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muff rancher

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Posts posted by muff rancher

  1. Indeed, I recall there being a few threads on that (cough) *other* board that talked about a gangbang involving one very willing and talented SP. But that might be something altogether different from what you're looking for. Foursomes can be a whole lot of fun if it's planned right and everyone has the same understanding of the ground rules.

  2. What's been made clear in this thought provoking thread is that an SP can have many good reasons--and all valid--for requesting a photo. My sense is that those who are independents have to take charge of a lot more in terms of maintaining their safety and their *sense* of safety. Equally true, many men who see SPs and MPAs do so knowing that each time there is a risk of being found out. That's a worry for some, while for others it's just accepted as part of the experience.


    Personally, there are times when I have been asked to provide a photo and it has given me pause, if only because I don't know the person at the other end of the correspondence. But I can also say that if any of the women in this thread were to ask me for a photo first (hi Paige, Ava, Cat etc!), I would not hesitate because they are known here on cerb as great people who care not only about being good at what they do, but about taking care of themselves as well.


    So for me, when faced with the request, I either comply trusting fully both the woman's discretion and the reasons behind her request, or I move on with no hard feelings. Chacun son go?t.


    Threads like this one are great for getting a better idea of another's perspective. My hat's off to everyone.

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  3. The strangest call I ever had was with this fellow who didn't say a word to me the entire time.



    Oooh can I ever identify with that kind of experience. Let me share one of my own.


    Once (and only once) I saw an MPA who started the session by saying to me "no talking" and then proceeded with her ministrations wordlessly. It was very, very weird...and hard for me to keep my yap shut since I'm the chatty type even when engaged in the ranching sciences.

  4. especially your cowgirl of the week/day...she is a hottie! keep her going pal! kudos...Pete



    Agreed! We need more cowgirls like that one. :)

    Good stuff on the heads-up efforts on dangerous encounters/fake pics. We all need to be reminded that, in this hobby, it's always a good idea to trust *and* verify before taking the plunge.


    Tip of my hat to you, sir.

  5. I can come sometimes 1 2 or 3 times.


    Ah to be that age again! :D

    But seriously, as others have pointed out, it has a lot to do with chemistry things just falling into place. But as I got older, I found there was much, much more pleasure in fine-tuning my gift for giving. A woman can be held in a state of steady arousal for a lot longer than a man can...and the rewards for doing so can be sweet.

  6. Just checking to see if anyone has been to Body Basics lately. I used to go there to see two enthusiastic MPAs in particular (Ashley and Nikki)...but after they left/retired, I didn't see much there that caught my attention. Just wondering if the selection there has improved.

  7. I am between downtown and Westboro and am looking for a nice place to ease me in. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.






    Any of these will steer you right and have you smiling from ear to ear.


    Also worth checking out is Bridgetxx. I haven't met her (yet) but she seems to have some great reviews on this board. Remember: search is your friend. ;)

  8. Should I ask the provider permission to post a review?




    In my experience, SPs are generally quite happy to be reviewed because as Emma pointed out...it's good for business. But MPAs are often a different story. Because there are licensing issues--and not everyone has one--some are really sensitive about details being posted online. Add to that the fact that some MPAs and very select clients develop a rapport, shall we say, that extends beyond massage...and you can see why some would rather the details remain offline.


    With MPAs, it's always best to ask first.

  9. Ulixestrojan, don't get me wrong i'm all for a little dirty talk durring the act(s) nuttin wrong with that! :)


    True enough CK. And like all fans of the ranching sciences, I'm fond of a little dirty talk while in the saddle ;) . But there's a difference between that and racist talk. You have every right to feel ill at ease about it...I know I sure would have as well.

  10. i've been to triple a a few time very pricey and very exspensive to use atm cost me $20.00 to use but girls very nice looking dressed good but just to exspensive for my blood


    Thank you, mighty Mod, for pulling the plug on all the bullshittery that's been going on here and elsewhere on the board of late. The thing I'll never get over about shills is how painfully obvious they are to everyone except (apparently) the ones writing those posts.

  11. Dummpy, Cowboy Kenny, PistolPete, antlerman - what do you think about the new and improved AAA Spa?


    Leaving aside what as been a weird couple of days on this board in which new members have been posting stuff that sure smelled like shill...

    I'd also like to hear the thoughts from reliable members like the ones mentioned my ulixestrojan. In all the years I have been hobbying, I've steered clear of Triple A because of the notoriously bad reputation they have had. But hey, I'm forever open to new things.

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