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Posts posted by Areez

  1. For the physical keyboard stuff - how about a blackberry Q10:


    The touch screen thing is quite common; you will grow to like it eventually .. lots of the newer android device have bigger screen to make typing on touch screen bearable :D.

    plus Android speech to text recognition is ... awesome. LOL.

    I'm rocking the HTC One; :b got bored of Samsung stuff! lol.


    smartphone does come with learning curves but there is a lot of information out there to help; and by the time your all set-up you wont be going back :D!

    • Like 1

  2. I'm still trying to figure out how these two:


    She's got no recommendation post; Does not affect any of my decision.

    [FOR THE LADIES] Recommendation has help me in my path.


    Have the highest votes at the same time. It would seem that one contradicts the other



    I thinks this is possible because we are only getting a small amount of votes (37 to the time I started writing this post.), factor in the guys that decided not to vote for option #1, even though they might do exactly just that.

    And about the ladies - most of the ladies here have a recommendation about them written at one time or the other - hence it might have helped them in some way.

    Honestly I kind of anticipated the skewed result; hope that clarify things a little for you.

  3. This

    I do feel comfortable when a provider has a certain number of recommendations. But when a lot of reviewers use similar sentiments, it provides a much better understanding.



    Btw, regarding the poll, I'm assuming the second option means See a lady who has been reviewed, but not recently?


    Sure thing, say if she had a slew of recommendation in the past and just haven't been getting any recently - would it make any difference to you.

    For the sake of arguments all her recommendation in the past echoed the same excellent time she provided.

  4. Ultimately, while I like to look for a combination of things and make my own decisions, credibility has to play a huge role in recommendations. If many well respected people have posted good recommendations about someone, those recommendations are hard to ignore.


    Thank you for your response in this - could you simplify it :b

    I might be reading this the wrong way; but what you are saying is its more of who is posting the recommendation instead of how many recommendation is already posted?

    Don't want to put you in the spot - but what about when you wanted to see provider 1 which has no recommendation, but saw there's a lot of recommendation for provider 2 which generate a little less interest for you originally. Would this change your decision then?

  5. In highlight of recent thread: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=143465

    I got to wonder; Yes I have heard it from multiple sources both hobbyist and provider. I am wondering about how important is recommendation to you?


    Discuss - be anonymous and just vote on the poll if you wish.


    Maybe I got it all wrong. I don't put too much value in recommendation - as it could be skewed. I make my decision on seeing a lady based on how we connected through chat/pm/her post. Not counting how many recommendation she have or when the last time she got one.


    What about the rest of CERB?

    I added the last two for the ladies that wishes to participate - how does having lots of recommendation helped you? Did it make your career take off? Is it that important? If we had a great time and I saw you again and again but never wrote a recommendation would you be disappointed?


    (first time posting a poll... hope this work.)

    • Like 2

  6. I'll just make a quick posting here, more echoing what I've said earlier.

    CERB is a community where both the ladies and gentlemen are equal participants, opposite sides of the same coin. And CERB's current policies make this a community where the ladies feel safe and welcome. My concern about allowing negative reviews, even if clear cut policies about who could write such reviews were made up, is that we could find a drop off in the ladies membership here on CERB, with many closing their accounts.

    Also, there are many boards out there already that allow negative reviews, in fact seems to thrive on them. Do we really need another escort review board? Or does CERB fill a very unique niche, as a escort recommendation board, and maybe it should continue to occupy it's unique niche, and we not fix what isn't broken.

    Anyhow, a quick rambling for what it's worth



    A few things here that I would like to address:


    It seemed like any other post other than recommendation is viewed as negative? Also - the "not fix what isn't broken" philosophy.


    I see this as a chance for CERB to attract new and more members - nationwide; the new proposed idea - moderated properly (not as poor as the other *erb) boards - will appeal to the other than Ottawa/Ontario members as well as provider to be using CERB instead of the lame excuse of other board. We have a very strict policy and good enforcer (Thank the MOD(s)) Which is something other *erb boards do not have.


    This could be constructive for the ladies too; I don't see the harm in taking feedback and improving one business model. No-one is perfect - I certainly am not.


    -- Lets put this in perspective imaginary way: --


    Provider A just got a review - her place is in the shoddy part of the city which is about the only thing that was bad about the whole experience. Provider B just started; by reading this review - Provider B should be aware that location does matter. Making the same mistake could be a bad move on her end and risk her potential client.


    In CERB - having no recommendation could be viewed as a bad thing because of this sole reason... No-one is allowed posting negative review.

    What if the lady is so low volume and none of her client actually take time to write any recommendation? Hell I don't write about every single encounter I have just because I don't know what to say: "She's great?" is vague and relative. Well - what if she doesn't have any negative review either? Wouldn't this still intriguing instead of writing the whole chance of seeing the lady completely off?


