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About kyle842

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  1. A massage provider offering this value-added option on her sessions described it as, to paraphrase, the blending of a bodyslide and a lap dance, and went on to suggest that it was a much safer release and a more mind-blowing experience.
  2. Talk of a stalker in progress, restraining orders and police files may be misguided at this time on two counts. First and most importantly, it may cause B unfounded concern or worry. Unless someone out there has had a similar experience to draw on, or is a psychologist, this is only speculation. Second, Sec. 264 of the Criminal Code defines criminal harassment as unlawfully engaging in the conduct of: - repeatedly following a person - repeatedly communicating with the person - watching a person's home, work, etc., or - engaging in threatening conduct such that it causes the person to reasonably fear for their safety. It must also be proven that the individual intended to harass the person, where harass implies being troubled, worried continuously or badgered. This is a publicly accessible website, rather than direct communication (e-mail) with the person. The person has the option of not being exposed to the content. Provided the material does not contrave libel or hate provisions of the Code, although it may be in bad form or distasteful, it is not unlawful. If distasteful sites were against the law, the courts would be full of celebrity bloggers. Same argument with CL posts. General advertising of a site or service in a public domain, not specifically directed at the person and something they need not receive. Also in the public domain are things like a provider's trade name, e-mail address and website. Although I have been unable to find Bethany's comments regarding this site on her recommendations page, as suggested earlier by a member, I would offer that any reference to her visiting this site willingly would tend to diminish a harassment or fear for safety argument. BTW, some members might want to consider reviewing the Criminal Code definition of libel. The best option may have already been give. Don't give it any attention and maybe it'll just go away.
  3. Whoa, sorry all. I didn't expect this simple question to evolve into such a lively discussion. Thanks to all who have replied. There are clearly broader issues here, including privacy, etiquette, boundaries, even freedom of speech, that didn't occur to me when I posted. Bit of an eye-opener. If I may say, however, with all due respect, there does seem to have been more negativity, if not outright hostility, expressed in this thread than I've read on the site in question, so far anyway. Kind of ironic.
  4. Does anyone know what the deal is with a website advertising on CL with a title that mimics Bethany's Sweetest Massage, but begins with the word Not? It almost reads like a fan site, but the description and title suggest otherwise. I've been looking around the CERB forums for any threads that may relate, but haven't been able to find anything. I was thinking about seeing Bethany when she gets back from Paris, though this site has me wondering if something's up. Thanks
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