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Posts posted by PAPERSILO

  1. i never eat in these clubs , i am just not comfortable doing it . i see these ladies walking around a dirty floor , all the customers tracking in whatever they stepped in into the club , some ladies wear their dancing shoes outside when they go for a quick smoke . than they get on stage and dance with those same shoes and putting all that dust and into the air high above everyones food , well guess where it is landing . my own paranoia , sure there is some of that involved , but none the less , like i said , i just dont feel comfortable eating in these clubs .

  2. back in '93 a buddy and i drove down to road island to visit a friend at college , salve regina . the opening scene of the schwarzenegger movie true lies was being shot there that week , you know , where he is escaping the party and running and skiing through the snow . we never met him or anyone else associated with the film but just an interesting side story .


    our friend was going through midterms at the time of our visit so we ended up hanging out with one of his school buddies a lot . this guy , buzz , is 6'9" 360lbs without an once of fat on him and always had a couple of needles handy , hmmm . he took us to a bar , it was $25 each to get in , he got us in for free . we had to walk bout another 5 minutes go up a long flight of stairs where a bouncer was leting people , as soon as we got up to the door he closed it . he asked us where we think we are going , buzz told him in for a drink , bouncer said i dont think so ! buzz replied who are you to decide that , the bouncer said i am the bouncer . buzz goes oh well than bounce , picks him up like a 5lbs bag of potatos and throws him down the stairs , and the guy did bounce off of every stair .


    as we walked inside my friend and i were ready for it all to go down , immediately this older man come over and he buzz began to " bro-out " we sat at a table with this guy , didnt pay for anything all night , and never was a word mentioned about what happened just outside the door .


    congrats steve , the monster - wow !

  3. drivers who stop at red lights ,than decided to do everything they can while waiting for the light to change and are not ready when the light changes back to green .


    people who are always in a battle of one-up-manship , what would they do if they ever met neil armstrong ?


    after a long day of work , stopping in a local watering hole and be given a warm beer .


    bartenders and waiters/waittresses that go for breaks without getting anyone to cover for them .


    people who feel the need to use curse words in every single conversation .


    dr. phil

  4. agreed , far too many times sex workers are looked at than less than a person . people take out the human side of the fact they do what they do for the same reason as anyone else who goes to work everyday . unfortunately every just thinks of the " crack whore " that works any corner that is free instead of the ladies that live and contribute positively to society .

  5. i love all fruits and vegetables , but i wont go near them when they are cooked in any fashion . probably comes from when we were kids and out playing various sports all day , instead of going home for lunch we would just raid nieghbourhood gardens .


    in grade 3 , we had an olympic meat plant in saskatoon , we were taken on a school field trip , at the end of the day i came home told my folks i would NEVER eat a hot dog again , and here i sit hot dog free for the last 30 years .


    i also have no taste for spam , i had an ex-roommate had it every morning for breakfast .


    but what i love is chocolate peanut butter banana milkshakes , but only allow myself 1 every 1 - 2 months .

  6. before i go into the cr with any lady , i always invite her to sit with me , offer to buy her a drink and chat with her awhile first . i want to know if this is someones company i will enjoy regaurdless of how beautiful she may be . as far as mileage goes i believe it is all about the connection you have with the lady . whether that connection is immediate or built over time , the more comfortable [ trust ] the lady is with you , the more enjoyable the time together will be .

  7. Pointe Beausejour (literally, "good stay") and Fort Beausejour were sites of Acadian and French military settlement and presence in the 18th century. Robert Monckton was instrumental in the English capture of Fort Beausejour in 1755, and also in the subsequent expulsion of the Acadian settlers from the whole Beaubassin region. Thus, it might be said that what is now the nearby City of Moncton has been named after someone who was, in effect, guilty of participating in what today would be called a crime against humanity. Hence, some wish that the City of Moncton (the population of which is about one-third Acadian) might have been named something else.


    thank you wrinkle , i appreciate it .

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