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Posts posted by Incognito

  1. Am I understanding men are into duo's where there is only 1 female?lol Cause wow that would rock! :D And the sex goes on and on.....;) Is this a bad thing for the woman? To enjoy multiple partners and pleasure? Census says.......

    Did you just read my post re: Dummpy, me, and DoD or is this just a coincidence!!??


    Anyways... yes, it rocks like crazy. Pretty safe to say DoD had a good time.

  2. Note to Mod: I?m not sure if this belongs in the recommendation section (as a recommendation of Dummpy), the provider section (in the event that he and I offer this service more widely LoL!!!), or just a general thread.


    Note to Cerbites: Yup ? this is long. Also a bit graphic. Can?t help it on either point.. Skip it if you wish


    Today after a bit of planning and soul searching (could I/we really do this?) Dummpy and I made my fantasy come true. Our mission: to be a duo (yes, the two of us) with a woman, to ravish her together in every possible way we could think of up to and including DP?ing her. BTW ? before anyone raises eyebrows? we are talking consensual and respectful stuff here.


    We first mulled this over a few months back and finally today took the plunge. Our lady (yes she is a beautiful, sensual, classy but adventuresome lady) was carefully selected by connoisseur Dummpy to be our Damsel of Desire; hereinafter known only as DoD). (BTW? please do not send a blizzard of PM?s to Dummpy or I looking for contact info. She is not in the ?industry? nor is she looking to be. She does not advertise on EC or anywhere else. DoD is, and must remain, our little secret. Sorry ?bout that! Dummpy and I had previously enjoyed the secret delights of DoD individually in the past and our mutual good chemistry and her willing spirit made her a wonderful choice.)


    Dummpy then arranged the outcall location rental, bought the bottled water (to replenish lost body fluids of course) and a large box of condos. (more on that later). Scheduling 3 people is an order of magnitude more complicated than 2 and patience is required. Even with all of the planning there was a minor last minute hitch but all was quickly resolved and the three of us walked thru the door hand in hand to our great little adventure.


    Clothing quickly became history and DoD came face to face with the reality of being worked over by 2 guys seriously intent on providing her with max pleasure? and she LOVED it. DFK, BBBJ (Dummpy) + DATY, DATO (me) gave way to FS-vag-doggie (Dummpy) + BBBJ (me) gave way to ? whatever else. I started to count her orgasms but finally gave up. Eventually we got around to FS-vag-cowgirl (me bottom) transitioning slightly to more of a doggie with Dummpy scoring the the first DP from behind. Pausing only to grab some water, a condo change for Dummpy (moving from ass to pussy), and a bit of air for DoD, I stayed on the bottom while she reverse cowgirled her ass on me and Dummpy again completed the DP from above.


    Somewhere along the line we tried a double vag DP a couple of times, but even DoD?s soaking wet gaping front door could not take two throbbing manhoods. (note to the squeamish ? yes our cocks touched briefly during this procedure but at no other time. And for the record, if you must really know, we are not bi or gay)


    And so this goes on and on. Eventually we figure it is time to cum before we accidentally kill her or collapse of old age (quite possible). So, in a stunning manoeuvre worthy of the Olympic synchro athletes, we managed a near-simultaneous cum? Dummpy inside her (somewhere) while she lay with her head tilted back off the end of the bed, and me fucking her mouth to a incredible CIM.


    At which point we all collapsed ? only to be stunned when Dummpy with a steely glint of resolve in his eye, grabbed yet one more fresh condo and went on to sing the second verse. What a guy!


    Although Dummpy had to bail a tad early to make it to a biz thing, DoD and I were left to mop up (dead condos everywhere!), share some nice conversation, grab a luxurious shower and leave.


    Conclusions, Comments, and Post-Game Analysis


    1) Just in case you missed the point: DoD is a simply incredible woman.

    2) If you think we somehow took advantage of her, not true. She enjoyed this as much or more than we did. Her DP orgasms were something to behold. And oh, BTW, a double donation didn?t hurt her purse too much either.

    3) Dummpy and I won?t comment on each other?s bodies. Plus you don?t want to go there. (ha!) Please don?t ask. On the other hand, DoD?s body is magnificent in every way. Beautiful too.

    4) I had a bit of concern that the guy/guy element which is an unavoidable element of this activity would be off-putting. Read this to mean soft-inducing. Good news ? wasn?t an issue.

    5) Having said that? Dummpy was the first guy I ever had sex with (well sort of). Dummpy Darling ? you were fantastic! ROTFLMFAO!!!!

