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Everything posted by bewlayb

  1. Cristy, I don't think I'm going to be much help because I don't really have a preference for what an SP wears. Part of the allure for me is anticipating what she might be wearing (or not wearing). To me, it says a lot about her personality and her mood at that time. I've had ladies looking gorgeous greeting me in their robe, jean skirt, torn jeans, a little black number, a summer dress, a bikini, and naked. And for each one of these my first impression was sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy and sexy. It's all sexy to me. It's all good. Surprise me.
  2. bewlayb

    Your gorgeous bum wins again! And yellow lace never looked so fine.
  3. bewlayb

    Love your breasts sweetheart. Mucho Mocha. Yum!
  4. I think their suspension ends next week. Meanwhile, you'll have to make-do with the individual posts by the ladies.
  5. The real discussion going on here is, "What did he say?" and "What did he mean by what he said?" Only the OP knows for sure... and he's not here. I'm not questioning the authenticity of the OP, but I do take exception to his dropping a "bomb" and then leaving the room. The reason so much is being read into his message is because he's not here to clarify his hurried message or resolve our misreading of it. When you're in such a rush to get out of town, keep your controversial thoughts to yourself, say a pleasant goodbye to everyone (if you must say something), and quietly move on.
  6. Okay, so here's the part I don't get. The OP uses his last post to dump his troubles on us and supposedly walk away. What's the point? Many here are saying be nice, be compassionate, give him a break. I say, show compassion to whom? The OP said that #37 was his last post. After the message he delivered, he'd have to be a hypocrite to turn around and continue logging on to read whatever we have to say about him. His last post was designed to either elicit our sympathy or dismiss us and our lifestyle. Personally, I would prefer it if he (or anyone else so inclined) just quietly asked the mod to deactivate his account. If you want to go, go nice, go quietly. No need to lay parting shots or guilt trips on the rest of us. Now, who wants to talk about sex?
  7. Taken literally and out of context, his words may say "I did this", but then why say anything at all? Especially on the very forum that's causing you all your grief. And he does say that too. More selective editing clearly reveals cerb at the root of his woes. Consider: Translation: Being "here" (on cerb) makes our lifestyle "seem" more "normal". Translation: It (cerb) has led me astray. Can't get much more judgmental or blameful than that. And finally, a dash of righteousness: Translation: Repent, sinner, repent.
  8. If this thread is any indication, it seems we have more than a few troubled souls on this site battling inner demons. If I were an entrepreneurial mental health professional, I'd seriously consider advertising here. Life is full of decisions. It sounds like the OP made one that he now regrets. He needs to own up to that fact and stop blaming others for leading him astray. If he can't do that and/or he cannot cope with the devastation he caused in his life, then he should seek professional help. That may sound smug and simple from where I'm sitting, but if down the road I find myself in a similar situation (and I may, I'm not infallible), I hope I remember to follow my own advice. If I don't and start the blame game here, please, you have my permission to remind me.
  9. Hatful of Hollow (1984) A collection of single A-sides and B-sides, and BBC session tracks. Favorite tracks: Handsome Devil What Difference Does it Make? How Soon is Now This Charming Man Hand in Glove Girl Afraid Reel Around the Fountain This Night Has Open My Eye The Queen is Dead (1986) Their third studio album. A diverse mix of music styles, with plenty of Morrissey's clever writing, wit and sense of humor evident. Some of my favorite Johnny Marr guitar work. Favorite tracks: The Queen is Dead (Take Me Back to Dear Old Blighty) - fab guitar effects Frankly Mr. Shankly - "you are a flatulent pain in the ass" I Know It's Over Cemetry Gates Bigmouth Strikes Again - anyone else hear Barracuda in this? Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others - "lend me your pillow, the one that you dream on" Honorable mention for debut album - The Smiths (1984)
  10. I'm with the majority so far - lights on, dimmed, candle-lit, etc. However, I like morning sex and there's nothing better than doing it in a warm bright sunlit room... especially if the sunlight is streaming in through white sheers being ruffled by a breeze.
  11. Hey, have I been doing it wrong all these years? During missionary I usually support my own weight with my hands on the bed beside the lady (push-up style). That's not to say we're not close or she can't feel my weight on her. I control and vary my weight and proximity. I never thought about putting my hands on her breast the whole time, but it sounds like fun. But seriously, is it common for men to allow their full weight to bear down on a woman during mish?
  12. Happy B-Day Cato! May you indulge in all your favorite B-things today. Beginning with your Birthday... and also Bums, Boobs, Bisexual Babes, Barbarella's, Barefax, Bathing Beauties, Blondes, Blow Jobs, Back-rubs, Banging, Barmaids, Beer, Backgammon, Bagpipes, Baked Beans, shaving your Balls, Behaving Bad, Breaking Bad, Bowling, Big Bands, Big Bank Balances, Bingo, Bathhouses (really?), Batman (as played by Christian Bale), Bawdy Jokes, Beemers, Blueberries (antioxidants!), Bearskin Rugs, Beaujolais Nouveau, Beavers, Bed-hopping, Behinds, Belly Dancers, Benders, Benefactors, Benefactresses, your new Bifocals, Biker Chicks, Biomechanics :icon_wink:, Birkenstocks, Blind Dates, Bikinis, Benign Blisters, Bloomers, the Blues, Bodysurfing, Boilermakers, Big Boners, Boffing, Bonking, Bono, Bootlegs, Booty Calls, Bootylicious anything, Booze, Bordellos, Bosoms, Bouchées, Boudoirs, Bourbon, Being a Boy-Toy, freeing Breasts from Brassieres, Brothels, Buttplugs, Being in the Buff, Bungee-Jumping, Buxom Beach Bunnies, Buns, Burlesque, and Beef Burritos.
  13. I'm glad it's ended well for you. This is a good lesson for all us hopeless romantics... of how thoughtfulness quickly turns to thoughtlessness.
  14. bewlayb

