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Posts posted by roamingguy

  1. Don't know if this counts as a purchase but just booked my hotel reservation for an upcoming stay in Toronto. And you know what's interesting, companions aren't the only ones requiring screening info and deposits, I had to give the hotel my name, address, credit card info etc to reserve my room. 

    Anyhow, next time a companion requests screening info and deposit provide it or don't initiate contact with her at all. Sorry, lecture over 🙂 

    But my room is reserved, later today a restaurant reservation will be made 

    A "In Anticipation" Rambling 


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  2. Today the biggy, time for Beatrix's annual check up. So took her to the Vets and Braveheart...'er Beatrix had her check up. The good news, she passed with flying colors. The bad, she was a scaredy cat shedding fur (she never sheds) hiding and howling/crying type meow

    But she's fine now. Repeat again next year

    A Rambling 

    Beatrix and Me



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  3. Expensive Day...But Good Day

    Paid a few bills specifically Rent, Cogeco, Rogers, Visa, Mastercard 

    Then bought gas ️...BTW filling up a truck from almost empty $160.00 😵💫

    And breakfast out today so I bought my breakfast 🥓 🍳

    After breakfast went to the cheese factory to get 🧀 😋 🧀 

    Then got groceries including of course coffee and no alcohol beer

    A Drained Wallet Rambling 


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  4. Thoughts...OK you asked

    1 If you have to ask if "should I go for it or not ?" that means to me and probably everyone that you have warning bells already going off...thats enough right there to not see her.

    2 Her answer includes bbfs which is HIGH RISK. It would be cheaper just to stay at home masturbate with one hand and play Russian Roulette with the other.  Her offering bbfs is just another reason to run away.

    Just my thoughts since you asked. There are many reputable companions out there.


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  5. Mixed really but I got my new plate permit...well my current plate permit got stamped (no stickers) and for two years not one, and as many may have heard No Charge...!!! 🙂

    The down side, it also means very soon my "odometer" (aka I'm getting older) will be turning. But the plus side, I still am seeing grass from the green side, with the bonus I'm standing unaided (aka sans cane) now.

    So all in all a good day today

    A Rambling 


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  6. Today it was breakfast out so I bought...breakfast 🥓  🍳 ️ 

    Then stopped at the grocery store picked up a few odds and ends...not a major shopping just a couple things. Must say it was nice to walk in the store not needing a cane or having to use a cart as a walker 

    A Rambling


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  7. Well yesterday first. Surgeon telling me it looks like now a knee replacement way off in the future...I won't need it done in a years time 🙃

    Second highlight which I did today, he told me to start exercising (walking and continue my physio) While my walk was slow I walked🚶‍♂️ approx half mile...with no crutches or cane...!!! and started back up with my physio

    It's going to be a bit of a haul returning to normal but I can walk...!!! 


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  8. While seeing the Surgeon yesterday I stopped at the Pharmacy and picked up one of my prescriptions.  Almost $26.00...just for that one, every month  glad I kept my Health Plan after retirement lord knows what it'd cost regular.

    Oh and $10 flat rate hospital parking

    But I can 🚶‍♂️ now 🙂


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  9. Today big first...went for my first walk sans cane or crutches. Well had to take the garbage out but I was able to walk 🚶‍♂️ slowly mind you to the dumpster. To be safe I carried my cane but didn't need it at all. 

    You don't appreciate your joints till they give out on you and you don't appreciate being pain free until you have pain 24/7. 

    A Happy Walking Pain Free Rambling


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  10. Had my knee surgery (both knees scoped) yesterday and today first time in a long time woke up to no pain.  Only down side my right knee so bad (worse than x rays showed) in a years time I'm going back in for total knee replacement surgery 

    Still need to mend and recover but hard remembering what no pain feels like

    Right now feeling good though

    A Recovering Sicko's Rambling 



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  11. After a re-read of this thread I was reminded of an upcoming date (yes it'll be post op but one I'm very much looking forward too) that I'm having so a deposit (2nd one) has been sent to the lady.

    And I've paid deposits (well in full) since 2011 (unless a lady doesn't take deposits) and never lost a deposit. So I'm going to continue paying companions by etransfer, including for this date.

    A Rambling From Someone Who Doesn't Hate This Industry




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  12. Guess an almost highlight of the day.  Got the call today from the surgeons office confirming my knee surgery is on for next week...mind you I'll believe it once it's done

    But.....well one thing weighing on my mind about the surgery, a song says it better than I can...😆

    Next week March 2 I'm under the knife🤞 all things being equal

    A Rambling


  13. A Few Series I've Watched Over The Last While And Worth Watching

    "In From The Cold"...a single mother spy/sci fi series much better than it sounds

    "Inventing Anna" about a con artist. Have no idea how so many could be duped when red flags were there. But worth watching

    "Unbelievable" about a young girl raped by a serial rapist and victimized by the system and two detectives hunting the serial rapist. Actually very good...worth watching.

    And I've Mentioned Them Before But If You Haven't Seen Them Really Worth Watching

    "Queens Gambit" who'd thunk you could make a series based on chess 😆 but you can...and a really good series

    "Ratched" about the (in)famous nurse Ratched.  Set immediately post World War 2...very good

    "The Kominsky Method" with Michael Douglas as an acting teaching. Humorous but more about friendships, aging than anything. Good...Also Worth watching

    So a few series on Netflix you might want to watch. My regret...not saving Unbelievable and Ratched for when I'm laid up at home post op...maybe watching them again is in my future

    A Rambling



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