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Bethany Westbrooke

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Posts posted by Bethany Westbrooke

  1. I know myself and a few others prefer online booking, phones are sometimes troublesome as we can't choose when you call us and might miss your call... With an email we can get back to you whenever we have a free minute and it lessens the likelihood of us missing your communication...

  2. I would want to be with a lady when she is fresh (for lack of a better word) Would a guy want to book an encounter with an sp right after she's had an encounter with another guy...and she schedules her day like that, client after client after client

    Also, and I may be wrong here, but if a group of guys books a gangbang with a lady, and she's ok for the first couple guys, but then finds out it's not for her, and decides to stop, with a bunch of guys still waiting their turn...I see bad things could happen to her

    But that's me



    RG:Not to single you out, but this "fresh" comment is a recurring one and I have serious issues with it... So in discussing it, I would like to apologize if it seems uncalled for, I just happen to be reading this comment when I felt the need to speak out about this...


    I see in a way that you wouldn't want to book an unkempt and overextended SP, but I don't really see the link between a gang-bang and a popular SP, not that there is anything wrong with gang-bangs.


    As a professional, I feel that a popular SP would take the time to freshen up appropriately before meeting with you, regardless of the other men seen before you and in most cases, unless you book an early bird session, she has had sex already that day, if not the night before. And who is to say she hasn't had sex that morning with her SO?


    Seeking a professional SP you are aware she has sex for money, and that she is likely very good at it. I understand not wanting to think about the other guys or see them in a gang bang but the reality is, most SPs can and do have sex with more than one client a day and not suffer any issues with freshness or quality. I realize that it can be a bit more of a personal service than say erotic massage, but it is a physical one, similar to erotic massage so why get fresh with the "fresh" comment? AFAIK few would comment on the "fresh"-ness of a popular MP working a 6 or 10 hour shift at a rub and tug so why is it so common in reference to SPs?


    Re:gangbang comment, I would hope that the other men participating in the gangbang would not allow the sexually frustrated ones to harm or abuse the priviledge of the lady sharing herself with them. No means no, no matter what! To even think this scenario creeps me out more than you will ever know, makes me think of gang-rape a la Jodie Foster in "The Accused". A gang-bang is consensual adult sex and the second someone says Uncle, it should not be an issue for the participants to accept this. If it becomes one, then see above movie and call a lawyer...

    • Like 6

  3. Nuru lotion is commonly used in Japan and is great for body slide but elsewhere this is your typical soapy massage with body slide. I've had trouble finding body slides in general here in Ottawa. Perhaps we can start there... any Asian massage with body slide out there?


    I think this below thread mentions the questions/issues with "Asian body slide" massage, the main issue being that most AMPs in porn include so many extras with the bodyslide massage, so you likely will have issue finding this in Ottawa...



    A short bodyslide in a regular massage is available with most MPs, question though-as great as a BS feels would you really want a full hour or even half hour of that? (and no extras as in the films?) I imagine it might be a little less entertaining than one would think...

  4. Hi ladies and gents:


    I made the "Natural Kitty lovers social group private so that we can post beautiful pictures of natural kitties for member's view only. If you would like to join our group and enjoy vewing the many beautiful exotic pictures we have posted so far as well as the list of those natural treasures we have discovered PLEASE PM ME and I will add your name to the social group.




    Secret Admirer


    How are you going to post pics of kitties? I thought the only way you could add pics to a group was if you linked to them from one of your existing CERB albums? Great idea for a group though, I won't be joining, I hate body hair on me, the only hair I have is on my head!

  5. Showed up a little late, but had a wonderful time, special thanks to everyone for putting this together, your hard work is much appreciated and I have come to really enjoy seeing so many familiar faces at these events!


    Cat, special thank you for the gift bags, I had a gingersnap orgasm with that body lotion! Must find out where you got that doll!


    Loneskater thank you for the rose(-s, closing the night out I got a few more than I was supposed to, always better to have too many than not enough). Carrie, thanks for selling the tickets- a huge time investment I am sure, Angela- thank you for all your hard work helping at the reception table and anyone else I might be forgetting!


    A very special thank you to all the lovely gentleman who came to the event, was a lovely night and couldn't have been possible without you!


    Looking forward to a spring fling in May, I will be there with bells on!



  6. I got a kick out of your creativity and unique perspective on life and other topics we share here. Your uniqueness and creativity will take you far in your new adventure, please don't forget about us little people when you make it to the top!


    Change is always good, good for the soul, good for the mind, you never know what adventure life will take you on next, enjoy this new path.



    So ditto only on the above parts, I have had the pleasure of meeting you, sexy lady, and hope we can still connect from time to time... Take care and as EMB said, hope to see you at the party!!!



  7. I agree with DocOttawa, the way someone carries themselves really speaks volumes about them. I find both men and women very sexy, but in keeping with the thread I will stick to the opposite sex!


