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  1. Sure is Nice,toooooooooo visit a Fav at TO/EB that hasn't been there for a year. Too See the Beauty that i thought i might never See again. A Dream. A Smile :) Sweeeeeeet ;)


    "Those Eyes" ;)


    "Soooo Sweeeeeet" ;)


    "You are a babe" ;)
  5. I'd like to say, tip what your HEART desires. BUTT, tip what your HEART and BRAIN desire:smile: If, it was just UP to the HEART, there'd be some HUGE tips;-):):grin::wink:
  6. :grin:lol:grin: I tried to get the Mod to Delete it after a few days. SEEMS NO GO. Just showin APPRECIATION to TYRA and to ALL those SPECIAL LADIES out there:) PLEASE,TREAT THEM ALL WITH THE RESPECT THEY DESERVE;-)
  7. If a CHICK (i know some CHICKS don't like the word CHICK) is gonna,BE RUDE,to me on the phone. No Thank You:). The Chick,could,be just havin a RUFF day,lots of phone calls,time of the month(i know)things just not goin right,etc.etc. Could be a HINT. Could have a TOUCH of rude,if you go visit. Or they,put on their HAPPY face. 50/50. Take a CHANCE,CUM in YOUR PANTS. ps -Try,and be SMOOOOOOTH askin questions:) pss - LISTEN:) to the LADIES:) GOOD:) replies:)
  8. SHE is a GEM:)and a FRIEND:) All they said was "she quit,she doesn't work,there anymore" :( YUP:) she is a GEM:) She'd talked about a few things:) HOPEFULLY,one of them HAPPENED:)
  9. NO:-| MORE TYRA:cry: YOU take CARE!! BABE:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D:-D
  10. APPRECIATE!!!!!! No more TYRA:-( Phoned the local M.P. today, she don't (be) there no more:cry: APPRECIATE!!!!! TREAT them with RESPECT and LOVE, because the next time you visit,you don't know if it'll be the LAST time. MAYBE, only MEMORIES:-):-):-D:-D;) ps- if YOU (TYRA:grin:) happen to read,this, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the YEARS and YEARS of SMILES:grin: YOU take CARE!!! BABE;-) Additional Comments: ;) Additional Comments: shit, i know it should of went into the MASSAGE DISCUSSION!!! BUTT AAH?? BUTT AAH??:smile:
  11. ssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh;-);-) lol ;-);-);-) ;)
  12. Convenience:-):-) Spur of the moment:-):-) Moment to SPURT:grin::grin: YOU find the RIGHT ONE at a GOOD!! MP "RIGHT ON with a HARD ON":grin::grin: YOU find the RIGHT, ESCORT "RIGHT ON with a HARD ON":grin::grin:
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