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Posts posted by Apex2006

  1. I have been hearing about this new virus that is a photo and fi you click it, you donload the virus!


    What dose this e-mail look like or is it only on facebook?

  2. To the ladies!

    I tip my hat to you all!

    As a few of the ladies have said, "I worry if they will be a problem", I can't imagine what you would do if he is a problem. I am not a small guy and I can protect myself, but even I am afraid of the woman that I am going to visit as I do not like confrontations.

    How you handle the "problem clients" I don't know, but I would like you all to be safe and take care of yourselves.

  3. Why you quoted me with your comments Apex!!!!????.


    I never said I didn't get up to vote. After work before I do anything else, I headed to my polling station and voted.


    I never said 61% of people did not vote!!!!!. I said 61% of those voted did not vote for conservatives but other parties because they did not want conservative agenda and I was saying that the conservatives must respect the will of majority and do not go ahead with a possible right wing religious agenda that they may have.


    Yes hopefully it is.I am more against the Bloc than cons. The cons have an idealogy different to mine (I strongly believe in equality, freedom of choice and human rights, in particular women's right...) and I respect theirs even though different with mine, but Bloc stands for division and destruction. I do NOT respect that.



    Oh sorry I was just trying to add to your point, and now that I have had my coffee, I see what you were saying!!!!


    I just had to say that people that don't vote bug me.


    Sorry! hope you can give a fellow CERBIE a second chance!!

    My bad!



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  4. Perhaps a comical comment about last night both Jack and Steve said in their speeches last night that they were both "going to get to work " LMAO 2 politicians or for that fact any politician stating they are going to get to work today :)


    It was all because of Iggy, Jack and Gilles did not want to work together with Steve. We ended up with a 5 week (very boring campaigns,and a long vacation for politicians that got to see the country from coast to coast) and a election cost of 385 million or more dollars that really nobody wanted.


    So the voters basically told Iggy hit the road you are not a leader, Gilles we had enough, and now Jack you make sure you play and work with Steve, but Steve is in charge!!! he can take his ball home anytime when no one wants to play by the rules.



    Yes get to work you over paid politicians!




    I agree..... but I sense a little frustration in your voice!!!!

    I can only thing of 385 million reasons for this.

  5. 39% is a majority?. The other 61% have to be ruled by this MINORITY. Yes still better than many other countries where the top unelected 5-10% rule. So yes it is a democracy (relatively).


    I hope that they come to their senses and end the scandals and corruptions and respect the democracy for a change and more importantly stay clear of implementing religious agenda which most Canadian do not want. They must remember that 61% of Canadians did not vote for them and did not wish their agenda.


    I feel that if you did not get up and vote, it is your choice to give up your choice of your countries leader to the people that did take the time to go and vote.

    It is unfortunate that we do have 61% of our population that don't care about the elections; all they had to do was vote. I also feel that they have given up the right to complain about the outcome.

    Left or Right wing government will never make everyone happy, but with a minority government our country will never be able to move forward. Will we move forward? Who knows! But now decisions will move forward.

    I am assuming that the Liberals are sorry they pushed so hard for an election now!

    Is this the end of the Bloc?

  6. Iam just going into an early retirement...46 yrs old and yes I will not be able to take to see the S.P,S as I would like to...my loss and it sucks..



    Good for you to retier at such an early age, I think I would still have a part time job to keep me sain and to pay for my Hobby!

  7. the best place I know is The Ontario physical center on woodroffe near meadowlands. They are one of the 6 ohip partial payment centers left in ottawa.

    They ae all liscensed no hanky panky.

    It is a professiional set up massages are extra but they do sonar teach you excercise to help with pack pain to hot towel and sonar treatments.


    They have helped me alot with my compressed discs and pinch nerves which effected my back.



    What do you mean by sonar treatment?

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