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Posts posted by 777flyer

  1. Hi Lindsay


    I am sorry that this happened to you, you are certainly one of the most intelligent and sexiest lady on the board.......and not deserving of this type of behaviour.


    it never ceases to amaze me, just how crass some people can be, and how they lack the common sense to be decent........ Just annoying....


    Finally, of course you have the absolute right to see who ever it is you want to see and do not need to give anyone a reason for not seeing them....ever.....


    Promise me though, when i do see you, that you can talk with all those big words you normally do......so i can google while you are beside me......it's kind of becoming a fetish of mine......... ;-)



  2. Having been in the airline business for over 25 years I have seen a lot of great companies come and go.......and have been involved in bankruptcies, takeovers and so on.......


    HOWEVER, any VERY WELL RUN business, that caters to its clients, and provides a good quality service, will endure during even the roughest of times....


    Bad economic times, weed out the poorest run businesses first......


    those that maintain a high level of service, keep client satisfaction high, that are always innovative, and keep an eye on your competition.....will not only survive but strive in tough times, as others go under......


    While I do not confess to understanding the SP business, no doubt basic economic rules apply.....provide a better service that gives excellent value to your clients, and you will endure......

  3. you always have to out yourself as someone I'm talking about when I try to be discreet and respect that dont ya? oy.....like I said everyone, drama only ensues.....Thanks for proving my point CH. I also think this proves how some members can take it far too personally that some girls dont like it when a client snoops or admits she doesnt like them admiting to knowng person details about her or having seen them etc.


    stumbling upon and then searching for more are two different things....and no i do not take it as a compliment. sorry.


    This is absolutely BANG ON....


    I don't know why people don't always maintain absolute discretion...... don't assume it is ok to be a LITTLE non-discrete in certain situations, because it is NOT.....


    always be discrete, always.....if not for your sake, for your client or SP



  4. For me it is one of Four things for stress relief :


    1.) Ride my bicycle, with my IPOD chock full of Barry White, Barry Manilow, CHicago, The Eagles, Genesis, Pink FLoyd and ride for a few hours a a brisk pace....


    2.) Play my drums, which I love to do, yet have very little time to do, and as you can imagine it is quite loud, so definitely not something I can do when their are people at home.


    3.) Head to my local flying club, and go for a nice flight, just North of the GTA. The scenery from a few thousand feet in the air is simply breathtaking, and it's a nice change of pace for me.


    4.) I have a large Fish tank in my basement, and often times just watching the fish go about their day to day lives is very relaxing and surprisingly peaceful....




    I've been having the time of my life since I started this hobby less than two years ago, and want to express my thanks again, though I've said it before, to all the incredible and beautiful women I've met. I'm having some of the best sex of my life, and I've made new friendships that I cherish. And more to come.


    Good comment Cato, I agree wholeheartedly....some absolutely magnificent ladies here on CERB.


    For me, what I love the most, is the personal touch, the familiarity and genuine caring that develops over time with your special lady.....


    It becomes a great friendship that gets better over time.....which then makes each and every subsequent session that much more passionate and enjoyable.....



  6. For those that know me you know that I love hugging' date=' this video touched me since they are giving free hugs to anyone who wants one.



    Don't you feel better after someone gave you a hug? I know I sure do. I find its a sign of affection and approval.


    So to all of you from me hugs and kisses(kisses are for the girls only).


    Damn T !


    Good one.......


    Time for a team hug.........

  7. There is obviously 2 sides to every story, and we can all go back and forth ad nauseum ...... and then STILL end up here......


    As a hobbyist, if i were stood up by a lady, especially if she stood me up twice, I would simply move on......there are many beautiful women in this business, so no need to linger on one if it is not working out.......


    You vote with your wallet.....so cast your vote and pick someone else then...


    On a side note, I have seen Leanna several times, and she has always been on time and an absolute delight to be with.......but don't take my word for it........ check her reco's.......


    We all have a choice.....exercise your right to choose if you are not satisfied.....



  8. Bababoom


    There are a lot of 'first's' in life that you often look back upon....... for me.....


    First love.

    First woman I was with intimately.

    First child being born.

    First Time I flew solo in a plane.

    First full time "paying" job

    First House.

    First time flying with paying customer's.

    FIrst time with an SP

    First time in the ocean, and the power of the waves.....


    All these things I look back fondly upon, and are all very memorable.....and are all part of my life history now.....


