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Posts posted by BobbiInVic

  1. In my haste of returning from my vacation and booking all my tour dates, I seemed to have forgotten to book my Regina Hotel, and everything, and I mean everything, is sold out.


    Can anyone recomend a place for me to stay and work out of, I dont mind the cost.


    I even looked on craigslist for vacation/temp rentals but there was nothing.


    Anything would be appreciated!

    Thanks so much!




    [email protected]

  2. I can only echo these comments concerning Bobbi - primarily because I start yet start a thread of my own ;)


    I can only hope enough guys made contact with her this trip to make it worth her while to come back again, because I'll be standing at the front of the line waiting to welcome her back to the Queen City :D


    I guarantee that BC's Vixen will be back, and very soon!


    I had a wonderful time meeting you, and the ravishing was a fun time!




    Additional Comments:

    Bobbi is an amazing woman. Started with a 2 hour booking, wasn't near long enough, went for 3 the next time. I am not sure how long is going to be long enough to get enough of this girl, but I am willing to keep trying.


    Considering our house on the lake this summer, I will be all yours! ;)




  3. Hello Beautiful Members


    I wanted to update you on how I am doing!


    I am at my 4th week of time away from the business and I starting to recapture my happiness and soul......


    And, I have been able to put all my time and energy into finishing renovating my house that I purchased and I move in a week!


    I miss the boards, and the gentlemen I have met, but at this time in my life, I am focusing on refinding my happiness, and the smile on my face is becoming more obvious everyday!


    Hugs to all,


  4. I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has made the last 5 years wonderful, educational and allowed me to become the person I am today....


    I am taking an undetermined amount of time of from being an sp to decide which direction my life path should go.

    Continue being an sp, finsih my degree, go back to work at the Gov't or most important...hopefully find someone and fall in love.


    In the past 5 years, I have advanced myself farther than I every dreamed, but also, I have overcome grief and saddness beyond belief.


    I may be back, I may not, but for the time being, I am taking some seriously overdue "Bobbi Time"


    Much happiness and health to everyone.



  5. great reviews PistolPete and Cato of a lovely looking lady.,. I will really have start saving my pennies:sad:



    I am not sure what you mean.....


    If you are implying about my rates, they are normal for someone of my service, reputation and stature.....


    Trust me, with over 50 glowing reviews, you can not go wrong!




  6. She looks amazing I'm in for tomorrow

    Going to book her

    Is she in a hotel dt?

    Posted via Mobile Device


    Hmmm, I dont have you penciled in.....and I have no more availablility, I was booked up for this trip weeks ago...sorry, your loss! ;-)

    Unless you were the first 2 on my cancelation list of over 20!! (You know who you are)!


    I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Ottawa gentlemen for making me feel so welcome and liked.

    Pete and Cato....you two are legends here, and we each created our own memories to last us a lifetime, thank you for embracing me!! :smileysmontrefesse:


    I felt like I knew most of you on a personal lever because of the interaction on cerb...!!


    This really was a great stop, I only wish I was staying longer.


    I have decided to come back out here in March for 4 days....no more Toronto tours, only Ottawa!


    Thank you Thank you Thank you



    Bobbi Victoria

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