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About brokenbells

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  1. ON The Girlfriend Experience: This is my first post, but I've been a long time reader of the boards,..and I've probably seen about half a dozen different SP's over the years, all via this site,... They've all lived up to my expectations. I just haven't done any reviews before, because even though I've enjoyed myself during my past encounters with other girls, I just never felt the desire to repeat. There was just always something artificial about those interactions. Aside from a few good experiences, most of the time I felt like the SP just wanted me to release, and get me out...Things just felt contrived, most of the time., Of course, this didnt happen all the time, but something was always missing from my past encounters, which would leave me feeling unfulfilled on a mental level. I don't how she did it, but Alannah has changed the game for the better. I was lucky enough to see her twice during her time in Ottawa, and I am already preparing to see her again. It's been said before, but just to be clear, she is a knock-out. Model looks. Easily the best looking SP I have ever had the opportunity to meet. Beautiful from head to toe. Somehow, there is still something very natural about her, ... she is really grounded, and modest, and really makes you feel comfortable. ...it might have something to do with those eyes. If you've read her posts, or seen her albums, you'll know she likes to write. She is a great communicator, and can talk intelligently about lots of different topics. I have got to say, if you are smart, you will book her for at least a couple of hours, so you can pick her brain and get to know her for a little while, before you move into the bedroom...Trust me, it will only make what happens next even more memorable, .. After spending some time with her over a drink, we got closer and began to play. All of a sudden, you see another side to her, that is completely irresistible. Guys, you will not be dissapointed in the least. It is a completely Safe GFE, YMMV, but it is so hot, that you won't want to stop. I find sometimes girls just tune out in the bedroom, and go lifeless, or are just really bad actors. Alannah is the complete opposite., She is there to please, and her attention is always on you, And after getting to know her, it is really easy to want to reciprocate. You can tell she wants to enjoy herself too.. And she communicates even in the bedroom, .And I can't tell you how good it feels to still hear her whispers and compliments ringing in my ears, even after our time together. I don't want to get into details, but use your imagination when I tell you, this was the best safe GFE I have EVER had, and probably ever will. She just makes the experience so much fun, that you have to repeat. You will forget you are with an SP, and you might even feel like she is something more.... I gotta say, this is Alannah's biggest asset.. Her personality just changes the whole experience, and makes the playtime completely unforgettable.. Our second encounter actually exceeded my expectations, so I am really looking forward to seeing her again, ... She is full of energy, .. I don't even know how she did some of the stuff she did, ..I was in heAven... She really gives meaning to GFE, and delivers on all fronts. She makes you feel she wants to see you again too. She really is special guys, so treat her well. Shower her with your praise, and don't miss out. If you haven't seen her yet, ..send her an e-mail,and save your money,and energy) . b/c she will be back. Holy God,.. I can't wait .. ps...-good job to all the other reviewers. all touched on things i might have skipped, but they are all right. from the first phone call,you'll be intrigued. i really hope this review expresses what a treasure she is.. brokenbells, aka, Mr. Noodles **************** Dennis 'Cutty' Wise: The game done changed... Slim Charles: Game's the same, just got more fierce.
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