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J Galt

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Posts posted by J Galt

  1. A gram of protein per pound of bodyweight? Sounds high to me, but I'm no powerlifter, so I'll take your word for it.

    On the other hand, I do work hard physically and exercise daily, and I'm getting a lot of my protein from different kinds of beans. But I'm not having any issues with fouling the air. The key is to buy dried beans, and prepare them yourself. When you soak them prior to cooking them, they lose the sugars that you can't digest which lead to flatulence. Also, I think vegetarianism, if done well(ie fresh, nutritious foods as opposed to packaged chemical "food-like" substances), will give you a high enough metabolism that you can digest beans(and everything else) well enough not to have such issues. There's always beano and gas-x if necessary.

    Of course, your body may have an adjustment period of a couple of weeks, but once past that, you should be able to digest things cleanly.


    As for quinoa, it may be a nutritious superfood, but unfortunately our sudden fascination with it is leading to malnutrition among those who've grown it for decades/centuries, since they can't afford it anymore.



    Lastly, my vegetarian recipe of the day is my substitute for wings, since I can't have them anymore. I just make perogies like wings - batter them, deep fry or bake them, and coat them with hot sauce(which is a recipe I won't share). Bloody tasty, and more digestible than wings ever were.

  2. Hey Everyone,


    Any information that the bank needs to get from you they will call.


    What are the odds I'd be home and available to answer the call during the 10 minutes a day the bank's open?


    Funny, back in the early days of the internet, before I was on it, a coworker's family fell for the Nigerian prince who needs to get millions out of the country scam. They all quit their jobs and bought Porsches and Mercedes and such(on credit of course since no money had come in "yet"). They moved away pretty quickly so I don't know how it turned out in the end, but not well I assume.

  3. I don't want to belabor this point... but there is a reason we give pensions to MPs. 2 terms is eight years. There are very few Canadians who could leave their current job and expect to return after 8, or even 4 years. Without a pension (and some income guarantee), who in their right mind would run for parliament? We'd only have only have lawyers, doctors, and others who could step right back into their jobs after their absence. The idea here is that any Canadian with ideas and motivation should be able to run for office.


    I know my employer wouldn't give me an 8-year leave of absence, and if I quit entirely to run, would have great difficulty reinserting myself into the workforce after such an absence.





    They could apply for EI-sponsored retraining for a new career, if they didn't feel entitled to better benefits than the rest of us.

  4. I just became a vegetarian this year. It was my new year's resolution, and just to prove how serious I was about it, I started a week early - Xmas supper was my last taste of dead animal. Loving every minute of it!

    So I'm looking for recipes, ideas in general, etc. Especially simpler stuff. As much as I like to cook, I live in a rural shithole so my ingredient choices are not what they would be in a city.

    Bonus points(hypothetical ones) for spicy foods - Thai, Indian especially.

  5. Just to follow up - I've exchanged a couple of emails with an SP who I found particularly appealing. She's a traveller though, and her travel schedule and my work schedule haven't allowed us to meet yet. But she had no big issue with my lack of references, she just asked me some questions and I answered honestly and that was good enough.

    As far as cell phones go, I hadn't realized how cheap they've gotten, so I'll pick one up one of these days. FWIW, I never gave out my number last time I had one, and to this day I have no idea how it got out. Maybe I forgot to block it when making a call, I don't bloody know.

    Oh, and the comment I made about how much notice is appropriate - I didn't mean I want to give short notice, I actually meant how far in advance is too far to make arrangements, since I assume SPs probably don't keep alot of paperwork about their appointments...

  6. I think all this pop is where the hangovers really come from, moreso than the liquor.

    Either way, Carrie Moon had the best post on the subject, go back and reread it if you missed it or didn't learn from it. Pop is the nastiest shit out there, especially diet anything...I'll start smoking again before I'll drink that filth...it's one of those things that make me angry that my tax dollars pay for healthcare. I take care of my body, I should pay less. A lot less, apparently.

    FFOL, aspartame was invented to be a neurotoxin. It was intended for use as a weapon. They just never intended for people to use it on themselves.

  7. MPs may make a smaller salary than they might in the private sector, in terms of their official salary. But how many of them coincidentally get a gravy "consulting" job from one of their biggest campaign contributors the second they step out of office? How many just happen to have their blind-trust investments increase by hundreds of times while they're in office? They make out like bandits in way too many cases.

    As far as the Bloc wanting to divide/break up Canada, it's the Cons and Libs who have signed agreements to allow american soldiers onto Canadian soil, which concerns me a lot more than giving sovereignty to people who want it.

  8. Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. No matter who you vote for, we will still be at war forever, our food, water and air will still be poisoned, our police will happily break any law on the books if the "democratically elected" leader tells them to(anybody remember the G20?), and corporate interests will always come first.

    And this law and order crap drives me nuts. Canada in 2011 is just about the safest place to be in the history of human civilization. But fear has been the easy way to votes for 2000 years, why stop now?

    If the Federal Government ceased to exist tomorrow, what negative consequences would there actually be? I'll be voting none of the above.

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  9. Having political parties means we'll never have freedom or democracy. Now every lobby group just has to buy off each party "leader" and one or two below him, and the rest of the party can easily be filled with mindless yes-men. If every single candidate was independent, the corruption would stop pretty quickly - no lobby group could afford to buy off every single candidate.

  10. The 90s were the decade where music died. Say what you want about 80s music, but at least in the 80s, there were musicians who could actually play their instruments and write songs. Once Nirvana came along, a lot of music just became zero-talent crap.

    Some good ones that slipped through the cracks:

    Holy Wars - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYlUe-SDqA0


    Jizzobber - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSOPBqzVZZw


    Davidian - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0XrKF19yzE


    If it wasn't for Pantera though, the entire 90s could be written off.

  11. "I don't believe the government should be allowed to make the Charter of Rights irrelevant."


    Rights, by definition, supercede any law. If your "rights" can be taken away, they were never rights, just privileges granted to you by the government.

    I can't add much to the original post except to say that I agree from both angles - that sex-trade workers are treated disgracefully under the law, and hockey players are ridiculously glorified.


    Years ago I injured my back. On the exact same day, a player in the NHL suffered the exact same injury, in Canada as well. I was given a prescription for painkillers and told to stay in bed, the hockey player was rushed into emergency surgery, after midnight, and had the damage actually repaired. I still have the damage in my back(not debilitating any more, but an occasional pain). The NHL player continued to earn over $3 million per year until he retired in his early 30s.

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