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Gabriella Laurence

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by Gabriella Laurence

  1. [COLOR=White].[/COLOR]
    1. Exquisite and friendly professionalism accompanied by an incurable creativity and originality disorder.
    2. Simultaneous smiling and laughter affliction pronounced by multiple and intense joie de vivre symptoms.
    3. Poisonous and contagious genetic sensuality condition affected by a broad playful kinkiness inclination.
    4. Raw aphrodisiac energy syndrome with suspicion of insatiable pleasure-desire disease.
    5. Alluring curve appeal and permanent stylish long-legs illness.


    [B][U]Undeniable medical evidence provided by a group of leading experts[/U]:[/B]
    "When the door opened, and I was greeted by a squeal of delight and a deep hug and kiss, I knew I was going to have a lot of fun. Gabriella is everything you might expect from her recommendations. There is not a trace of pretense with this woman, nothing artificial or fake. She is smart as a whip, very modest and genuine, with a wonderful body that is built for sex. She is quite simply, amazing.�
    [COLOR=Navy]For the complete report by DR. Porthos, please visit Gabriella's [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/myreviews.html"][COLOR=Navy]personal fantasy file[/COLOR][/URL].[/COLOR]

    "Gabriella is definitely a lovely, witty, and funny lady that knows how to please. Her photos and ads are completely accurate, and her writing is very representative of her personality; artistic, creative and yet very classy, infused throughout with sensuality and playfulness... The afternoon encounter was entirely unrushed and the ambiance very serene, and Gabriella`s manner and attention to detail was absolutely exemplaryâ?¦ Suffice it to say that my expectations were not only met but exceeded. Thank you so very much, Gabriella, for the lovely time in your exotic presence, your alluring charm, wit, and joie de vivre!"
    [COLOR=Navy]For the complete report by Dr. Futileresistenz, please visit Gabriella's [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/myreviews.html"][COLOR=Navy]personal fantasy file[/COLOR][/URL].[/COLOR]

    "As usual I will not reveal any of the specifics of our play time but rest assured Gabriella is an eye opening experience that is best realized in person...not written words. By that I mean some things in this world have to be seen to be believedâ?¦ Her personality and attitude are surpassed only by her skills and talents in the bedroom and I submit that is a lethally sexy combination!"
    [COLOR=Navy]For the complete report by Dr. SteveCurious, please visit Gabriella's [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/myreviews.html"][COLOR=Navy]personal fantasy file[/COLOR][/URL].[/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]

    [B][U]General assessment and short translation for Gabriellaâ??s chronic condition[/U]:[/B]
    "Gents, this lady knows how to please a man. Sheâ??s in her mid thirties, which everyone knows means she is at the peak of her sexuality. Experienced and skilled at pleasing a man she leaves you breathless but wanting more.It must be said that Gabriella enjoys herself too...there are times when I think sheâ??s enjoying herself more than me and thatâ??s saying something. If youâ??re looking for a classy, beautiful companion this is the woman for you."
    [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Navy]Read the complete report by Dr. Face2Face, please visit Gabriella's [/COLOR][URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/myreviews.html"][COLOR=Navy]personal fantasy file[/COLOR][/URL].[/COLOR]

    "Gents there are girls, women, ladies and companions. Gabby is a companion through and through."
    [COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Navy]For the complete report by Dr. Newbie09876, please visit Gabriella's[/COLOR] [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/myreviews.html"][COLOR=Navy]personal fantasy file[/COLOR][/URL].[/COLOR]


    [B][U]Recommendation for treatment[/U]:[/B]
    Even though there will never be a cure for Gabriellaâ??s many afflictions, Gabriella should avoid, at all cost, solitary confinement and spend lovely exclusive moments in the company of selective, respectful, courteous and kind ladies, gentlemen and open-minded couples who are looking to spend extended moments in exquisite company.

    [B]For more information on patient Gabriella Laurence:[/B]
    [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com"] [COLOR=Navy]www.gabriellalaurence.com[/COLOR][/URL]

    [B]Montreal availability:
    [/B]Minimum of 48 hours notice required.
    For more information, please [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/honorarium.html"][COLOR=Navy]click here[/COLOR][/URL].