    6) If you are going to try one of these:

    a. Pick partners carefully. Good chemistry is a must. Open communication in advance about the planned activities strongly recommended. Surprises in real time probably not a great idea

    b. It will take a while to plan and execute the logistics. Give yourself time to do it right; be patient.

    c. Having gone to all the expense and trouble of setting it up, leave at least a couple of hours available to enjoy the gig

    d. Lots of condos are important. With various transitions, they need to be changed. And with two guys?. Do the math.

    e. Think safe. This is a very juicy number. Seriously. A lot of body fluids from 3 people are in play. Other than DFK, DATY, DATO and BBBJ/CIM, everything else was covered.

    7) If any SP?s think they are interested in this and have the patience to endure the 4-6 weeks of lead time to schedule, we might consider. Of course you have to send a picture first (joking!)



    And lastly?


    For sharing my dream, for picking the absolute perfect lady, for making numerous arrangements, for sharing the costs, for not touching my ass (at all), for not touching my cock (mostly), for performing like a stud, and most fundamentally, for sharing the moxxie to just make this happen in the first place - I hereby declare Dummpy to be permanently elevated to CERB God status, inducted as the inaugural member of the CERB Hall of Fame, and conferred with the title Pornographer for Life.


    And to DoD?


    We love you and love you and love you. You are just amazing in every way.

    • Like 1

  3. What is Kinky???


    Anything to do with Dennio and her friend Ty is way off the chart scary kinky.




    My personal "favorites" in this unique category of absolute scary shit are a) cervix plaY and fucking (yes literally) and urethal fucking (ditto). Ty supposedly is the only woman in the world who has stretched her uretha to the point she can take dildos or cocks there. They claim to have a video showing some dude fucking her that way and his cum floating up into her bladder.


    I rest my case. Or maybe this isn't kinky. Maybe it is just fucking insane. Peronally, I've lost track of where the line is between those two points. You be the judge.

  4. GFE gets used a lot to describe ladies or their service, but if you look up GFE in Webster's you will unquestionably see Ava's picture. She is the absolute sweetest GFE imaginable. When you are with Ava, she IS your girlfriend. Period. And did I mention beautiful? OMG! At the end of our time, she let her hair down around her shoulders and if I thought she was beautiful before.... well, let's just say that had there been an ATM available in the bedroom, I would've stayed the rest of the night!


    Others have very accurately described Ava's body so I don't need to repeat other than to emphasize how soft, sexy, kissable, juicy, sexy, touchable, grabable, sexy and squeezable it is!! Oh Yeah!!!!


    Her location is easy to find, parking is provided, and very comfortable. If you like dogs (as I do), you will also enjoy meeting her beautiful animals.


    Repeat??? Are ya nuts??? Absolutely!!! With Ava heading back to "hit the books" I can only hope her availability doesn't diminish too much.

  5. I am searching for something we can use for this LAST MINUTE AVAILABILITY idea... I have not found anything yet to do this but we could have one custom coded.

    Mod - I'll get back to you in a few days but I have a very simple idea to do this without writing code or whatever else. Just busy as hell this week sorry.

  6. I also receive many photo's from clients, it makes outcalls far less stressful. If your walking into a hotel lobby and you already know who your looking for, I find that alot more discreet.

    As for this black mail business, I think thats just far fetched...

    Most SP's if not all SP's have professional career's outside of being and SP. I myself am in a very public career, so I am always taking a huge risk to send out photo's.

    I see know harm in asking for photo's from a client, if it makes an SP more comfortable, then why not.

    Gentlemen we invite you into our homes, and put our very lives in your hands. You are after all a stranger, and have a huge advange in doing us harm...

    Your male, so naturally larger and stonger...

    I think an SP & client relationship is a very delicate bond, that needs two way respect and discreetness....


    Just a Thought...

    Your Paige...


    Not to make light of a serious topic...


    But I've seen Paige's body... I think she could open a large can of "whoop-ass" on most guys I know should it ever come to that!!!


    Now returning to the thread... I've been asked for and have provided pics. No sweat to me. But as so many already said, do what's comfortable for you. There are many providers.

  7. for the second time in a month got a no show from 2 very well respected ottawa sp. both times everything was set up, fisrt one called before the appointement for the room number never got and answer and know this friday night august 22 was stood up again. with this second sp, i book about two weeks in advance. when i got to her place and buzzed her appartment, got no answer. i even left a mwssage and her voicemail and didn't even got a called back.



    Been there, done that. Feel for ya!


    This is classic (as per Joyful's response to you). Well, it may be explainable and even justifiable as per her note but if you are the guy with the blue balls, it doesn't feel so hot... right?


    That is why I began a thread a week ago on devising a system for clients and SPs to be able to identify each other in short-term availability situations.


    I've been busy as hell. I'll get back to finishing my thoughts on that thread hopefully some time this week. Stay tuned...

