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Posts posted by bewlayb

  1. I finally did it.


    After months of flirtatious online dialog, exchanging compliments and sweet-nothings with a smidgen of prurient innuendo, I finally did the inevitable... I arranged a date with that self-described hot MILF, Megforfun. I admit, it was not without trepidation. After so much verbal foreplay, could the session live up to my now heightened expectations? Or worse, was it likely I couldn't live up to hers?? I at least could composite Meg's many sexy promotional pics into a delicious mental image of her from the neck down. And, I had the descriptions from her many glowing recommendations here on cerb to shepherd my imagination, lest it get carried away. But what did she have of me? Only my words. My expressions of admiration, interest and desire. Although honest and forthright, mere words nonetheless. My words and her playful imagination. Yikes, I feared the worst.


    When the day finally arrived, I quickly learned that my anxiety was all for naught. The moment she opened the door and I saw Meg's sparkling eyes and warm smile, I knew I was in the good company of a new friend. Within moments she had me upstairs, in her room and sitting beside her on the bed. I was still a little nervous (I always am with someone new or in unfamiliar surroundings), but that too quickly dissipated as we immersed ourselves in conversation and laughter. It's even better talking to Meg in-person, where she adds a dimension of animation and physicality to her fun and intelligent dialog.


    Meg is an attractive woman, and like her pictures suggest, she wears her clothes very well. Still sitting on the bed beside her, I saw that her skirt was hiked up to reveal a lot of bare leg. Unable to resist, I reached out. Her skin was soft and warm. As I softly stroked her leg, and she mine, I knew that a kiss was imminent. And it was.


    Meg is a great kisser. Clearly it's something she enjoys doing. Her lips are soft and her technique is gentle. She's passionate without being overly aggressive, and she was very responsive with audible cues of appreciation whenever I took the lead or, as I eventually did, extended the range of my oral exploration... ear lobes, neck, shoulders, her lovely and ample bosom... well, I'm sure you can imagine where I went next. :wink: Despite my amorous advances, we still managed to talk and laugh a little between kisses and it was at about this point I realized I was experiencing more than a girlfriend experience. This was a favorite old girlfriend experience. I couldn't quite put my finger on it earlier, but now I could. Our session had all the hallmarks of an old flame rediscovered: the initial tentativeness quickly supplanted by a growing familiarity; the easygoing, playful conversation; the smiles, giggles, and spontaneous laughter; and the undeniable feeling of a faint ember of past passion, re-igniting and catching fire.


    But Meg surprised me. She's not just all cuddles and cuteness and kisses. She likes to get physical too. I never expected to hear her utter such blunt words of encouragement as we surrendered our inhibitions to carnal instinct. Thankfully the end did not come too quickly (for me :icon_razz: ); but when it did approach, Meg made a special request of how she wanted me to finish. I happily obliged, and now we both have a pleasant memory of my final euphoric strokes. :icon_wink:


    Afterward, we rolled over and lay face-up on the bed for awhile, talking casually. It was nice and it gave me time to catch my breath and to reflect on the previous hour's activities. Whoops, did I say hour? I suddenly realized I had overstayed my welcome. No signals from Meg though, who remained as sweet and engaged as the moment I walked in.


    And that's what I found to be particularly unique and special about Meg - her ability to connect and fully engage with me for the duration of our session. Nothing in the way she related to me betrayed the true nature or finiteness of our relationship. For an hour she truly made me feel like I was the only guy she wanted in her bed now and for the foreseeable future. That's unique. That's special.


    All in all I had a great time with this vibrant and passionate woman, and I look forward to re-igniting our old flame again.


    I will return for more fun with Meg, or should I say... more Megforfun!!



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  2. It's clear from following this thread that an agreement on the definition of "GFE" or "True GFE" is not possible in our lifetime. However, I still want to help physicalchemistry differentiate between the two terms. So, I submit the following benign historical account:


    • Once upon a time the service option GFE appeared and it meant a certain "something".
    • Men liked that "something" and so began asking for GFE.
    • SPs soon realized there was a market for that "something" and so began advertising themselves as providers of the GFE.
    • Not every SP is the same. Nor is every client. So naturally the GFE varied according to each SP and her individual clients (the YMMV factor).
    • GFE now could mean "something plus this" or "something but not that" or even "something plus this and two of those".
    • As GFE became a popular option, some less scrupulous SPs began exploiting its popularity to lure men to their boudoirs. They advertised themselves as providers of the GFE despite having no intention of actually providing "something" .
    • Now GFE could mean a lot of different "somethings" or "nothing you expected".
    • To address the ambiguity in the market and highlight the true value of their original GFE service offering, some innovative SPs began advertising themselves as providers of the True GFE.
    • Men who liked that "something" they used to call GFE, now began asking for True GFE.


