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Posts posted by Pretty_Playmate

  1. This may be the same cassie I was working with back in nov. but I belive she is in N.Y now and not taking calls any longer.

    Don't know why the posts are up but she is not avail on the number in the ad. It is one of my old cell phones and is not in service any longer.

    (since nov)

    She did have a smokin' body though.

    I miss you cass...

    what an ass!

  2. I must admit this gentleman has outdone himself with this wonderful review thanks...

    you really do live up to your name GOODGUY!

    Very sweet. My hidden talents await your return.

    Lets see what we can get ourselves into!!!

    I always like trying new things...

    Sorry about the landlord....

    "computer repair man" lol:oops:

    Can't wait till you return.

    Your pal


  3. -Thank you hooker... i enjoyed our time more than you did!!!

    Thank you soooo much.

    I am very happy to see how happy you are!

    I love return clients that are nice!

    -I made a bad decision to rebut a nast remark(or two in chat )

    thus I was suspended from the site.

    I have relized my wrongs in this situation and hope that it will not reflect on my services as an sp...

    sorry cerb and anyone involved the situation.

    I was wrong to involve myself in trivial matters.

    -Lets worry about the hobbiests satisfaction and not small un important matters.

    (realization on my part)

    -I would love to show my talents...

    give me the chance.

    xoxoxox your SORRY playmate....



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  4. No you do not have to be a member to read the threads. You do have to be a member and logged in to view albums, profiles, to make a post or post in the shout out box...


    OOOOH good to know luv. thx I was going on 2ndhand info.... I didn't think you could read the threads.

    Either way....


    -the cup could be half full though,

    -Any press is good press


    I am pissed at ottawa and how they have allowed this strike to go on,

    and for so long???? I am sure something could have been done.

    Scabs maybe....

    just my opinion

  5. I do know this, striking over x-mas ruined a lot of peoples holidays the people who ride the bus need te bus. people with cars have the option to drive whereas bussers only have buses.(or cabs) Thanks O town.... That's exactly why live in Que.! Ont. doesn't care. My neighbour told her kids Santa was stuck in N.Y and couldn't get there. spent minimal because she had to pay 4 cabs to work(in Orleans) or loose her job. Do you know how many people lost livelihoods over this. It's damn well evil in my books.

    back to business (I have ranted enough).....

    I will offer a $20 discount to bussers to cover the cab over....

    Don't think bussers is a word....lol

    oh well

    xoxox Jordan

    p.s the article is disturbing because you have to be a member to read the posts....

    I guess we could have a spy in our midst...lol

    its really not funny though.

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