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Posts posted by 2tontony

  1. Don't think he was asking what it "means" but how can he get the most mileage out of a visit. Aslysaint can correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I thought. Clearly he's a man concerned about mileage and wanted to maximize his and I think we should all go for the best mileage we can! Theretofore, be the best hobbyist you can. Ipso facto!

  2. Be polite when you contact them if by phone do not block let them know they are dealing with a real person. Don't ask too may questions about service as most are shy on this but you should be able to get the feel from speaking with them. Showing up with small gift is always chivalrous but not necessary. Be aware of your time don't make her say time to leave. Again her body language demeanor should let you know how you are doing in this regard. Remember you are dealing with a real person and not some sex doll. If they are uncomfortable with say "dfk" don't press. ALWAYS ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS respect her wishes. Make sure your hygeine is impeccable. Don't think because you had a shower at noon you are still fine at 7PM. Shower before hand always best. If you really wanna know how clean you smell run your fingers along your ass and sniff: this will tell you everything you need to know about hygeine. If she wants you to shower don't argue. If she sugests a mint take it. If she says no she means it. No pleading. If you like the Sp let her know you enjoyed yourself because the good ones care about this. You often find an even better connection on 2nd visit. Sometimes you can mesh right away but these are real women not chameleons so sometimes it takes a meeting or two. Most SP's I've met are super polite, enthusiastic, sweet women making a living in the oldest and boldest profession. They're good girls! Ther you have it dude hope it helps? Remember, it is your RESPONSIBILITY to be the very best hobbyist you can be! 2ton out.

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  3. You can't really. Sometimes you can ask if anyone here on cerb has seen a girl who advertises only on cl and not ec and cl. Some girls choose not to use ec and are still favourably reviewed. Don't think there is any clear cut answer to your question though.

  4. Did anyone get opportunity to see Krystal James when she was in? Had appt set up but no show at the agreed upon time (sent me an email next day sketchy apology). Bowser had the same problem appt set and agreed then no show. If anyone had any experience with while here pm me with the details be appreciated.

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