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Everything posted by 5IVESTAR

  1. very good post, I was looking into the .xxx news not too long ago its a good idea i think

    IMG 0295

    From the album: 5IVESTAR


    IMG 0317

    From the album: 5IVESTAR



    Ladies of 5IVESTAR
  5. for acceptance of credit cards you will need a merchant account with somebody. it is best to check your current bank. Of course they do have fees and transaction costs etc. that vary depending on who you hold your merchant account with. There are also smaller independent companies that will allow you to charge addition fees for use which over the course of a year could add up to an extra few thousand dollars! Interac email money transfer can be just as useful as previously mentioned. hope that helps some


    From the album: 5IVESTAR



    From the album: 5IVESTAR


    Niomi Cash

    From the album: 5IVESTAR

  9. Hopefully things get better for our country, the conservative party is very strange. They model a lot after the republican party to the south of us, and after how well Nevada has been doing with there laws in surprised we haven't implemented something like this here. good post
  10. A big congratulations are in order!!!!!
  11. There is a bit of truth not the most active as far as participation but the viewers are here. Hopefully the future can see more traffic to this section, the site is very efficient, effective and has a very positive atmosphere.
  12. These laws are not coming into place necessarily as a recourse on landlords they are just some of the people who could be potentially effected. This law will be used to reposes property more then anything i imaging. For instance if someone is charged under the bawdy house act under this new act could now face loosing there property. Or say someone is caught trafficking out of a house someone in the family or they themselves own it will most likely be confiscated much like other other proceeds of crime. I think that is the intent of these law and similar laws have been put into place in the USA already
  13. glad links were fixed interesting article none the less. Housing costs tend to recycle through out different areas. Maintenance of the property and neighboring properties also can affect pricing
  14. I just finished reading " Templars in America : From the Crusades to the New World" by Tim Wallace-Murphy and Marilyn Hopkins History read about the Kelts/Vikings and there meetings with North America In particular the east coast of Canada in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick down into Main in the U.S. A real insight to the truth about our country's discovery Ill be sure to check some of the books mentioned by others also
  15. This has also similar to a case in Barrie also. Majority of the police in our country abuse there power in one way or another.
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