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Everything posted by mzcoventina

  1. I am so glad to see this bucket list forum here. I sat at my computer on Friday beginning to write my very own bucket list. It's one of those things I have been meaning to put together for quite sometime....and it all ways just got pushed off. Not any longer, first step, write my list, second step, start knocking things off said list... I only came up with 4 things so far, most of it was travel. When I get it finally completed I will be sure to share with you folks. I was trying to think of some freaky sexual things I want to put on, but I am having trouble thinking of things I haven't done yet that actually turn me on. There isn't much I can think of LOL So great to always find like minded, cool folks on CERB Happy Sunday Mz C
  2. I completely agree Meghan-well said. I am skilled in my work and enjoy doing it-therefore should be paid fairly. I am so glad to be able to a safe space to have these discussions MzC
  3. wow! what an inspiring story, and so true we so often take things for granted thanks for sharing Mz Coventina :D
  4. As with any job there are people who love their work....and there are people who just do the work for the money. It can be hard to choose a Pro who is into her/his work...but I think after you spend a some time with us it become obvious how we feel about our work. I kicking balls for money-WHICH I LOVE! I love my work and I love being a Domme for lots of reasons-I get to meet great people who want to explore their fantasy's that are usually a little different that what is considered 'normal'. In Western culture we are too often judged for any sexual experience that is different than two people 'in love' having missionary style sex. BORING! That's bull shit as far as I am concerned. I embrace peoples sexual fetishes and give them a safe place to explore and push their boundaries. People come to me and trust me to help them reveal their kinky side. This is the number one reason why I love my job, because my clients and I can have some fun and not be judged. People are sexual creates and being sexual in the dungeon is one of my favorite parts of my day Mz Coventina wwww.mzcoventina.com
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