    [B]Consulting specialists can create their own objective information
    study report by scheduling an assessment rendez-vous at:[/B]
    [COLOR=Navy][email protected][/COLOR] or by using [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/contactme.html"][COLOR=Navy]Gabriella's contact form[/COLOR][/URL].


    [COLOR=#b22222][B][U]Warnings!.....>>> [/U][/B][/COLOR][B][U]Possible side effects from The Gabriella Experience[/U]:[/B]
    "Iâ??m not going to go into details of our encounter. I am simply going to say that this woman truly is a goddess. My time with her took me to levels of sexual intensity that I have never experienced before. She is beautiful, with an infectious smile and laugh. She loves life and she loves pleasure, and my god before you leave her you feel like youâ??ve lived for the first time, and you will experience pleasure like you never have before."
    [COLOR=Navy]For the complete report by Dr. Porthos, please read Gabriella's [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/myreviews.html"][COLOR=Navy]personal personal fantasy file[/COLOR][/URL].[/COLOR]

    "As I go, my heart is light but my legs are heavy, still in a daze from our morning rendez-vous. A Saturday morning to remember. Even as I write these lines, I am well, thinking of future possibilitiesâ?¦.. My next step, if you must ask? Well, that would a tale of high adventureâ?¦."
    [COLOR=Navy]For the complete report by Dr. T, please read Gabriella's [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/myreviews.html"][COLOR=Navy]personal fantasy file[/COLOR][/URL].[/COLOR]


    [B][U]Concise summary of warnings available for the following cities[/U]:
    [/B][COLOR=Navy][URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=G&t=51473"][COLOR=Navy]Montreal, Quebec[/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR]
    [URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=G&t=47323"][COLOR=Navy]Ottawa, Ontario[/COLOR][/URL]
    [URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=G&t=148434"][COLOR=Navy]Kingston, Ontario[/COLOR][/URL]
    [URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=G&t=66834"] [COLOR=Navy]Toronto, Ontario[/COLOR][/URL]
    [URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=G&t=56525"] [COLOR=Navy]Halifax, Nova Scotia[/COLOR][/URL]
    [URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=G&t=91175"] [COLOR=Navy]Charlottetown, PEI[/COLOR][/URL]
    [URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=G&t=93383"] [COLOR=Navy]St.John's, Newfoundland[/COLOR][/URL]
    [URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=G&t=67301"] [COLOR=Navy]Saint John, New Brunswick[/COLOR][/URL]

    [B] More review and recommendation links available on Gabriella's website.[/B]


  2. ...

    And, please enlighten me...

    How exactly will you react when a woman's energy and stamina do not meet your requirements?

    Will your self-entitlement pop up and demand she continue? (sounds lilke rape)

    Will you become abusive in any way? (sounds violent)

    Will you suddenly take back the $ you gave her, even though she kept her end of the bargain by offering you her TIME & COMPANIONSHIP? (sounds like a robbery)

    I hope you now realize the foolishness in saying "We paid, didn't we?" (I took the liberty of correcting the grammar)


    This is a type of client-attitude that does not belong in this forum.

    This is a type of client-attitude that leads to some women being forced into things they did not want to participate in, which last I checked was the pure definition of RAPE.


    Men who have this attitude make me extraordinarily worried for some of the women in this industry, the ones who's knuckle sandwiches wouldn't be nearly as terrifying as mine, the ones who are easily intimidated... tsk tsk tsk...





    Talk about putting the juiceman through the juicer for something that was poorly phrased. I might not be Einstein but I understood what he meant and it certainly does not equal to violence and rape!


    Furthermore, I think words like "rape" should be used with a lot more consideration for their meaning and not just thrown around to make a point.

    • Like 5

  3. .

    Sheltered in the darkest and deepest chasms of my body

    Hides an unmistakable, unrestrained creature... Lust...


