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Posts posted by trout

  1. A few new and legit backpage advertsiers are setting real twitter pages in reaction to the ad changes, this is a good idea as there are a few really great new and reviewed ladies who we can find a lot easier now. Most civilians have no idea that CERB exists, but they know where to find backpage, so as long as backpage can sell ads, guys will visit and set up dates. let's face it, if everyone who every once in a while saw a girl actually belonged to cerb, the numbers and the content would be exploding on cerb. There are enough guys, who aren`t aware of the Cerb sites, who will constantly go visit hot fake ad girls every night in Ottawa and they'll stay after seeing the surprise behind the door because she has female body parts and he`s there so why not. Backpage and their fake girls thrive because Joe Barrhaven wants to get some strange, and regardless of who she turns out to be behind that door, he`s staying because it`s not his wife and that cashola is ready to be spent. You even hear experience hobbiests admitting that they stayed at the backpage fakers place even though the pics were lies, because she was kinda cute lol Without the reputable agencies that once thrived here, guys are left with a few known players or the roulette game of backpage. What is interesting is the growth in the mp industry in Ottawa, seemingly at the expense of legit escort agencies.

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