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Kaylee Kisses

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Posts posted by Kaylee Kisses

  1. 1. i love to run marathons and love to lift heavy weights.

    2. I'm a licenced aesthetician

    3. I lost my virginity to a boy in a mask on Halloween night when i was 13

    4. i hate ice cream and cake when its my birthday i want meat!

    5. i was going to live in Las Vegas but its tooo damn hot for me

    6. i have a cat named Diamond (i didn't think i was getting a CAT for Xmas!! LOL )

    7.I'm an aquarius but don't believe in astrology

    8. i do not own a car or a drivers licence........yet?

    9.I love scrabble

    10. I feel like a chameleon alot because no one can figure out my ethnicity and ppl from everywhere come up to me speaking their languages and expecting me to know what they are saying :-D


    i love getting to know you all a lil bit better by the way


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  2. i was wondering when is it appropiate to call back ? jow long is too long some times i dont get to answer my phone all day and if some one leaves me a message at 10am should i even call them back when i start at 4 that day ?

    maybe they called from work ? what if they are at home now , what if they found someone already? allthese things go though my mind ? how bout if they called the day before lol

    just looking for opinions



    Kaylee Kisses

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