    Lust, Fiery, Roaring and most Impulsive

    Lust implies desire, touch, kiss and embrace

    Most Aphrodisiacal and Stimulating

    Lust means lechery, wantonness, lasciviousness and licentiousness


    Into a world of pure yearning, endorphin storm erupting

    My lust for you is like a constant exploding inferno

    All it does is burns, it ravages everything in sight

    My lust for you is so fleshy, I can taste your lips at my finger tips

    I am in so blood filled, state of lust, vigorous lust

    Each inch of skin it ignites



    Lost in the lust of our connection, hot as ember and solid as iron steel

    Your breath upon my skin, your lips know every wish of mine

    A gasp of pure surrender, body aching to capture pleasure

    Like the ticking of a bomb, give me all you have


    Touch, sweat, sigh, fingers racing against my curves

    Inhale, exhale, high and deep

    Nails tracing down your spine, twist, pulse, heat

    Skin to skin we meet, shimmering bodies entwined

    The breathing, the moaning, the screaming


    Wishing to end this exquisite torture, unconstrained, urgent, frenzied

    Panting, huffing and gulping, coming together in waves of needy desire

    Showing me all the delights, only suffering from a dripping lust hangover




    To tame your intense and deepest desires by indulging in a delicious and eclectic sensual adventure in each others' arms, please visit my personal website to learn how to spiral your imaginative artistry into the sweetest of journeys.


    Always been and always will be your little sultry secret,


    Gabriella xox



    Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance!










  4. .

    Adventurous ladies, gentlemen and open-minded couples,


    I hope you are keeping extra warm lately! As you already know, I will be visiting Ottawa from Thursday, January 15th until Saturday, January 17th. Since I will be in the Capital on unrelated "Gabby" business, my play-time as a companion is quite limited but I do have one availability left: Friday evening!


    Many times over, my past experiences have demonstrated that I am best savored unhurriedly and leisurely, and the most mutually rewarding experiences have been those where my partner and I have had more than a few hours together to explore each other completely, on multiple levels.


    Because I also personally prefer longer engagements and would be delighted to spend time in your company this Friday evening, I've decided to offer you a generous reduction on two of my exciting rendez-vous options:


    5 hour dinner date $1200 --> $1000

    12-15 hour overnight $2500 -->$2000


    I've rented a beautiful spacious suite downtown at an upscale hotel and we can either cook supper together in the comfort of my suite or we can go out for a bite to eat before retiring for our sweet dessert in private.


    If we haven't had the opportunity to meet yet and you would like to join me on Friday, please visit my contact page. If we've already met, you know just what to do! icon12.gif


    With much anticipation,

    Gabriella xox




    Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance!






  5. [COLOR=#ffffff].[/COLOR]

    [CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=book antiqua][I] [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com"][COLOR=#cc6699]www.gabriellalaurence.com[/COLOR][/URL][/I][/FONT][/SIZE]


    Adventurous ladies, gentlemen and open-minded couples,

    Pretension and pomposity free, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gabriella Laurence. I am a well-reviewed, established mature independent escort and exclusive travel companion from Montreal. It is with immense pleasure that I offer a genuine, discreet and personal intimate companionship experience, excluding games, drama and complications, to distinguished patrons who are looking to spend extended sensual moments in exquisite company.

    The captivating companionship adventures and the invigorating ongoing journeys I engage in with my select accomplices on a limited monthly basis are, just like you, a sweet escape from my busy professional and personal everyday life. I am always ecstatic about experiencing wonderful moments in the presence of like-minded partners while completely leaving behind the weighted attachments of a traditional relationship. It is truly refreshing, vitalizing and liberating.

    I am 5'8 and possess a beautiful, well-proportioned, curvaceous silhouette, luscious long legs, silky red hair, seductive but mischievous green eyes, a gorgeous smile and a contagious laugh. Time and time again, my patrons have told me they always appreciate my sincere and laid back demeanor, gentle friendly nature, sharp wit, engaging personality and seductive aura; that my zest for life is truly unmistakable. Although I retain a slight but very sexy French accent, I am fluent in both English and French. Articulate communication will never be an issue when we meet or correspond via email.



    Whether you would like to get together for a romantic dinner date, a stimulating overnight escapade, a relaxing weekend getaway or if you are simply looking for a fun and engaging companion to spice up your business trip, whatever the occasion is, it will be my pleasure to meet with you at your upscale hotel or private residence for an exclusive 2 hour engagement or longer. Please keep in mind that I am unable to accept a same-day request and do require a [U]minimum[/U] of 24-48 hours notice. I am kindly inviting you to take the former into consideration when contacting me. Thank you.

