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April Dawn

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by April Dawn

  1. Oh I'm not saying this guy was in the right at all. He raped a sleeping woman. I get that completly. I just don't feel like the writer was saying that what he did was ok. I'm not debating the rape or situation at all. People who know me know I've lobbied for chemical casteration for rapists. I just don't really like seeing someone put on the cross for an article that I don't feel is trying to garner sympathy for a rapist but is just putting it into the perspective that men who consider themselves "nice" can do a horrible, awful thing.

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  2. I guess its all in the way that you read it. From what I've read in comments from the site ect, its seems like a pretty even split of people who feel like it Wasn't about trying to gain sympathy for the rapist and people who feel like it was. I think when writing anything on the internet you should always go into it with the idea, how can this be taken wrongly by anyone because (as proven on this site amongst others) the absoulte worst possible intention will be made out of it and people will be offended. People love to be offended over the internet. Read the comments section of the most innocuous article and its obvious. In the case of this article which is about a very, very sensetive topic people can take anything they want and make almost any point they want out of context for either side.

    I agree with you that anyone who tries to ellict sympathy for a RAPIST (not neccesarrily a man) is usually misguided and in most cases wrong but there arew situations where I do feel sympathy for a rapist. I used to work with at risk youth. The stories I've heard and some of the learned behaviors that have come out of awful situations are terrible. There is no black and white when it comes to life. There are a lot of shades of grey.

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  3. Well I don't really see it that way at all. I actually read the good men project (and I believe cristy curves does so maybe she can weigh in) I've read one of the articles in question and will read the other one later as I'm at work and just indulging in a quick cerb fix. The tone of the article is written completely different then that sensationalist article would have you belive. I strongly reccomend that you read the article as there is no being victim blaming and its more saying that anyone can be a rapist, not just a boogie man in a dark alley.

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  4. I get my flu shots every year, I work with small children and the elderly. Do I get sick? Sometimes haha kids are disease factories. Do I feel better about getting my shots because I work with people who could die from the flu? Yes.

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