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Posts posted by Apex2006

  1. Are you old if you remember seeing people use car phone or the original brick cell phone...

    Or if you can remember the days before the internet was in every home...

    Or if you have ever used an 8-track, tape, Batavision, Record player...

    Or if your first video game was a coleco...

    Or if you where the richesat persone of your group of friends if you had a computer...

    The way I see it is that I am not old until car that where manufactured the year I was born are considered collectibles!

  2. Have you ever had a public encounter with one of your SP's?

    After doing this for some time now, I have found that it has only happened to me once!

    I was hosting an event at a conference center here in Ottawa, and as I was talking to a few clients she walked by! All she did was look at me and smiled! I must say it kind of felt a little HOT!

    The next time I logged in I got a message from her ''it was nice to see you wink wink''.

    She played it perfectly!

    Has it ever happened to you?

  3. If the new law is saying that prostitution is now legal, will the government try and find a way to tax this industry....

    If so that would mean that the government expect the women to keep track of the clients and transactions and could lose all discretion that we currently have. I could be wrong!

    But if you think of it like a contractor, that is hired to do some mudding and taping for a home owner, they usually like to have some money under the table, but the government still obliges them to have some legitimate invoices. So a cretin percentage of their projects are on the books with the names and addresses of the clients they gave the service to.

    IMHO, the government will try and reduce the exchange of money for sex by legalizing it and forcing all the men whom have a wife, to give out their names and personal information so that they will think twice about seeing a SP!

    Pretty sneaky!

    This is just what passed through my head when this the new law was proposed, and is probably just a crazy conspiracy theory!!! But I can see this happening, if it does, I predict a huge reduction in clients in this industry.

  4. Why do people keep speeding up when you're on a busy street and about to turn off?


    Are you sure they are speeding up? It may be you that is slowing down for the turn!!!! lol just kidding!


    Why is it when I am ready to receive clients, it is quiet. Then when I'm not available or away, the phone is ringing off the hook?


    Because we are so used to waiting for our SO to get ready, we fall asleep and only wake up when the are gone!




    :icon_razz: Haha

  5. What is normal these days, what ever floats your boat is what ever you like. Don't ask people if what turns you on is normal!


    If we are clssed as F__ked up by what turns us on, I think every single person on this site would be F__cked up with me at the top of the pile!

  6. The only explanation is that they're probably add both together. 145 texts and 145 calls (rounded up to 155).




    Reason is always the same. Global warming.




    If it's food, they only give refund if you hadn't eaten it.




    AFAIK, people are getting lazier. Don't be surprise when these start to appear in dictionary.




    ...because they think it's cool???



    U said it DAWG!!! WORD



  7. Why do some people drive wearing the earphones to their Ipods?


    Cause they are too cheep to fix the radio


    Why would someone, for the 3rd week in a row, put their garbage out the night before pick up only to have to clean up the mess made by some animal during the night.


    Have you aver seen "The Great Outdoors?"


    Why do you get a large orange juice at McDonald's on a weekend but only a teeny one on weekdays?


    The price of an Orange is greater on the weekend!


    Why would someone ask if you are available at a certain time and then never call back?


    They are checking to see if it is a good time to steel your car!


    Why would a door to door salesperson return 3 days after being told no?


    He can't take rejection!




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