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Posts posted by Kimberly-Shea

  1. If you don't understand it or get what it means how could you find it rude or defensive?


    Rude is very easy to decipher. The post itself however, is completely unintelligible. :icon_wink: I assumed you were drunk. (I still kinda do.) :icon_wink: :icon_wink: :icon_wink:


    Clearly you don't want to discuss anything, you wanted to make a speech. So, job done.


    Goodnight Christy,





    (To the topic at hand, I "thank" posts I find funny, bright, helpful or interesting. Who the poster is has no bearing on it.)

    • Like 6

  2. I like bluntness:) but is this post sarcasm;) With all due respect to you ;) I find it funny when I make a post or a thread some read into it an agenda, or make more of it than it is, such as you have done. I'm being blunt as well, with all due respect:) When the opposite happens I'm told I misinterpret, that the post or thread is subjective that I'm reading it wrong!

    This op doesn't need to understand anything, I can read and can get "it" and this op has known shit happens since I could shit:) With all due respect, I don't need you to inculcate anything in, to me or for me:) and I think it rather rude of you to think you should. But if it's made you feel better....

    Perhaps you are confused, as I'm not sure why you'd think I would want everyone to agree with me.


    You've lost me, I have no idea what this post even means? The above is needlessly rude. imo


    Starting a thread doesn't allow you dictate who can post or what opinion they may have. You asked a question but whenever given an answer you don't agree with you attack the post/er. When you repeatedly post passive aggressively about what you perceive "others" are doing wrong, eventually someone will point out it's best to worry about your own posts/business rather than harp on what everyone else is up to. kwim?


    As evidenced by a few of your recent threads, if you seek out drama you will find it.



    • Like 7

  3. I've never been a fan of the envelope system. I sometimes wonder "Is it just full of Canadian Tire money?" and take a peek, just to be safe..lol


    I guess some people find it less, crass and feel it's classier? I don't know. As long as you don't show up with a ziploc full of loonies, or whip out your wallet and count it out into my hand (that's a mood killer), I'm fine with no envelope.



    • Like 6

  4. I don't ignore people trying to get under my skin. I answer my critics.


    If you like our entertainment in 2014 and think it's great, more power to you. I don't.


    Comments are removed but now people hate my guts here.


    I don't think anyone hates your guts. I don't.


    I will say, I did find your posts off topic and needlessly insulting. My response was in irritation/jest and an attempt to show you that opinions on what is considered "quality" varies widely.


    Sweeping generalizations tend to annoy people, simple as that. I think referring to women as "8's or 10's", won't ever get you the response you're hoping for. Most importantly, alluding to "sex workers" uglying up the joint, on an escort rec board doesn't seem like the best idea, no?


    Don't take it personally, and I'll try and do the same. ;)


    Happy Easter,


    • Like 6

  5. The days and nights of seeing 8s, 9s and 10s at Fanny's, Barbarella's (the original one) and Valentino's. Women that you would only fantasize being with. ...


    My standards have not lowered from 1990.


    the quality of the exotic dancers have fallen across the board.



    Because of this, the owners/managers could be very "picky" about who worked; by picky, I mean they could choose the girls they found most attractive. The clubs back then (some of them anyways) were packed full of girls that all looked the same; big fake boobs, super fit, tan, etc. Basically, they were mostly model quality and fit into a mold.


    Okay guys.. Cause we all know the late 80's - early 90's were the golden age of beauty.. :icon_confused:


    ** Take note ladies: tan lines, rock in a sock boob jobs, big sprayed out crispy mullets, cocaine mustaches & the sultry sounds of - White Snake.. Are the standard we are no longer living up to...lol


    Kim :icon_wink:

    • Like 8

  6. I dont like the aggressive / mean response here but I agree your username is an issue, how about before you post again we update that username?? jessica222 is just a BAD username for a guy. I am going to freeze your account till this is changed as I dont want to deal with more complaints.


    The profile has gender listed as female as well?


    From "about me" in the profile

    "About jessica222

    Gender: female

    Service Provider, Massage Provider, Hobbyist or Other? :other"


    So both a female username and listed as female, but he's a guy? Seems like a troll to me?



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