    If we havenâ??t had the opportunity to meet yet or if you are planning to travel to Montreal on business, rest assured that it is never too early to contact me. I actually prefer it this way as it gives us a chance to communicate, get to know one another and establish a good comfort level before meeting. Being a sapiosexual at heart, intellectual foreplay prior to our date is an excellent way to create anticipation and excitement!


    When contemplating a special rendez-vous or a new experience that will delight and excite all your senses, do not hesitate to throw your inhibitions to the wind and allow me to whisk you away to my world of physical and intellectual passion! Let's get to know each other and let's see what type of adventure we can explore together!

    Always been and always will be your little sultry secret,

    [COLOR=#cc6699] [SIZE=5][I][FONT=garamond] Gabriella xox[/FONT][/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]

    [FONT=century gothic][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=3][URL="http://%60%60http://www.gabriellalaurence.com%60%60"][COLOR=#cc6699]www.gabriellalaurence.com[/COLOR][/URL][/SIZE][/FONT][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=SlateGray]
    [SIZE=2] Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance![/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]



  6. [COLOR=#ffffff].[/COLOR]

    [CENTER][SIZE=4][FONT=book antiqua][I] [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com"][COLOR=#cc6699]www.gabriellalaurence.com[/COLOR][/URL][/I][/FONT][/SIZE]


    Adventurous ladies, gentlemen and open-minded couples,

    Pretension and pomposity free, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gabriella Laurence. I am a well-reviewed, established mature independent escort and exclusive travel companion from Montreal. It is with immense pleasure that I offer a genuine, discreet and personal intimate companionship experience, excluding games, drama and complications, to distinguished patrons who are looking to spend extended sensual moments in exquisite company.

    The captivating companionship adventures and the invigorating ongoing journeys I engage in with my select accomplices on a limited monthly basis are, just like you, a sweet escape from my busy professional and personal everyday life. I am always ecstatic about experiencing wonderful moments in the presence of like-minded partners while completely leaving behind the weighted attachments of a traditional relationship. It is truly refreshing, vitalizing and liberating.

    I am 5'8 and possess a beautiful, well-proportioned, curvaceous silhouette, luscious long legs, silky red hair, seductive but mischievous green eyes, a gorgeous smile and a contagious laugh. Time and time again, my patrons have told me they always appreciate my sincere and laid back demeanor, gentle friendly nature, sharp wit, engaging personality and seductive aura; that my zest for life is truly unmistakable. Although I retain a slight but very sexy French accent, I am fluent in both English and French. Articulate communication will never be an issue when we meet or correspond via email.



    Whether you would like to get together for an ephemeral 2 hour rendez-vous, a romantic dinner date, a stimulating overnight escapade or if you are simply looking for a fun and engaging companion to spice up your business trip, whatever the occasion is, it will be my pleasure to entertain you at my upscale and spacious downtown suite, or, for your convenience, meet with you at your private residence or hotel. For more further details, please visit my [COLOR=SlateGray][URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/honorarium.html"][COLOR=SlateGray]honorarium[/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR] web page.

    Please, also keep in mind that I am unable to accept a same-day request and do require a minimum of 24 hours notice. I am kindly inviting you to take the former into consideration when contacting me. Thank you.

    If we havenâ??t had the opportunity to meet yet or if you are planning to travel to Montreal on business, rest assured that it is never too early to contact me. I actually prefer it this way as it gives us a chance to communicate, get to know one another and establish a good comfort level before meeting. Being a sapiosexual at heart, intellectual foreplay prior to our date is an excellent way to create anticipation and excitement!


    When contemplating a special rendez-vous or a new experience that will delight and excite all your senses, do not hesitate to throw your inhibitions to the wind and allow me to whisk you away to my world of physical and intellectual passion! Let's get to know each other and let's see what type of adventure we can explore together!

