lost a bit of weight as a result of stress around exam time and is now a perfect tight, soft spinner at 5'2" and no more than 100lbs if that. She is part Portuguese & part Egyptian, which makes for a real exotic look. She has wonderful A breasts with very responsive nipples. And such an attractive face. I was in Heaven.


    After a quick shower the towels were quickly shed and we got to know each other much better. I will not go into details, but Manuella is a Safe GFE, so CBJ is available with LFK, I did not partake in DATY but I am sure it is available. By the time the cowgirl ride started I was so ready I could not last long. I do not know about multiple SOG as one is enough for me. Oh, did I mention the vibrating toy? Ask her.


    Before closing I can't miss pointing out that this lady is not only beautiful but is extremely smart and easy to talk to. She has done lots of traveling and is well versed in world affairs. I would have enjoyed another hour to just sit and talk over a glass of wine. I'll have to plan that for the next time.



  7. What a sweetheart Peachy is. It took me awhile to book a date with Val, but only because it took so long to get rid of my cold. I would book, then would have to reschedule because the symptoms were not gone yet. Peachy/Val was very patient and understanding. But then it was easy to book this trip to heaven with a couple of PMs.


    There is no point in going into details, as it has all been said accurately already. She is a real sweetheart and is a class act. Most importantly, she enjoys what she does. That makes for an outstanding time.


    Thank you Val, can't wait till next time.

  8. I also have had surprises with SP's who into the session advise they have a rule of no kissing. Like others I now pay close attention the recommendations to ensure DFK is listed.


    I do see one Asian lady regularly though who does not kiss, but it is a cultural thing for her and I do very much enjoy my time with her anyway. But that is the exception.


    Kissing very much adds to the enjoyment and to the fantasy of the experience. But as I have found there are also sometimes exceptions.

  9. So besides taking a first aid course, are there any members that can contribute with some quick pointers besides the obvious 911 call.


    like choking on a foreign object

    No pulse



    Its interesting to note that my parents who were schooled in Europe in the 1950's were taught CPR and basic lifesaving techniques as a mandatory course. I never understood why our school curriculum never adopted teaching first aid here.




    ATH, I think the two items mentioned really covers it.

    1. Take a First Aid course

    2. Call 911


    In any emergency situation where I was the first on scene, even with training, I would appreciate the assitance that the folks who answer 911 calls would provide. They will offer all the advise needed and walk you through the steps. Having the 1st aid course would be a great help.


    I guess the other suggestion would be to ensure the SP or person you are with are aware of any of your medical history that could cause you to pass out or collapse on them.


    I remember seeing an SP who had a medical condition and she was very open about it. I felt more comfortable knowing about her condition, just in case. Of course it was not a problem and I very much enjoyed my time with her.

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