    Exactly what that original "something" was we'll probably never know or agree on. As demonstrated by the posts on this thread, the definition is lost in time and is as varying as the number of people that decide to offer their opinion or recollection of the meaning. Only the SP physicalchemistry saw advertise as True GFE knows for sure what her definition of that "something" is.

  3. Then I guess it's time for the two of us to stop geeking out on the true meaning of rockabilly and burlesque, and just accept it as it is. :confused0024:


    lol. I agree professor, it's either that or put away our dry erase markers and do some field research instead.


    Btw, I just found a thread discussing the meaning of GFE that could benefit from our expert analysis. Meet you over there in five. :icon_razz:

  4. Have they adopted Rockabilly music as the signature music of modern burlesque? Is that what it is? Original burlesque would've used a 1920's style music, which might not be too accessible to modern audiences, but rockabilly certainly would be.


    The examples of each from cat don't support this theory. Ginger St. James is definitely not doing burlesque when she's playing rockabilly music. Koston Kreme is doing what I think of as modern burlesque, but the music accompanying her is definitely not rockabilly. It sounds like typical burlesque music to me. All boom-shacka and nightclub-like.


    I like what both ladies are doing, but for completely different reasons. Just my pov.

  5. So it would seem whiteman and I were not at all wrong in our association of rockabilly to music. We are talking about the same thing here. Using Ginger St. James as an example, she is definitely performing rockabilly music (complete with archtop guitars and an upright bass) and her dress/hair/makeup is certainly derived from 1950's rockabilly fashion.


    However, I'm still not sure I see the exact correlation of burlesque to rockabilly. From a strictly fashion perspective, they are from completely different eras. Rockabilly emerged in the 1940's and hit its peak in the 1950's. Classic American burlesque (a mainly variety show with some risqué/ribald elements) had it's heyday from the mid 19th century to the early 20th. When we talk of burlesque today, we're usually referring to the 1930's version which had evolved to become a show featuring strippers and the striptease (think Gypsy Rose Lee). Fashion and style-wise that's about 20 years before rockabilly.


    I suppose there are similarities in the use of makeup. Rockabilly style is about heavy eyeliner and (especially) lipstick; while burlesque, being a stage performance art, relies on much the same to exaggerate facial features for the audience.


    Anyway, I'm not trying to argue with anyone's opinion or contest their suggestions. I'm just trying to understand the OP's request, which seems to imply that rockabilly and burlesque are synonymous. The ladies who replied seem to get it (cat, malika, saramq), but I still don't. I'd like to, because maybe I would be interested in SPs in that style too! :icon_smile: It would be nice to hear some feedback from bullmoose so we can determine whether the suggested ladies are what he had in mind.


    And btw cat, thanks for introducing me to Miss St. James. I found a couple of her videos on youtube and quite enjoyed her music and energy.

  6. It really does... but as I'm not a regular in the hobby it is not that bad....


    I'm not a cell phone fan.... and I wouldn't want to use my home phone for the some privacy reason.... as many of you I guess!!!!


    Maybe one day if I really feel the need to see a special girl I'll go get a cheap prepaid phone for that purpose !!!!



    I never had a problem booking massages (including those at Lamoras) using a public pay phone. Only when I started seeing SPs regularly did I have to invest in a hobby phone (and then, only to broaden my choices).

  7. I started out with massages and then evolved to SPs as I began craving more intimacy and reciprocity; although I still enjoy an occasional massage.


    In the beginning I was a titillation seeker. Massages were strictly physical experiences with a very specific end objective. Then I met an MA I really connected with on an intellectual and emotional level. She showed me another dimension to the massage experience... a social interaction, complete with a range of conversation, laughs and genuine warmth. I found myself going to appointments looking forward to the other stuff as much as the massage (which was always good). With a few notable exceptions, I have found this level of engagement easier to attain with SPs rather than MAs.


    As a result, I now simply try to replicate that experience with each new lady I choose to meet, whether they be MA or SP.

  8. Speaking as someone who has been hobbying for close to 20 years now, I can tell you for a fact that this trend is cyclical. It is not that there is more acceptance or less acceptance, the truth of the matter is that new SPs and MAs cycle through the industry.


    It is true that the internet has made it somewhat more pervasive but keep in mind that before that, the means of communication was done through the classified as well as the good old phone book.


    I don't doubt that the massage industry is cyclical like any other industry. And it is possible that it may be experiencing an upswing of its natural cycle right now. But I also think the overall market is growing. The reason? The internet.


