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muff rancher

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Posts posted by muff rancher

  1. Shiver me timbers! I've reached the 100-post milestone. And it only took me...a year and a half at an absolutely smokin average of 0.19 posts per day! That's nothing compared to all you who count your posts in the 1000s. But for me, it's kind of landmark [edit: Now I'm listed as a "long time member." Huzzah!] This might the longest I've ever committed to anything. LOL.


    So just 900 more posts until I get my Cerb-1000 smoking jacket. Shouldn't take too long.

  2. As with anything in life, the root of disappointment usually comes from a lack of clear communication.


    You mention in your post about being shy. This might have something to do with your appointments not meeting your expectations. It might help if, before you meet your SP, that you state upfront that you're normally a little bashful. That makes things a lot easier for your SP because she'll then know how to help you with that. Otherwise, your lack of verbal communication might wrongly be assumed as something else (being distant, being uninterested, etc).


    Look at it from the SP's perspective, on meeting you she won't know what kind of guy you are or what you want. So even if if feels a little scary, it will be worth your while to say what you're looking for.


    Also, remember that when you're spending time with an SP it can be a great way to boost your confidence because frankly, the good ones will tell you that they've seen and heard it all before... so the last thing you need to worry about is her laughing or recoiling at your perfectly reasonable advances.


    Take your time researching. There are fabulous women here on cerb. Read the reviews carefully too. If they are penned by well established members, then you can usually take them at their word.

  3. Bringing it up during your appointment can be a real buzzkiller and just lead to awkwardness…who needs that, right? The simplest solution is that if this is something you’re into, do your research and choose accordingly. Those who do offer this tend to state it upfront on their website or in their pre-appointment message(s) to you. Otherwise, assume that greek is not on the menu and respect that.

  4. Well gentlemen, I have a confession to make.


    I have been holding out on you.


    You see I met this amazing woman, ottawabella87, and I've waited until now -- after several mind-blowing sessions -- to fess up and write a review. You'll forgive my taking one...and then taking a few more...for the team, on account of the fact that my meetings with ottawabella have been the most exquisite I have ever experienced since engaging in the ranching sciences.


    This is a rare gem of a woman, guys. And unlike all of you lucky dawgs here on cerb who have the benefit of her photos to preview (and they speak volumes about her stunning beauty), I met her the first time sight unseen.


    To be clear...my jaw hit the floor at out first meeting. As in oh-my-god-this-woman-is-stunning-and-she's-looking-right-at-me. Instantly personable, friendly, smart, emotionally mature well beyond her years...and always with this mysterious smile. It's hard not to imagine how any fella won't be smitten by her. She offers fabulous incalls at good locations. So rest assured, it will be worth your while.


    As those of you who know me will attest, I'm not much for divulging details about encounters. What I will say is that ottawabella plays safe, offers a great GFE, and that she will treat you very well *provided* that you do the same. And I know you will, because cerb folks are a good bunch who appreciate rare beauty and grace as is the case with ottawabella87.

    • Like 1

  5. Everyone's tastes are different. For what it's worth, I prefer women who are closer to my age. It's not just a comfort issue for being intimate with a woman under the age of 25 (an arbitrary number here...more of a guideline than a cut-off for me). Talent, stamina and a taste for quality over quantity...all these things improve with age. ;)

  6. Call me cautious or even a little paranoid but I think it is unwise to agree to pre-meeting terms that involve you having to go to a specific location of someone else's choosing, to provide a detailed description of your appearance plus the vehicle you're driving. As I see it, in those circumstances not knowing who you're giving this info to or why they want it, you might as well just paint a big target on yourself. The SP might feel she has her own reasons for making such requests...and that's another matter entirely. But you also have to think about your own safety and right to discretion.


    One of the many great things about cerb is that a well-reviewed MPA or SP will never give you this kind of run-around...and that's important peace-of-mind. In all cases, trust your instincts. If something doesn't seem right when making arrangements, then you're right to cancel.

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  7. It's worth noting that none of the places that were busted held a city license to do massage of any kind. There was a list posted last summer of all the licensed establishments...I think it was on this board but I can't be sure. I'd be interested to know if there have ever been any busts involving any of those places.


    I can only think of two cases in the past five years where LE shut down a licensed place. One was a bust where the MPAs were clearly offering waaaaay too many extras, and the other (more recently) where the license was apparently suspended by the city (perhaps not coincidentally after they allegedly tried to open a second location).


    Still...this is a trend that's worth keeping an eye on.

  8. Great girl and fantasic massage but man she never stops talking. Thats the only thing keeping me from a repeat.


    To each his own. I much prefer a chatty MPA to one who is silent. Even more so with an SP. ;)


    I'm puzzled about the talk of Jessie's new guns. I was sure that she had man-mades when I saw her last, and that was months ago. Unless said guns were brought back to the shop for...uhhh...enhancement work.


    Even back then, they sure were impressive.

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