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Posts posted by coachg

  1. There are definately risks everywhere, but sticking to the reputable sites certainly makes it safer and more enjoyable. When you find yourself in a senario that does not feel right, then it is usually not right....you have to rely on what your gut tells you. I'm glad everything turned out all right and your only loss was a little cash, because in today's world anything can happen.

  2. I'd like to know more about her too. Many of my clients have asked if I could recommend a service provider to take my place after I retire on August 5th.


    I don't know any local SPs personally, but I personally think Joelene looks really hot.


    I'd like to know if she's any good and worth recommending.


    I am not so sure that there is one lady out there who can take your place after the dreaded day.....it might just be easier to give up sex!!!...or I could TOFTT and give Joelene a call and get the man's perspective on her. I agree, she does look very hot.

  3. Great reviews guys....this is the kind of stuff that make you guys legends on this board. Sophie sounds like a definate "must see" lady with lots of talent and a great personality. My hat is off to all you lucky bastards!!

  4. Hey Poker....I think it would be best to just let it go, but make sure you take the valuable lessons this experience provided....next time, just make sure the groundrules are all laid out and let her know that you expect and appreciate her honesty. Let her know how you feel about her doing her own thing....if you are ok with it or not. She should have respected you and been up front with her actions, but that is water under the bridge and cannot be repaired now...just make sure this type of thing can't happen in the future. Have a good one.

  5. Great review Homer.....I see you are as captivated with this sensual women as I am....she certainly weaves some very sexy magic and the moment she arrives on the scene...poof, she is gone....hopefully to follow her dream of a happy fulfilling life. We can only thank the love gods for letting her shine on us for a brief time.

  6. Well put Spike, old boy..I totally agree with your line of thinking. I would have no problem being in a relationship with a SP, but I, like you, would be very overprotective and that could lead to some unforseeable problems in the future. There appears to be a lot of special, amazing ladies out there who would be prime candidates for a serious relationship....very open, warm, loving and intelligent.

  7. I would like to think that I could date or even marry a working SP or EP but truthfully who knows how they would handle it and what types of happenings would set off negative feelings. I think that the two people involved would have to have a very strong, serious relationship where both parties involved were totally honest with one another ALL the time and discussed any potenial problems before they balloned into something serious. If both partners talked about the potenial pitfalls of such a relationship before they got into it too deep, maybe the could recognize any potenial threats and with that knowledge could work thru any problems that may arise. That said, there are also intangibles that could arise because of different partners, feelings, etc..and what boundries does the man have as far as extra affairs go? I think that any relationship of this nature would take a lot of thought and maybe even a little professional help but if two people are soul mates then anything is possible.

  8. I prefer a more mature woman who genuinely enjoys sex and provides a memorable experience.....usually 30 to 50, but I have found that a few of the mid 20 ladies also have the maturity to provide that exceptional experience that I seek. So although I love the women 30 to 50, I do not rule out the right 20 something, but it just takes a little longer to find her.

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