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About passionseeker2010

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  1. The same way you would know if they were drunk or high on the phone. Last I checked phones don't come with breathalizers either. If they do i apologize ahead of time. My point is phone or text.... It is all the same. I also said that it is the providers discretion to choose the methods of contacts they want to accept. The same as it is my right to choose the methods I wish to use. Posted via Mobile Device
  2. I totally disagree with Jason. A text has the phone number it came from same as a phone call does. It gives you the same information about the requestor. Same as a PM. PM's are from members of a trusted board. People lead busy lives and I am rarely in a position to make a phone call that will not be overheard by someone else. It is your perogative to only book by phone, but it is 2011 and I personally will not use a service that doesn't allow me to book through a modern method of communication. Posted via Mobile Device
  3. Yeah sorry.... should have mentioned she is at ALO.
  4. Well after almost a month off I needed my Gina fix. Now when she told me she was getting a boob job, I did my best to talk her out of it. I mean she had it all already.... Looks, personality, smarts, amazing massage skills etc. But I must tell you.... Seeing the job and the "new and improved Gina" renewed my faith in God!! Lol Seriously.... A girl who I didn't think could get any more attractive to me has managed to do so. And I think the time off did her well also.... What an experience!!!! Welcome back Gina.... We missed you!! Posted via Mobile Device
  5. I am also very against it. Posted via Mobile Device
  6. This will be my last post on this thread.... I swear!! lol Maverick I disagree that if you don't like your job there is nothing keeping you there. Many people would love to quit their job, take an easier job, work for minimum wage etc, but their life circumstances do not allow for that. Many people are supporting a child, their families etc and have others relying on them making money. Working for minimum wage is not an option for these people. As for waiters/waitresses, I have worked at my share of bars/restaurants. Is it possible some of these people are just not the type who should work with the public and that is the reason they sometimes provide bad service.... sure. But I would suggest to you that is not the norm. Most people I have worked with and know (including myself) were serving to put themselves through school, to support a boyfriend or girlfriend who was in school, to support a child etc. I standby what I said earlier.... not tipping appropriately is only contributing to the problem, not the solution. The majority of these people will turn around when someone provides a nice comment and appropriate tip for their work. A wise man once said you catch more flies with honey than shi*t! Again, my best advice is to not judge anyone's reasons for doing what they do since until you get to know someone you can't possibly understand their reasons.
  7. I can't believe we are even having a conversation comparing MA's to minimum wage workers and justifying not tipping a waiter/waitress. Maverick maybe you have never worked in the service industry, but your comments are disrespectful to those who do. Bottom line is that if you don't have the money to tip an MA you shouldn't visit an MA. Same as if you don't have the money to tip a server at a bar or restaurant, you shouldn't eat or drink at that bar or restaurant. Many of the MA's I have visited are beautiful, smart, intelligent women who are doing this to put themselves through school, support their family etc. Many of them expose themselves to great risks and work long hours just for the chance that they will make money. I don't think any of them would do what they do if it paid minimum wage. I learned a while ago to never judge a persons reasons for what they do until you have walked a mile in their shoes. You would be SHOCKED to find out some of the history of some of the MA's in this town. As for hospitality workers, there are cases where you receive bad service and you don't feel a tip is justified. In those cases, put yourself in the position of the server. Everyone is entitled to a bad day, and these people deal with the public day in and day out. Many of the people they deal with are drunk and rude. These people survive on tips, and that is their main source of income. When you directly impact a persons ability to make money and support themselves I would expect them to be in a bad mood and not provide the next person great service. If you get bad service it is entirely possible that the person before you didn't tip appropriately and put the person in a foul mood. Rather than continuing that why not provide an appropriate tip, or even a generous tip and see if that turns the persons mood around. It usually works for me! Bottom line, dining at restaurants, drinking at bars, and visiting MA's are all part of my lifestyle that I consider to be a premium, luxury service. If I didn't have the money for an appropriate tip in any of these cases, I wouldn't seek out any of these services. I have been lucky enough to find myself in a good financial situation, but my mamma always taught me to respect and value other people and don't assume anything about people because of the career they choose. SP2010
  8. If the friend in question is going to sensual massage places intentionally seeking no extras then he should be told to go elsewhere for that service. However if the friend is going with the intent of a sensual massage and is not satisfied with the provider for whatever reason I think he is well within his right to opt out of extras while leaving a reasonable tip for massage services. However comparing a waitress and a girl who does sensual massage I think is unfair. These girls work hard, take risks, expose themselves to potential legal issues etc all for our benefit. Even insinuating that this is comparable to a minimum wage job is insulting IMHO. PS2010
  9. I don't think anyone books at an erotic massage parlour and doesn't intend to have extras. In my case it was my first time at a new spot that I wasn't 100% sure even did extras. Given the situation I opted to not ask or suggest extras and the MP seemed perfectly content with that. I also left a generous tip. This is not an issue of money for me as I am willing to pay to have a great experience and any MP who I have seen will vouche for that. But if I am not remotely attracted to an MP, I don't have an interest in a "happy ending". Unfortunately, sometimes you don't know that until you show up. As for MP's never getting part of the door fee, I disagree with the previous post. Most MP's do NOT see any of the door fee. In some cases if they end up doing a massage with no extras they may get a small portion, but they really make their money on the extras. This is why the one and only time I had a massage at an erotic massage parlour without extras I was sure to tip generously anyway. PS2010
  10. I have not opted for extras on one occassion but I still left a tip after my massage. Also, I believe this person owned the place. I booked blind and wasn't at all into the way the provider looked.... And I don't imagine I would be alone here. If I am not attracted, I will not be aroused. When you book blind this is a chance you take. I did really enjoy my massage and left what I considered a generous tip. Posted via Mobile Device
  11. I guess maybe my attempt at humour has failed. I am not really concerned about not being able to handle a massage from an rmt. Posted via Mobile Device
  12. I didn't really mean for this thread to turn into an explanation of RMT services versus MP services. I am well aware of the difference and if you aren't you had better make yourself aware before visiting an RMT!! lol It was all meant to be kind of fun and joking.... but turned into a pretty good serious discussion anyway!! Cheers!!
  13. I was offered an insurance receipt at Body Care.
  14. Is it just me or do you guys feel like you can't pay for a regular massage anymore after getting into sensual massage? lol I haven't seen my RMT since I started going for sensual massages, and to be honest I am kind of afraid to. Since my brain now associates a woman massaging my body with "happy endings", I am concerned how my "little head" may react if I visit my RMT. Thoughts? Comments? Opinions? Just throwing it out there for discussion!! Cheers!!
  15. That may be, but not for this guy. I have seen Jordan before when she used to be at ALO and she is gorgeous. However the massage portion of the experience didn't compare to Gina. To be fair this was a while ago so maybe her massage skills have improved. Speaking of massage skills I visited Body Care recently and ended up seeing Rosa. This may have been the best massage I have ever had included RMT's. That being said, I decided to cut it at only the massage for other reasons. No happy ending.... but OMG what a massage!! lol To me Gina is a rare mix of sexy, sweet, fun and great massage that I haven't found elsewhere. Of course maybe I'm just a sucker for tall beautiful blondes!! :grin:
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