    While I truly enjoy this hobby, I personally would wait to find a GF that I have a chance to spend a life time with......and that would be my first choice.....


    Having said that, ultimately, make sure, that you are comfortable with your decision........and if you still want to be with an SP, then you can scan this board for some of the most wonderful ladies you can meet that partake in this hobby......let them know your situation, and you will be well taken care of.



  9. Thanks guys!!!

    Yeah, I guess I will take it as a compliment then!


    Meg, there is an old saying, which you are probably too young to remember..... :mrgreen:


    "Imitation is the sincerest of flattery"


    Someone obviously wishes they were you.......... mind you, if I were you, i wouldn't need to go out......a mirror, a few toys and my hot body......well your hot body........is all i would ever need........oh, and my Barry Manilow CD....



  10. For me, I guess it would be the combination of the following:

    1. More interest at home

    2. I stopped getting what I am currently getting from the time spent with the lovely ladies of CERB (talking more than the physical side here).


    Great question Meg.


    When you retire Meg.....that would make alot of us quit....... :-P


    For me, it's when I become too old to enjoy the hobby or can no longer justify the expenditure......


    i am in this hobby because I enjoy a beautiful woman's company, and since I always choose longer dates which include dinner, it's a great way to spend an evening when you are out of town........ especially when you repeat with a particular lady and have a lot in common with her.


    DON'T RETIRE MEG..........



  11. in addition eastman....vulgar play by play is not warranted without prior approval....I feel like some little crank ho he picked up on Montreal RD




    The very reason I ended up frequenting only this site, was for based on your experience and comments about the other site........


    When I posted a review on one of the 'other' sites, it was rejected by the MOD, because I did NOT give enough detail of the sexual encounter during our session..........which was SPECIFICALLY contrary to what my lady had told me was acceptable......I obviously declined....


    At that point I simply bailed and ended up on CERB, which is truly miles ahead of the other sites in terms of class and manners of our members.....


    Unfortunately, those other sites suffer from a herd mentality that is suited for the by gone years associated with the Cave Man era.........


    Kudos to you cheek for standing up for Meg........



  12. Awesome thread, made me hunt my IPOD down.....which is chalk full of 70's and 80's songs !


    Genesis songs while Peter Gabriel was a member ( not the bubble gum stuff that came later with Phil Collins ), such as cinema show, lamb lies down,


    Deep Purple.....smoke on the water, highway star.....


    Chicago - again all during the Peter Cetera Era.....make me smile, 25 or 6 to 4.....


    Barry White...... you're the first, can't get enough.


    Yanni - Live at the Acropilis ....the entire CD


    Saturday Night Fever.......


    Steely Dan - Aja


    Pink Floyd - Dark side of the moon and Of course, 'The Wall'



  13. I have a theory, and like most of my theories it's based totally on conjecture and probably as lame as all hell.


    I have seen your pics Jazy and there can only be one explanation... spontaneous human combustion.


    He was driving over to your place and burst into a flaming homosexual. That is only my thought though... very little science went into that....


    Dog....... I think you hit the nail on the head..........rofl.....amazing mind you have man..........

  14. To be quite honest, don't know how to fix the issue, but I left Hotmail and went to gmail far superior as far as I'm concerned. Hope someone can help you out Selena, chin up :)


    Like Pete said Gmail is the way to go, I too bailed on Hot mail and went to google mail, it has some excellent features........


    Listen, mistakes happen..... most people will accept that....those that don't, well it is there loss.....


    If I were you, I would write a note to each and every person, explain what happened, and let them know how terribly upset you are at what happened.....most people will accept your sincere apology and will not let this incident affect their relationship with you....


    Chin up...... far worse things in life happen.......



  15. I agree it's happening too much I had one cancellation today one no

    show and one came and say he's not interested for that I thought

    in all fairness he should pay a cancellation fee as my pictures

    are me and he knew in advance what I would look like

    I mean phone call is always greatly appreciated if uou can't come

    I understand but just standing someone who takes the time to prepare

    and get ready for you is just rude.

    I hopethings will change

    we always will understand things occur and can prevent you from coming

    it's okay but please call

    hugs n kisses jazy

    Posted via Mobile Device




    Your pictures are very sensual and you are a very desirable woman......


    To me, the gentleman who said he was not interested, is using that as an excuse..........he is too much a coward to admit he had cold feet, preferring to blame it on you with a lame excuse......


    Anyone with any semblance on intelligence can see through this guys excuse.......



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