    Always been and always will be your little sultry secret,

    [COLOR=#cc6699] [SIZE=5][I][FONT=garamond] Gabriella xox[/FONT][/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]

    [FONT=century gothic][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=3][URL="http://%60%60http://www.gabriellalaurence.com%60%60"][COLOR=#cc6699]www.gabriellalaurence.com[/COLOR][/URL][/SIZE][/FONT][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=SlateGray]
    [SIZE=2] Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance![/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]



  7. Well that's three. If I can get seven more. I will email them and provide them a link to this thread and ask them what it would take. If this were to work it may take some commitment in our part like maybe dvanced booking probably 2 weeks. And we could agree that Bodylanguage could post usernames of no shows in the Halifax escort discussion area to be shuned by the rest of us!!haha. Other suggestions welcomed.


    To show you are serious, and will not cancel at the last minute (48 hours or less) or no-show, you could send a small deposit as an incentive if the lady agrees to travel.


    ... And when I say "you", I'm not talking about you specifically ;)

    • Like 2

  8. What smells do you dislike or find gross?

    OMG lol I don't know if I should answer this honestly or not, but as always, I will :)


    The worst for me:

    - Armpit stink especially when it had time to mature a little

    - Cheese d&ck... no need to say more!



    Additional Comments:

    the olive cart at the grocery store

    Yes! The smell in the olive section at the grocery store is just awful, too!

  9. I guess at some point I am actually gonna have to watch an episode of this show so many people keep feeling me it is so amazing and are addicted to it.

    You have to!


    For other TV series, I usually wait for a season to be over and then binge watch when I want a lazy day. Walking Dead is the only show I can't do that with and need my weekly fill... So bad! lol

    • Like 1

  10. [COLOR=White].[/COLOR]
    [CENTER][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=Gray]Adventurous ladies, gentlemen and open-minded couples,[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3] [COLOR=DimGray]When was the last time you took the opportunity to truly spoil yourself, disconnect and withdraw from your fast-paced lifestyle by immersing yourself in sultry company where sensuality, wit, charm and beauty go hand-in-hand?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray] Authentic in demeanor and attitude, always warm, friendly and engaging, I am inviting you to explore my intoxicating charisma, the perfume of my alluring curves, and my sensuous feisty energy; it is time to let go and be swept away to profound moments of passion! [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray][COLOR=Plum] [COLOR=SlateGray]January 15th until January 17th![/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray] [IMG]http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l604/gabriellalaurence/Gabby%202014-Resized/350x232-Resized-GabriellaLaurence-Arched-BampW-Watermarked_zps32777ab7.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l604/gabriellalaurence/Gabby%202014-Resized/350x232-Resized-GabriellaLaurence-Bed-BampW-Watermarked_zpse0d7b060.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3] [COLOR=SlateGray][URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com"][COLOR=SlateGray]www.gabriellalaurence.com[/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray]As always, it will be my pleasure to entertain you at an upscale downtown hotel in a spacious suite perfectly suited for longer engagements, or, for your convenience, at your private residence.[/COLOR][COLOR=DimGray] For more information, please visit my "[COLOR=DarkOrchid][URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/honorarium.html"][COLOR=Plum]Honorarium[/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR]" web page. Please, also keep in mind that I do require a [U]minimum[/U] of 24 hours notice so I am kindly inviting you to take the former into consideration when contacting me. Thank you.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray] If we havenâ??t had the opportunity to meet yet, rest assured that it is never too early to [URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/contactme.html"][COLOR=Plum]contact me[/COLOR][/URL]. I actually prefer it this way as it gives us a chance to communicate, get to know one another and establish a good comfort level before meeting. Being a sapiosexual at heart, intellectual foreplay prior to our date is an excellent way to create anticipation and excitement![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray] When contemplating a special rendez-vous or a new experience that will delight and excite all your senses, do not hesitate to throw your inhibitions to the wind and allow me to whisk you away to my world of physical and intellectual passion! Let's get to know each other and let's see what type of adventure we can explore together![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DimGray] Always been and always will be your little sultry secret,[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=SlateGray] [SIZE=5][COLOR=SlateGray][I][FONT=Garamond]Gabriella xox[/FONT][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com"][COLOR=SlateGray]www.gabriellalaurence.com[/COLOR][/URL][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [COLOR=DimGray] [FONT=Century Gothic] Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance![/FONT][/COLOR]



  11. I have noticed a distinct reduction in posts on this site? Was this due to the change to Lyla? What happened?

    It's possible, as others have suggested, that the decrease in posts is related to C-36 and the new system on Cerb/Lyla but as I remember it over the years, the site as always been much quieter over the holidays.