  8. I really enjoyed my time with her however she is going to be a hit and miss as you need to be a breast guy (and they are fucking amazing!!) and be a little patient and lead the events, she is a half hour girl. If you are lucky like me than that means you get 2 visits in one hour MPSOG not a problem with her. However if you are into DFK and BBBJ than this is not the lady for you. I am a repeat client as she has a really hot look, bedroom eyes nice blond hair and those incredible boobs! Not doing a review as I am not sure how long she is around for and the review section is already a little plugged with retired or unavailable ladies. However if you one of you others does that would be good. This lady is an excellent plan B lady (your appointment with an SP you have been waiting to see forever falls through at the last minuet!)

    Dummpy's comment about the review section being plugged up caused me to wonder...


    MOD - should such reviews be moved to a different area? - or at the very least be marked as 'unavailable' in some fashion?


    I can just imagine some newbie (like me not so very long ago) endlessly trying to contact one of these highly reviewed ladies and wondering WTF!!?? Why don't they respond!

  9. Skater... yeah... sort of. Not consistently used though for last minute type stuff although it could be. It's also missing the other side of the equation.


    How about a "Last Minute" area, where both guests and SP's can put up immediate time availability? Top of the page for SP's (cause most of us like being on top!) and then the bottom for those with a hankerin? It could come right after the advertising sections.



    What she said... that's exactly what I'm talking about. Mod - over to you!

  10. Needless to say after a long tough day at the office I relax a bit a watch of course the Olympic's.Without a shadow of a doubt my favourite sporting event is of course beach volleyball. Too bad the media is making a stink out of the sexy outfits the fine woman wear..so whats your sporting event to watch or do you even bother?





    HA! Man, I love all of those pics too. (Somewhere I once saw a web site of an extremely flexible female Russian gymnist who moved into porn. The stuff she could do!!! Ya just gotta use a bit of your imagination!)


    But as an ex-track guy I'm shaking my head over Bolt. He is going to bury the 100m record south of 9.59 if he ever decides to run the full race (never mind with the permissable 2m/sec max tailwind).


    And MJ's 200m record that he broke today... most track people I know expected that record to last until the day they died. That, in fact, human evolution would require at least a few more generations of development before someone got there. Well, most people, me included, were wrong.


    What's he going to do for an encore? Start running the 400m?


    Maybe they could just put hurdles in his lane to even it up.

  11. I agree but isn't it already there. All the SP has to do is make a post in the announcement section. I have seen it in the past. Latest post always show in the headings and usually on EC.

    Skater... yeah... sort of. Not consistently used though for last minute type stuff although it could be. It's also missing the other side of the equation.


    Can't wait to hear what Mod says.


    The whole idea kinda reminds me of 'selloffvacations.com' or whatever that site is where if you are prepared to go RIGHT NOW to whatever destination is available, you get one helluva deal. (I'm not suggesting SPs cut their prices however just to sell-off last minute slots although that may be a marketing strategy some find of interest)

  12. When it comes to restaurants, I wholeheartedly agree! I love finding the little out of the way places that no one knows about. Unfortunately, due to the laws in this country we are not allowed to have a true, down home style. I would love to have the rambling house in the country full of voluptuous vixens lounging on chaises in their lingerie where men can come and just have a good time! Somewhere that you park your car and no one driving by can see it, and everyone there forgets everyone else as soon as they leave but give knowing winks over the table when the little wives have a neighbourhood dinner party. Where the bar is always open, the pool is always cool and the girls are exactly what you need to warm up after a cold day. But alas, we can't...yet.


    So, we set up in respectable neighbourhoods and keep our lawns neatly manicured so we don't stand out. We open the garage door so your car fits inside and no one driving by can see it. We sit alone when there are no visitors and wait. Appointments, an inconvenient but necessary evil.



    I was in a place in Bogata some years back that was just freakin' unbelievable. Everything Cat described but MUCH, MUCH more. OMG!!! In those days, the greenback went a LONGGGG way in those places. Man, I dove in and thought I'd never leave!!!! My God, those South American ladies were FINE!

  13. OK... what the hell am I referring to?


    Well... Recently I got "last-minute cancelled" yet once again and I got to thinking (after I got over the disappointment that is). BTW - the reasons for cancelling were all legit; please note that I'm not slagging the SP's here.


    So I wondered.... Is there a way to construct a last-minute availability tool on CERB? It would be unbelievably useful for BOTH clients and SPs.


    A few days ago there was a thread about no-shows. If it's as bad as the thread suggested I'm sure all SPs have experienced this sooner or later. Even a legitimate and polite cancellation may leave the SP less angry, but still in the lurch with what will become a completely wasted time slot.


    And speaking personally from a client's perspective, last minute cancellations are a REAL drag as well. Or maybe it's not even a cancellation. Maybe I just suddenly decide, I wanna rock and roll right NOW(!) but do not have a 'reservation'.


    If there was way to post last minute availability on both sides of the transaction to let interested parties connect it would be a hell of a start in the right direction.