    For obvious reasons this pic warrants an expression of appreciation. Thank you Parker, for sharing it with me.
  15. bewlayb

    Love the red hair and all that's going on beneath it.
  16. bewlayb

    Isn't she lovely? Yes, indeed. Nice pic. Beautiful body.
  17. I agree with you Julie. And Mr. Green makes a similar point. Problems occur when people try to be something they are not... like skinny, when genetics have them programmed to be more voluptuous. Take care of yourself - eat right and exercise regularly - and enjoy living in your own skin, no matter how close to the bone it is.
  18. I've heard other woman, speaking from their experience, say the same thing about Lululemon. Overrated and overpriced. Being a guy and having never worn yoga pants, I can't comment on their comfort or their utility. But I can say that tea served over Lululemons tastes the same as tea served over another brand. Which leads me to conclude, it's the woman and her sweet ass inside the pants that makes the difference.
  19. If I was only allowed to take one Beatles album to a desert island - and God knows I would fight you tooth and nail over that restriction - I would take Revolver. Sgt Pepper may have been the culmination of their creative collaboration and studio wizardry, but Revolver is where they broke through to the other side, transforming themselves from "mere" Pop idols to the artists and musical geniuses we know them as today. There were glimpses of their new identity on the album Rubber Soul (Revolver's predecessor), but it was here that the new band truly emerged for the first time. Aptly, from an innovation and creativity standpoint, the closing track - Tomorrow Never Knows - debuts the studio magic that Sgt Pepper perfects and takes to dizzying new heights.
  20. It's difficult to pick a definitive best album for an artist of Dylan's stature. The most you can hope for is to identify a group of albums that are among his best. hfxandy already identified one (Blonde on Blonde). Here's another: Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks (1975)
  21. Not quite his debut album, but it snared me as a life-long fan. I have 'em all. Tom Waits - The Heart of Saturday Night (1974) "Friday left me fumblin' with the blues And it's hard to win when you always lose Because the nightspots spend your spirit Beat your head against the wall Two dead ends and you've still got to choose"
  22. I promised myself I wouldn't name a Beatles album, because once I let that genie out of the bottle, there's no putting it back. So, I'll do the next best thing... John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band A tormented soul and hurt man, letting it all out.
  23. I followed David Bowie's career closely as he progressed from Diamond Dogs through to his Serious Moonlight tour, but by 1984 my interest was waning (which is somewhat ironic if you know his catalog). I didn't really like the over-produced dance/pop direction he was mired in. While I had fleeting moments of interest when he became part of Tin Machine and produced his first true solo album in several years - Black Tie White Noise, it wasn't until Outside that he knocked my socks off again and regained my fan loyalty. A concept album that featured a reunion with his Berlin days collaborator Brian Eno, Outside depicts a degraded totalitarian future-world (is there any other kind?) where "art crimes" are all the rage. While the concept is dark and somewhat disturbing, the music is brilliant, harkening back to my favorite Bowie period: Diamond Dogs (a similarly themed future-world) to Scary Monsters. Should it be any surprise that this album resulted in a tour collaboration with Nine Inch Nails? Favorite Tracks (although they're all great): Outside - Has a kind of oppressive heaviness with catchy tempo changes. A great opener that sets the mood for the album. Hallo Spaceboy - Frantic and powerful. Pure energy. "This chaos is killing me" Prick Me - Despite the spartan and tight mix, there's lots going on in this song. Full of Bowie-isms and catchy chants and phrasing. "Wanna come quick then die" Thru' These Architects Eyes - Could have been the closer because it's almost a reprise of the opener Outside in feel, although more upbeat. Emotional vocals with a chorus transition that sends shivers down my back every time. Stranger When We Meet - IMHO, the sequel to Heroes. If you liked that song, you'll like this one. Beautiful and evocative.
  24. My early musical tastes are very much rooted in mainstream British Pop/Rock (Beatles, Stones, Cream, Bowie, Yes), and American Folk/Rock (Dylan, CSN, Neil Young, The Band). Many of the aforementioned albums are also "milestones" in my journey of musical discovery. However, in the summer of 1978 I tripped upon this album, which took me in some new directions and opened my mind to a range of new musical possibilities, particularly in art-rock and avant-garde artists. I first heard MSABF while listening to late-night programming on university student radio. Back then they would play albums in their entirety, with only a break to change records or flip sides. On this particular evening (early morning actually), I was under the influence of some kind of substance, feeling very relaxed and receptive (and alone, unfortunately), so I just kind of soaked the album up. It was so quirky and frantic to me (and so unlike the disco music I had danced to earlier in the evening), with rhythms, tempo changes, and arrangements I had never heard before. It made an indelible imprint on me. The next day I went out and bought the album, even though I could only remember the title having the words "buildings" and "food" in it. Thankfully, that was more than enough information for the record shop guy to find it for me. And so began an open-mindedness towards all music genres and a life-long quest to discover new music.
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