    A lot of people should be back to work on Monday and kids back to school and the routine should kick back in in no time again.

    • Like 3

  12. .


    Ladies, Gentlemen and open-minded couples,


    I hope this finds you well and enjoying the cheerful holiday season!

    I will have the immense pleasure of starting the new year in Toronto, between January 1st and January 3rd, and spend some of it in your exquisite company. What a treat it will be since I haven't toured in Toronto in about 4 years! Unfortunately, for some of you, since I prefer to spend extended moments with only a few select patrons, my time has already been spoken for and I am no longer accepting requests.


    As most of you know, I am available throughout the year in Toronto, by special request only, for the duration of an exclusive overnight engagement (or longer). If you would like to get together for an extended romantic tryst, a stimulating overnight escapade, a relaxing weekend getaway or if you are simply looking for a fun and genuine companion to spice up your business trip, whatever the occasion is, it will be my pleasure to meet with you at the location of your choice with a minimum of 3 days notice. For more information, I am kindly inviting you to visit my "Exclusive Adventures" web page.


    Authentic in demeanor and attitude, always warm, friendly and engaging, I am inviting you to explore my intoxicating charisma, the perfume of my alluring curves, and my sensuous feisty energy; let yourself be swept away to profound moments of passion!


    Wishing you all the best for this holiday season and for 2015!


    Hugs and kisses,


    Gabriella xox




    Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance!








  13. [COLOR=#ffffff].[/COLOR]
    [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic]
    Ladies, Gentlemen and open-minded couples,

    When was the last time you took the opportunity to truly spoil yourself, disconnect and withdraw from your fast-paced lifestyle by immersing yourself in sultry company where sensuality, wit, charm and beauty go hand-in-hand?

    Authentic in demeanor and attitude, always warm, friendly and engaging, I am inviting you to explore my intoxicating charisma, the perfume of my alluring curves, and my sensuous feisty energy; it is time to let go and be swept away to profound moments of passion!

    [/COLOR][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=#333366][IMG]http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l604/gabriellalaurence/Gabby%202014-Resized/300x451-GABBY-STAIRS2-WM_zpscdc25828.jpg[/IMG]
    [B]Visiting Toronto January 1st - 3rd
    Upscale Airport Hotel[/B]
    Please allow me to introduce myself; my name is Gabriella Laurence. I am an established and reputable mature independent escort and exclusive travel companion from Montreal. I offer a discreet and personal intimate companionship experience, excluding games, drama and complications, to distinguished patrons who are looking to spend extended sensual moments in exquisite company.

    I am 5'8 and possess a beautiful, well-proportioned, curvaceous silhouette, luscious long legs, silky red hair, seductive but mischievous green eyes, a gorgeous smile and a contagious laugh. Time and time again, my patrons have told me they always appreciate my sincere and laid back demeanor, gentle friendly nature, sharp wit, engaging personality and seductive aura; that my zest for life is truly unmistakable. Although I retain a slight but very sexy French accent, I am fluent in both English and French. Articulate communication will never be an issue when we meet or correspond via email.
    [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][IMG]http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l604/gabriellalaurence/Gabby%202014-Resized/300X451-GABBY-EVENINGGOWN2-WM_zpsc70c988b.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic]Whether you would like to get together for a romantic dinner date, a stimulating overnight escapade, a relaxing extended getaway or if you are simply looking for a fun and engaging companion to spice up your business trip, whatever the occasion is, it will be my pleasure to meet with you and entertain you at an upscale airport hotel in a beautiful spacious suite for a stimulating 2 hour engagement or longer. Please keep in mind that I do not accept same-day requests and do require a minimum of 24 hours notice. I am kindly inviting you to take the former into consideration when contacting me. Thank you.

    If we havenâ??t had the opportunity to meet yet, rest assured that it is never too early to contact me. I actually prefer it this way as it gives us a chance to communicate, get to know one another and establish a good comfort level before meeting. Being a sapiosexual at heart, intellectual foreplay prior to our date is an excellent way to create anticipation and excitement!