    Last minute time slots are like last minute plane seats or last minute hotel rooms. They essentially have no economic shelf life. If not consummed, the value is lost forever. Can we find a way to monetize that soon-to-be-lost opportunity for the SPs? Can we find a way to re-direct a pumped-up and ready-to-go client who just got nuked out or who doesn't have a reservation?


    Mod - any ideas how to do this in a CERB context?


    Anyone else - ideas?


    If we can figure this out, it will be worth its weight in gold (for the SPs literally true)

  14. So I was visiting my favourite SP today (yea Paige is Back woo hoo!!!)

    And I got to grabbing licking and finger her ass, and I am sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that she has the best ass in town, now I do have to clarify here because there are several kinds of butts that you guys may like, Paige has the muscular thin kind it is more out than side to side with no saddle bags and lots of attitude and flex, Bijeaux has the same kind of butt, it's a rarer shape. Some of you may prefer bubble butts or onions or pears, and then there is the porno butt kind of a mini bubble butt, and the flatter butt with or without saddlebags etc...


    At the end of the day no one is as into butt play as Paige, and I love it. Her ass fits me perfectly and I love sliding in and out of it.


    Just wondering if anyone else had a favorite butt or felt the same way as I do about Paige's?


    More than half the marks are for playability and her level of enjoyment, so please lets only talk about butts that can be completely had. The lady has goto understand Greek. (saw a sexy Latino hotty wearing a shirt the other day it was black and very tight and it said I love my Greek, I was on a patio on Preston Street and she walked by on the sidewalk, I nearly lost it right there!!!)

    Can't argue the point. I remember them both very fondly (Paige's butt and the T-Shirt)


    Paige's talent is undeniable! Hope to be able to report more backwards progress (ie to the rear) soon.

  15. Yeah, I put a few calls into her today as well without an answer. As Dummpy said, maybe a day off. She goes to school and was into exams a week or so ago; maybe just busy with something along those lines.


    Last time she returned call within 30 min.


    But here's the important part.... be patient! It is VERY well worth it. She is wonderful.


    i just did, guess i'll have to sit on it and wait.

  16. Goodguy613


    Well, it's probably a bit further than 1 hour, but if I recall there was a hotel near the waterfront in Kingston that had a number of specially decorated fantasy rooms; one of which I believe may have been along the lines you are describing.


    It might have been the Best Western.


    That's all I can think of...

  17. Just to add to what has already been accurately stated... Cat is the whole package. A fantastic classy lady with great attitude who goes the extra mile and sweats every detail until it is perfect.


    If I had to pick one; just one, for my "Deserted Island" list, Cat would be my instantaneous choice. How we are so lucky to have Cat as part of our community, I don't know.


    Sexy, sexy, sexy and service to die for.


    Any SP getting in to the business should check out Cat... she sets the standard all others strive to achieve.


    Cat, you absolutely ROCK!!!!

  18. Cat, Paige


    Jesus! What next!???


    The so-called moral or emotional issues are non-existant for you... that's for the wise-guy and his significant other to sort out between themselves. Neither are you obliged to try and be peace-makers of any sort. You don't own any part of the fundamental problem per se and I see zero upside for you should you try to engage in solving it. Ignore it... if you react to it, you may just fan the flames.


    The real problem is the physical harassment risk you have now been exposed to. As someone mentioned above, you can direct their emails automatically into a spam folder and auto delete. And, handling the unwlecome phone calls can also be managed to a point.


    It's when all hell breaks loose at your front door that things get very tricky and there are no great solutions to that. Bottom line is you have been SERIOUSLY compromised. At least Paige has a buzzer / security door they have to get past.


    And as horrible as a one-on-one encounter with the individual would be, it just gets even worse if you have a legitimate client with you when the brick comes crashing through your plate glass window. Damn.


    I hate - absolutely hate - the thought of you having to physically displace yourself as the only secure remedy to this travesty but as Cat said, if threats were to escalate, it could come to that. At the very least, where it does not already exist, you may need to consider security systems and a double-door entrance with dead bolts, peep-holes, etc. What a supreme pain in the ass. Unbelievable.

  19. May I add..... a beautiful amazonian...with perfect ASSests! you go girl!

    Paige is just plain wicked beautiful. Every part of her is perfection. To say or imply otherwise is straight-up dead wrong. Period.


    And as fantastic as she looks, she has a sweetness of personality to match.


    And oh... did we mention sexy as hell??

  20. Cookie1964


    There are MANY extremely well reviewed ladies here; virtually all of whom would meet your simple requirements of fun and oral.


    Do your homework and read through the threads... find exactly what YOU like. You can hardly go wrong if you stick to the well reviewed SPs. There are so many that are fantastic, it is hard to know where to start. Ain't it great???

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