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Mc Lovin

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Posts posted by Mc Lovin

  1. I say dumb things on a daily basis. I don't think I'm wired right. I either try not to talk too much or wait for the blank stare or quizzical look, then go over what I just said and start explaining.

    Maybe if when you hear something a bit odd, ask something like - " did you just say ...... ?". Chances are the guy will think about what just came out of his mouth, evaluate how dumb it sounded then re-state in a more ... normal way. Probably the guy is trying to compliment, be funny or just making conversation. Something happens between the brain and the mouth for some of us. I can think of a plethora of examples for myself. None yet today ... it's still early though ...

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  2. quotes from the art of war - Sun Tzu. 600 BC


    All warfare is based on deception.


    Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.


    The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities... It is best to win without fighting.


    Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.


    For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.


    and Jack handy - " I think the mistake a lot of us make is thinking the state-appointed psychiatrist is our "friend.""

  3. Any of you ladies offer BOL ( back off lady ) ? Here's the situation - My ex of a few years has informed me we're getting back together. I've told her numerous times it isn't happening. I don't want to get rude with her as I'd like to keep an amicable relationship with her but I'm getting short on ideas. I've recently told her I'm seeing someone else but fear she may be onto my attempted deception. She's asking for info with my new squeeze like her name, occupation, etc.. So what I'm thinking is I could get one of you ladies to drive with me to her abode, I could introduce you as my special friend and all the while you could maybe be giving her the stink eye.. possible throw in a growl or a sneer....

    on second thought this may not be a good idea - you may be countered by NYBOL ( no you back off lady ). I wouldn't expect any of you would want to experience that - my ex, she be a firecracker ..


  4. not sure if this scenario would work. For me, at my charge out rate it's about 3 hours to 1, which isn't a problem, but with my work if it's anything in depth inspection reports are taken out with identities and addresses. I wouldn't expect the ladies to be comfortable with this, but on the flip side my name and business is on the same report. in the end cash is usually king.

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