    I am kindly inviting you to visit my [U][B][URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/honorarium.html"][COLOR=#666666]honorarium page[/COLOR][/URL][/B][/U] for more information.
    To arrange our exciting get together, please visit my [B][U][URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/contactme.html"][COLOR=#666666]contact page[/COLOR][/URL][/U][/B].[/FONT][/SIZE]

    [/COLOR][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=#696969][B][U][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic]Distinctive Optional Opportunity[/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/B][/COLOR]
    With a small deposit made via email transfer at the time of confirmation, I will be delighted to offer you the following reduction. Rest assured that the business email address I use for transfers is an unrelated, discreet and professional one.[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=3]

    [COLOR=#666699]$50 reduction on a 2 or 3 hour tryst
    $75 reduction on a 4 hour lunch date
    $100 reduction for a 5 hour dinner date
    $300 reduction for an overnight engagement
    $400 reduction for a full day (24 hours)
    For couples, I am waiving the additional $100 charge only.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    When contemplating a special rendez-vous or a new experience that will delight and excite all your senses, do not hesitate to throw your inhibitions to the wind and allow me to whisk you away to my world of physical and intellectual passion! Let's get to know each other and let's see what type of adventure we can explore together!

    Your Perfect Imperfection,

    [COLOR=#666699] [SIZE=5][I][FONT=garamond]Gabriella xox[/FONT][/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]

    Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance!



  14. With all due respect Gabriella, you are well liked here and you are well known as well, but the big thing is you don't advertise on BP ... I would be very suspicious of anyone wanting a deposit AND advertising on BP. I have prepaid for visits in the past when I know it's safe to do so, but on BP? ... NOT for me thank you.

    Thanks for the kind words, Daniel.


    I actually use BP from time to time when I travel to small cities where advertising venues are limited and BP is the most effective way to reach out to clients. For larger cities like Montreal, Toronto and Ottawa, I have no use for BP because my other advertising choices bring me the results I am looking for. If I was looking to generate more business, BP might be a venue I would consider... and I would still be the same person, the same companion who runs a legit and honest business ;)


    In other words, smart marketing means utilizing all advertising at their disposal, and continue with it because it gets results. Just because the OP saw an ad there, doesn't make the escort sketchy. An escort is either sketchy or reputable, but it has nothing to do with where their ads are.

    Well said!


    Escorts without websites will rarely be requesting deposits, and that would be the key thing that one would look for when deciding if a deposit request is legit or not legit, imo.

    I disagree with this because there are plenty of websites out there that are full of B&S pictures and run scams so having a website doesn't make them more legit.


    Doing research on the lady is the smartest thing a gentleman can do before a first-time get together.

    • Like 5

  15. I have stumbled upon some hot lady on BP (I won't name any names here) and texted her for an appointment. She said I'm a new customer and requires a deposit. She has pictures with her face in it. I can't find anything on TER. I feel that may or may not be a little sketchy.


    Are they legit or like those prepaid credit card scams?

    There is a possibility it's a scam like there's also a possibility it's not ;)


    I personally require a deposit before a first-time rendez-vous under specific circumstances and I'm definitely not a scam operation ;)


    If you want to find out if the lady you are interested in spending time with is legit, you could start by visiting this useful thread.


    Good luck!

    • Like 1

  16. [COLOR=#FFFFFF].[/COLOR][CENTER][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic]Merry Christmas!!
    [IMG]http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l604/gabriellalaurence/Holidays/A15_zpsf2d135a7.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic]

    Ladies, Gentlemen and open-minded couples,

    When was the last time you took the opportunity to truly spoil yourself, disconnect and withdraw from your fast-paced lifestyle by immersing yourself in sultry company where sensuality, wit, charm and beauty go hand-in-hand?

    Authentic in demeanor and attitude, always warm, friendly and engaging, I am inviting you to explore my intoxicating charisma, the perfume of my alluring curves, and my sensuous feisty energy; it is time to let go and be swept away to profound moments of passion!