    The impact of the internet on the massage industry (and sex industry) is significant. Communication is the key. The internet is enabling communication within the industry in a way that didn't exist before. Phone books and the classifieds (yesterday's tools) are media for advertising, not real communication (by which I mean a two-way dialog). The internet allows forums and communities like cerb to exist; online havens where clients and providers and the curious can learn more about the industry and each other. It enables a level of comfort and familiarity with the industry that previously would have taken years of first-hand experience to attain, if at all. The industry becomes demystified for everyone involved and not involved. Moreover, the online communities provide aspiring MAs and independents with a support network of mentors, consultants and confidantes to help them take the plunge. This I would expect, makes it less intimidating for new providers to start. So yes, I think because of the internet we are seeing an unprecedented growth in both clients and MAs (and maybe independents too).

  9. I don't doubt that it is growing and becoming more popular, but it is difficult to gauge by how much. Part of the perceived growth/popularity is the visibility and information afforded by the internet. Much of the business was underground before, but today we talk about it more openly on boards like this... and with providers actively participating... which helps. Also, attitudes are changing, particularly among the law enforcement community; so we're not so afraid of getting "caught" (in many cases doing something legal). Gone are the days that I feel compelled to park my car blocks away and take a circuitous route to an MP.


    It would be interesting to know what the true growth of the massage industry is in Ottawa and in general?

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  10. Many excellent points made on this thread. When I started out I exclusively went the MP route. My reasons were simple: Long married, I craved the intimate touch of an attentive women. A good MPA's specialty I soon discovered. Even now, after terrific experiences with several wonderful SPs, I still enjoy the remarkable sensory awareness and exhilaration that a really good MPA can provide. Your hands will always have a place to roam (on me) miladies.

  11. Rick's Place. That was my first experience in an Ottawa SC. It was about '82 or '83, I think. I was in my early twenties and relatively new to the city. A friend at work was always going on about the great clubs in the city. When another work mate was getting married, the friend volunteered to organize a SC tour. The first place he took us was Rick's. We arrived before 6 PM, straight from work. The place was more-or-less empty and the house lights were still on. There were six of us, so we took a couple of tables near the stage. We ordered our beers, but no sign of any dancers. Eventually, someone must have let a girl know there were paying customers out front. Now as much as a few of us were looking forward to our first Ottawa stripper, she and her show didn't quite have the anticipated effect. It might have been because she was a bit old for us and not really a very good dancer; or, it could have been just because the lights were still on. Anyway, she soon lost our attention, so we resumed our conversations, only stopping to politely applause after each song. At the end of her set, she stands on the stage and starts yelling at us, "What's wrong with you guys? Don't you like women? What are you a bunch of f*ckin queers?" (it was the 80's, you could still say that) Needless to say we left shortly thereafter. I guess in hindsight, it was rude of us. But then again, who knew that just because we were the only ones in the place, we were obliged to watch the whole show from our table. The night vastly improved as we headed up Bank Street and eventually ended it at the Fax.


    Valentino's and Habba Babba's were my favorite haunts in the late eighties. Went to Valentino's when I wanted to experience a guaranteed bevy of beauties. Went to HB's when I wanted a more relaxed and colorful atmosphere. Had a few interesting encounters at HB's. Like the time I honestly lost track of how much cash I had on hand and came up $10 short for the number of dances received. This is before the days of ATMs in the clubs. Lesson learned: Hell hath no fury like a dancer short-changed. 2nd lesson learned: Dancers are only interested in your bills... not your pocket change. :oops:


    The Gypsy Rose. A bit of a long drive, but I liked that place too.


    Final thought: I remember back in the day, when the girls still danced at your table, how as poor young college grads we would strategically sit as close as possible to where the businessmen sat. The larger the group of suits the better. We knew there would be plenty of ladies to admire from this locale. And, when a girl bent over to smudge a suit's eye glasses, we'd have a front row seat for her other assets (and vice-versa). Anybody else do this? Looking back now, I think that was a tougher environment for a girl to dance in than today's champagne room. In the room she only has one guy to contend with and more control of the situation and how she presents yourself. Out on the floor, especially on a busy night when the place was packed, she was in effect dancing intimately for several guys sitting very close all around her.

  12. After the dance' date=' a bunch of men came up to me and started hitting on me, which I found kind of annoying. There are so many dancers for them to enjoy, and I was there as a client.[/quote']


    Yeah, that's a funny thing about us guys. I'll do the same. Surrounded by gorgeous half-dressed ladies; them giving me a wink and a smile, and suggesting we go play in the back room. Yet there I am, flirting with the waitress, kind of wishing I could see what's under her cute little outfit. Always wanting what I can't have.

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  13. as a caterer to fetish play , I enjoy the variety of full grown to shaved - presently i am full bushed - but will shave before a vacation in march :-)

    i find it gives me alot more variety in clients to alternate like this.