    I have been known to appreciate nice strong shoulders and a V-taper, and can't help but have an addiction to the tall, dark and handsome... Long eyelashes, expressive and sexy eyes, a bit of maturity and a sexy knowing smile is my idea of handsome... Men who wear cologne, when I can smell it as I brush my lips across their neck, drive me wild, Acqua di Gio comes to mind, mmmmm!


    When undressed, a hockey player's hip/gluteus maximus muscles are my weak point and a runner's calves have both been known to get a little extra attention from my adoring massaging fingers... Any dancing, especially latin styles, is irresistible and if he has short military length hair and is well groomed and dressed well, all bets are off, lol!


    Great idea for a thread Loralee!



  8. I like men who love women, if a client sees other women I am often reassured that he will be a gentleman who appreciates women and the fun things that can be shared with us. I don't discriminate clients based on their personal or hobbying sex life and don't see how this would affect someone's opinion of you, if they don't offer those services is it even an issue?

  9. I think you would be better off getting a guaranteed credit card(talk to your bank) or a pre-paid credit card(Money Mart).


    I hate to think of what would happen to you if the agencies didn't get their money back or if you needed to cancel for some reason... Better to invest in yourself- this way you also don't have to give the agency a cut also... It might be scary at first to travel independently but you are better off in the long run financially.


    Good luck!

  10. Dug this thread up because I have been thinking about a former client who "retired" on me lately. No reason why, no explanation, just a disappearance from my life and from CERB. I know he had to leave, don't know why, but it doesn't change my feeling of losing a close friend.


    I can completely understand what SecretAdmirer, CherryKiss and others were going through in their posts. It is hard to let go of special friendships like these, even if they are professional. It might be different coming from an SP or MP as we have more than one regular client, but then again, there are some clients who also have more than one regular provider.


    I hope he is well and that he knows he is missed... I was lucky to have him in my life the past 2 years...

    • Like 3

  11. We could play the GREED game!!! It's a lot of fun, and it's totally doable, because if you bring a gift, you can play. Quick concept of the game - everyone with a gift, place them wrapped on the table, then everyone draws a number. First number opens a gift. Second number can either open a new gift, or take the first person's. If your gift is taken from you, you can either open a new one, or take someone elses. It's SO much fun.


    I haven't been keeping up with this thread and just reading it now, was going to suggest the GREED game, played this a few years back and had a lot of fun with it. Plus as you mentioned Cleo, only the people who show up with a gift can play, which will prevent any issues of no-shows...

    Could be a good enticement for people to come too!


    For dates, I am hoping that it is a Monday to Thursday night anytime not the week of the 12th-18th, I'll be on a sunny beach! Perhaps the last week of November would work?


    And I love the idea of doing it at Breathless, nice and central... Perhaps we could figure out how much it costs and sell tickets ahead of time?



  12. I am going to go with this is all bad luck and perhaps a bit of bad karma... Your impatience with the first MP likely gave her a bad feeling, it is important that we feel comfortable with people before sharing our private information with you- for myself, I work from my home so if I get any kind of bad feeling about someone I trust it. I am sorry that your approach to her didn't work but it helps to see things from our POV.


    The second one, I am thinking may have been feeling under the weather from a little too much Halloween fun! If she was still feeling unwell, it is likely all she wanted to do was to get some more R&R before thinking of her future interactions with you. Curious why you didn't ask her to reschedule yourself? Perhaps she didn't ask thinking that you wouldn't want to bother rescheduling if you were just stood up by her...


    The last one, you didn't really say if she had stood you up or not, from what I understand she was running late. Did she go through with the appointment? None of this sounds like you are on a bad client list, just bad luck...


    I think you should re-evaluate leaving. I understand that it is hard to deal with the pain of rejection, but in this case really only the first lady rejected you because you seemed impatient- the next two were just bad luck.


    Best of luck in whatever you decide to do...




  13. As mentioned, I do offer prostate massage- though only by special request... Once I made the mistake of offering it and someone agreed only because they thought it was one of my turn-ons! Turns out it wasn't for them and we had a good laugh after that... I have since stopped offering it in case this happens again, lol, but if you mention it to me during our session or when booking the appointment I will be sure to impress you with my PM skills!



  14. Peachy, I think that getting a makeover is a great idea, especially with new photos! Can't wait to see them! There are always ways to save on certain things if you needed to, but it is often nice to splurge and have a professional do it instead!


    For me average monthly expenditures on work-related beauty include:

    $140- Gel Nails/pedicures

    $50- Makeup & Body Beauty*


    $30- Lingerie

    *(more than what I would normally spend)

    =$360 a month


    My figures might be conservative as I am a bit high-maintenance regardless of being in the business or not, tanning/makeup/ hair products/fitness/etc. Apart from your upcoming makeover, how much do you spend monthly Peachy?




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