    [COLOR=#6666cc][B]Visiting Toronto January 1st - 3rd
    Upscale Airport Hotel[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=#336699]
    Please allow me to introduce myself; my name is Gabriella Laurence. I am an established and reputable mature independent escort and exclusive travel companion from Montreal. I offer a discreet and personal intimate companionship experience, excluding games, drama and complications, to distinguished patrons who are looking to spend extended sensual moments in exquisite company.

    I am 5'8 and possess a beautiful, well-proportioned, curvaceous silhouette, luscious long legs, silky red hair, seductive but mischievous green eyes, a gorgeous smile and a contagious laugh. Time and time again, my patrons have told me they always appreciate my sincere and laid back demeanor, gentle friendly nature, sharp wit, engaging personality and seductive aura; that my zest for life is truly unmistakable. Although I retain a slight but very sexy French accent, I am fluent in both English and French. Articulate communication will never be an issue when we meet or correspond via email.

    [SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic]Whether you would like to get together for a romantic dinner date, a stimulating overnight escapade, a relaxing extended getaway or if you are simply looking for a fun and engaging companion to spice up your business trip, whatever the occasion is, it will be my pleasure to meet with you and entertain you at an upscale airport hotel in a beautiful spacious suite for a stimulating 2 hour engagement or longer. Please keep in mind that I do not accept same-day requests and do require a minimum of 24 hours notice. I am kindly inviting you to take the former into consideration when contacting me. Thank you.

    If we havenâ??t had the opportunity to meet yet, rest assured that it is never too early to contact me. I actually prefer it this way as it gives us a chance to communicate, get to know one another and establish a good comfort level before meeting. Being a sapiosexual at heart, intellectual foreplay prior to our date is an excellent way to create anticipation and excitement!

    I am kindly inviting you to visit my [U][B][URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/honorarium.html"][COLOR=#666666]honorarium page[/COLOR][/URL][/B][/U] for more information.
    To arrange our exciting get together, please visit my [B][U][URL="http://www.gabriellalaurence.com/contactme.html"][COLOR=#666666]contact page[/COLOR][/URL][/U][/B].[/FONT][/SIZE]

    [/COLOR][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=#696969][B][U][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic]DISTINCTIVE OPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY[/FONT][/SIZE][/U][/B][/COLOR]
    With a small deposit made via email transfer at the time of confirmation, I will be delighted to offer you the following reduction. Rest assured that the business email address I use for transfers is an unrelated, discreet and professional one.[/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=3][FONT=century gothic][FONT=century gothic][SIZE=3]

    [COLOR=#666699]$50 reduction on a 2 or 3 hour tryst
    $75 reduction on a 4 hour lunch date
    $100 reduction for a 5 hour dinner date
    $300 reduction for an overnight engagement
    $400 reduction for a full day (24 hours)
    For couples, I am waiving the additional $100 charge only.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    When contemplating a special rendez-vous or a new experience that will delight and excite all your senses, do not hesitate to throw your inhibitions to the wind and allow me to whisk you away to my world of physical and intellectual passion! Let's get to know each other and let's see what type of adventure we can explore together!

    Your Perfect Imperfection,

    [COLOR=#666699] [SIZE=5][I][FONT=garamond]Gabriella xox[/FONT][/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]

    Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance!


  17. .

    Dear ladies, gentlemen and open-minded couples,


    I hope this finds you well and enjoying taking part in all your special Christmas preparations!


    I know my schedule can be a little difficult to deal with at times but the good news is that my office will be closing down for 2 weeks over the holiday period and this means I will be on vacation for all that time! As a result, I will be able, more freely, to indulge in some well-deserved, sweet moments in your delightful company.


    Since I am and always been a firm believer in exclusivity and take great pleasure in raveling you with my undivided attention, as per usual, I will not be accepting more than one request per day when I am available over the holidays. I will still need a reasonable minimum notice of 24-48 hours in order to coordinate my availability with yours.


    If you would like to take advantage of my distinctive holiday opportunity, please click here.


    I am looking forward to spending exciting moments in your exquisite company!


    Happy Holidays,


    Gabriella xox




    Welcome to Distinctive Exclusivity, Exquisite Refinement & Classic Elegance




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