    I like it! I can see where that might add some fun and excitement to an encounter. Hmmm, I wonder what her kitty looks and feels like this time.

  14. One thing I've always wondered is why the shaved trend is so frequent among men as well? Vast majority of men are also fully shaved, I dont' get it!


    I don't know all the reasons for men completely shaving themselves - maybe it's a metrosexual thing - but shaved balls do feel awfully nice when handled by a lady. One reason I've heard for a guy shaving or trimming on top is to make himself appear bigger. At least that's the theory. I know it's no concern to you ladies, but for some guys...you know... it's all about size (perception). :icon_wink:


    As for completely unshaven women. I grew up when it was the norm. I don't particularly miss it, especially picking pubes out of my teeth afterwards. On the other, I'd never kick a lovely lady out of bed for not shaving. :icon_smile:

  15. one thing I forgot' date=' I still haven't figured out how to get a Mac-compatible mouse! It's on the to-do list.[/quote']


    As previously stated a generic USB mouse should work fine. I've used Logitech versions for years with a lot of success. In particular, if you have a MacBook with Bluetooth, the Logitech V470 is a great choice for wireless. It gives you traditional PC two-button functionality with a 4-way scroll button and doesn't tie up a USB port. Also, the white/silver model nicely complements the looks of a MacBook.

  16. Getting older helps. :razz: (Not really a joke. It does!)



    Premature was a big issue for me in my younger days. I researched a lot back then to understand the physiology and to find methods of control. I tried most things suggested in this thread. They can all help to some extent, but as described by nutty, getting to know your body and the phases you go through leading up to your orgasm is the most important thing. Recognizing the plateau is key. I always called it being "in the zone" because when you're there it seems as though you can stay there forever. You reach a heightened state of erection (hard (and fuller I think), yet de-sensitized... perfect for a porn star performance :motion:).


    For me to reach this state, I require a longer gentler climb to the top. A slow build up. That is, longer and less direct foreplay (sound familiar ladies :wink:). I've discovered that my body needs to acclimatize itself to sexually stimulation. Nutty was absolutely correct when he said we males tend to blow right past the plateau... usually not even realizing we passed it. In my experience, when you hit the hair-trigger point, you've gone too far. It is very difficult to recover from that point and fallback to the plateau. Not impossible, but usually with a low probability of success. Once you get to the sensation of the impending orgasm, you want it to continue, you want to complete (Why? Because your head knows it's going to feel soooo good. The little devil over your left shoulder says "You want it. Go for it!").


    Masturbation is a great way for a guy to get to know his sexual wiring. Rather than whacking-off, you have to approach masturbation as an exercise in self-discovery and, dare I say, self-love. By doing so you will experience and enjoy not only the finish (which I assure you will be better, if not spectacular), but also the long journey to the end.


    However, even a self-ware man, one who is completely in control of his "own domain", can be easily thwarted by a partner's approach and techniques. For example, last year I saw an MPA who, despite giving a fantastic massage, approached the finish as a HJ marathon. She got me off in record time, achieving her goal before I even reached a full erection. For me, the orgasm was a non-event; I left feeling unfulfilled and disappointed.


    Now back to Annessa's original question. My advice: treat the guy like a woman. Take it slow. Don't focus only on his genitals. When you play with his penis, play with the whole thing... and don't forget his balls. Lots of teasing and soft-stroking/kissing of buttocks, inner thighs, stomach, nipples... (see, just like a woman) The longer the build-up, before "the final act", the longer the final act is likely to be. Learn the tell-tale signs of a man's climb to orgasm (see previous posts). One physiological change that I don't think was mentioned is the way a man's testicles rise as he approaches climax. As he gets more aroused his scrotum will tighten and his testicles will ascend. One technique I read once to deal with an impending ejaculation is to gently hold the testicles down by putting your thumb and forefinger around the scrotum just above the testicles. I don't recommend doing this. Personally it makes me squeamish (a mood killer even) and I think it could hurt the guy if not done properly. However, this point does illustrate the testicles as an important stimulation sign-post.


    Great thread Annessa. Thanks for starting it. Interesting to see that you ladies don't know everything about what makes us guys tick. :razz: Perhaps I should contribute myself to your ongoing research and practice (ooh baby, more of that, no less of that, yes, right there... oh yeah baby) lol.

  17. My interest in this topic is a little more, ahem, specific. I've thought about starting my own thread about it. I'm interested in the "souvenir" aspect of this and have often wondered whether any of the ladies are also interested in capturing a photo memento of their clients. As someone who appreciates the fine art of female genitalia, I would love to capture images of the pretty orchids I experience. Is this something the ladies would allow? No faces or body shots that might reveal their identity, just a simple intimate photo shared with me.

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