    Few things to consider and discuss...

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  7. Very interesting thread indeed.


    From my view I do not see any merit of paid member having privileged access or ability to post negative review. There is no credibility - one can easily pay for membership for the sake of shilling and/or leaving negative review. I could see that membership would cost less than an average encounter...


    I'm glad the mod stated that he would like to see more stuff reported as seen fit. Of course no slandering the lady; And if this does happen I surely hope another gentleman would step in and chime in staying as civilized as possible.


    as for the last point the mod makes about giving this privileged access;

    maybe a system calculating approval from certain amount of providers and regular member would be good and keep it unbiased. One could be well liked by the guys -- but hated by the providers.

    say for example - to have this privilege one require 10 ladies approval and 10 gentleman approval...


    will keep following this thread to see where it goes.

    • Like 2

  8. Digital communication definitely does not carry the same aspect as a face to face ... where you could see the other person reaction; emotion and gesture. Yes I agree that certain things are misinterpreted when red quickly.

    I would call my self connected - I would feel naked leaving the house without my cellphone, would be lost when Rogers Internet is down at the house etc. Luckily I also am pretty good to decide to turn these devices off from time to time -- just have to decompress!

    As per work phone .. well lets just say its on all the time. I might check my email's time to time, but never really respond outside my working hours. Emergency happens, isn't there were we have contingency plan in place? :D

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  9. I can see this being the same for both the gents and the ladies. Insecurity happens. Is it because of the sheer pressure of being accepted in the society? I blame it on the media. amongst many things that I blame on the media. Instead of looking for the imperfection shouldn't we look for the good in someone? -- yes that sounds awfully naïve but yep I said it.


    In terms of vagina itself... my thought is for someone to not appreciate something its because they feel their own insecurity and not knowing what they could do with it. I personally love them all! As long as they are clean I can lick, suck, nibble and you name it. to every area of the vagina, be it the lips, clitoris; everything! YUM!


    This part is meant to be funny; and not to be taken any different or other way. For someone to say their partner is loose, maybe they are just not big enough? LOL. What happen when the ladies start using that? Haha. As many time it has been said, its not the tool, its how one use it proficiently.


    And yes, I am one of those that get more turned on when I see the lady is having fun -- and I do understand squirting just does not always happen. This should not be an expectation or a sole reason you see/be with someone. It should be a reward and excellent surprise, don't demand it ...



    My rambles... (I don't know if they worth anything now... I mean used to be my 2 cent. but the government round that down ... so I guess its worth nothing now.)

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  10. This is a question more geared towards the SPs, but my close friend has just started working as an independent SP. I support her fully on that matter, and have agreed not to tell most of her friends and family. However, her parents have recently gotten suspicious of her changing behavior. How would I tell her parents the fact? Her parents will come to me to ask about the matter before going to her. I don't want to deflect the matter, nor do I want to cause a confrontation between her and her parents. How should I handle this?


    I know you mentioned that this is more geared toward the SP(S).

    But the way I see it, you have agreed not to tell most of her friends and family. Keep your promise to her, when the family asks, deflect the question. Sometimes a white lies is a better way for everyone.

    -- my nickel worth (again. them cent is goner.)


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  11. Is the cancellation after the final confirmations? I like to confirm one hour prior as the final confirmation' date=' so that if anything came up last min, that is the time to cancel. You never know when someone can slip in the shower, or dogs decides to run the neighborhood, lol

    So after the confirmation is made, and the person doesn't arrive, then that is very disappointing:( On either side of the fence.


    I have heard a story recently of a Gent who canceled a session, properly, and got chewed out for it, this is also not fair. At least he called to cancel and didn't just no show. I have had to cancel at times myself, but will do so when the confirmation is due, or earlier if possible. This is only respect for each other's valuable time.





    Hello Miss Sophia,

    I am fully understand that last minute emergency stuff does happen and I have nothing against that. Life happens lol ...

    This was confirmed in the morning, as usual if I pre-book ahead, I confirm appointments ahead in the morning -- if I waited an hour before an appt. I wont make it on time cause of the time it took to get a reply, and the drive I have to make from the west end to downtown :b (I'll be late! and no one likes the one that shows up late *winK!*)

    There is a whole set of details which I will skip and not divulge that leads me to this rant its just sometimes upsetting and I just want this thread as a reminder that like you mentioned -- as a hobbyist more often than not we get chewed out for it...

    --xx Areez.

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  12. Areez, I have to ask: multiple times from the same person? I admire your tolerance. I can't say I'd have the patience to get as far as making a third attempt, and quite possibly not even a second if someone no-showed on me without notice...


    Twice from the same provider yes. Its not as bad as no showed. Cause one no showed would be a strike out sorry... that's just rude.

    You know what they say though - fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. There wont be fooling around the third time :b I think I have better things to do (not wanting to sound rude here)

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