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Posts posted by Valarie_Curves

  1. hello gentlemen of Ottawa.....


    I once came to Ottawa on tour about 2 years ago.I wasn't "established" and not much "business" experiance. Long story short what a waste of time for me,and my friend.I am convienced that I wasn't advertising in the right places, I have not given up on Ottawa just yet.


    So...... I would like to know where YOU look when your searching for the right Sp for the job. CL/The Sun ect......


    I appriciate any input thank you... BBW Valarie Curves xox

  2. I need some serious advice on this one.


    What should a lady do when she discovers, (to her horror,) that the "gentleman" she is with has neglected to properly clean himself?


    Is it ok to ask him to go into the bathroom and scrub himself clean with some soap and water? How should I handle this? Especially when we're already well into the session?


    I show up for sessions with my hair still damp from my own shower, wouldn't a guy be totally embarrassed if I have to tell him that he needs to go and wash himself or take a shower? It would seem pretty obvious to me what the problem is if I've clearly just had a shower myself and then I insist that we take a shower together.


    I don't want to totally embarrass the guys but I've had two sessions this week with this problem. I don't understand why guys don't take into account that they'll get a much better session if their genitals don't reek of urine during an appoinment.


    I truly do not understand why this continues to be an issue with guys. So many ladies complain about it on review boards and request guys take a shower before an appointment on their websites, that guys should take the hint and this shouldn't be happening.


    Can anyone help me out with some advice?




    I ALWAYS arrive to calls right out of the shower. And 9 out of 10 times hair still wet so he knows i have showerd. I do demand the same respect from the gentilmen. But it seems that SOME do not have the same respect for SP's. I had been to nice downtown (5 star) hotel. As we get down to business and see the man was unshowerd,un circumsized,and I wanted to vomit. I will not go into details. yes i did ask him to shower, with no worries about him feeling uncomfortable. Maybe a little insensitive, but this man had no problem with my comfort when he decided to call me and recive me knowing he wasnt showerd and expect me to work under those conditions.Situations like that just make people see how much SOME people have no respect and think we may not be worth of working under clean and odor-free,germ free conditions.

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