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Verified Independent
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Posts posted by Madison_Sparks

  1. Why thank you Sugar........ So typically sweet of you <3

    And gents this pretty little pin-up bomb shell still has the nicest natural "sweater puppies" ever to come to the Thunder Bay service provider scene ;)

    Like super sexy cute :)

  2. If I may........ From an SP's point of view......


    Research ur girls well. Most top notch SP's will take the time getting to know you and ur likes and dislikes before you even meet.


    Every girl is different, just as tho it would be with any lady (sp or not). For the most part us girls have no issues letting you gents know what our boundaries are, and do so in a polite and pleasant manner. Remember, us girls "date" for a living, so we want you to feel as comfy as possible so that you will keep coming back.


    Personally I love first timers :)

    They are so cute and sweet when u first meet and by the time the booking is finished they walk out like a champ!!! Lol


    I guess my point is that a good girl will take on all the responsibilities of creating an atmosphere to suit your needs. When contacting her don't be afraid to tell her ur shy and may need some time to "warm up"; I'm sure who ever you see would be happy to have as much info as possible before hand in order to make ur time wonderful rather then worrying.


    I would recommend of course myself........... Or miss sugar or miss jade.

    The three of us are very sweet and would treat you like fine glass <3

    • Like 3

  3. I'd like to take a crack at this one :)


    This s a question that usually comes up when the girls get to talking about the pro's and con's of both being represented by an agent or being an independent.


    From those conversations and my perceptions of those conversations this is what I generally understand about both ways of representing yourself.


    First of all this may shock some seeing as I am all about the independent ladies being the majority in thunder bay. That said, reputable agents that will do the work (marketing, answering phones lines 24/7 with you as one of those ladies, totally dedicated to booking you calls and making both of you $$$) are the best way to go for a lady who is either first starting out/ wants to get a better understanding of the sex trade as a legitimate trade/ doesn't want to spend all that time on marketing and booking .............. etc

    An agent would be a perfect fit for a girl who wants to just do the job, and not the business end of things. Which is awesome for some. While working with an agent I was able to spend more time doing bookings because the person representing me knew when I was available and did all the marketing and answered every call and all the booking processes, so that I didn't have to spend the time doing it. Whoo hoo because of that I had a life lol


    When it comes to working for more then one place I wouldn't recommend it. For one it's extra strain on both you and ur agents part that someone is gonna have to communicate between the agents that you have a booking with the other. This is like insider trading almost right? Probs not good juju.

    Also if you find someone who will take care of your image and is dedicated to making anyone they represent money it only seems right to respect that business partnership.

    Just because we are in sex work doesn't mean we can't have class.

    (Just IMO)


    But independent has it's perks that come along with the work load.

    Your in total control of how you are marketed, who you see, your hours become much more flexible; but the down side is that..... Your in total control lol :P

    Your safety, your marketing, ad's, bookings, confirmations, following the annual trends, supplies, finding drivers , and security ppl for exotic dancing at stags, answering the phones, replying to e-mails, managing a web site --in my case getting it together-- I mean everything is up to you and how much you can handle. Being an independent I work about 6-8months out of the year because of all the work that goes into it. Mind you, I go in putting on a production lol, so I put that much into it. Again as an independent you have the freedom to do as you please. I would on suggest that you make sure you have some experience before going solo and feel free to msg any of us active girls here on the general boards for help.


    Most times we'll probably pm you, but this seemed like a general enough for public.

    Next time tho if you want a better response (like from the larger cerb community) there are the general boards for newbie questions and generals like this. If your asking specifically the thunder bay crowd then I think this is fine.


    I don't think the mod will spank us for this one ;)

    • Like 2

  4. Sugar is right, these threads are for the gents to get in contact and pm each other details. Although I think it should be ok for girls who DON'T have an invested interest in another's work to be able to give positive feed back from the other side of the fence.


    I've stumbled upon booking where there were multiple girls called from different sources where I was impressed by another ladies way that she conducted herself and how pleasant she was. For those looking for more then a menu could benefit from an all around look into the personality of the lady they are researching :)


    Maybe a separate thread dedicated to this subject would be more appropriate? It's just hard sometimes to see a thread with many questions and no answers when I may have some information for them.

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  5. Just an idea........


    If one of you cerb gents enjoy both writing and service providers, why doesn't someone start a private social group that documents their adventures when meeting new girls and going to new places?

    Like articles or short stories?


    Yes I know that's what reviews are for, but I'm talking about a trail blazer to take on these ???? Situations. I think it would be a great read <3

  6. Ya I think sugar got this question on lock lol


    The only thing I would add is that if you choose to get a hotel room, get one that has a private entrance on the main floor.

    I use hotels for incalls every few weeks (in the 6months a year that I am avail)

    And a concern I hear often is that clients don't want to walk through the lobby to come visit with you. I've had ppl cancel on this reason alone. Most ppl who require an incall need the highest levels of discretion, so lobby's are an incall killer sometimes.


    That and seeing as you'll have to go through the lobby every time you go for food, a smoke, shopping, really any coming and goings the whole hotel staff will become aware of what your doing there. I'm lucky enough that I take the time to be pleasant with the staff. Not mentioning which hotels, but some front desks hand out my cards when their guests ask about where they can find "quality company".


    So as you can see there are upsides and downsides to using hotels depending on how you and your clients feel about using a hotel. If you want to be very, very secret? Get a condo, or a house in the central or downtown areas. As sugar said, the higher the traffic in the area the more reasons ur clients have to "be in the area" and if your not going to live in the house staying out of residential areas because you'll start scaring the nieghbours lol (trust me :P )

    I guess you could in low income nieghbourhoods, but I'm sure you'd want your environment to reflect your worth right?


    I hope this helps, mind you I think between sugar and I you get the best advice when it comes to the thunder bay area ;)

  7. I was planning a spring tour and was curious if Timmins was a good place to stop in for a couple days?


    this is a question for both the ladies and the gents


    Ladies - Those who have traveled there, was it a good trip? as in cost effective and friendly people, minimal no shows?

    Or local gals, could the area use a little something new for a few days? How is the "Fishing"? lol. (feel free to PM me your answers if you'd like to not post publicly)

    Are there any agents i can contact for more info on the area? seems a little thin out there when i've looked online.


    Gents - are there many timmins cerbies? and do any of you wanna take me fishing ;) j/k


    And thank you for your time loves :)

  8. Quick question here. If an sp is very well known (for great service and providing a safe incall location with no drugs, multiple workers etc) and respected with great reviews and all, do you think that her being well known will place her as a larger target for the police or will it have the opposite effect, speaking in terms of the risk of incalls at her location.


    For example would the police think since she is not doing other illegal activities, her and her clients should be left alone by law enforcement, or would they every think that since she is well known in the city they want to make and example and bust her and her clients and tell the news and the whole bit?


    IMO where i am located i am not bothered at all. i do not currently have an in call location, but have for many years in the past. I've never had an issure with LE. actually they have been welcome to my incall locations and have taken the open invitation with much respect to what i do. they have never harrassed my clients and i have never had a complaint from others in the area as well.


    I guess the two most important factors to weigh in on when it come to the risk of an in call are:


    (1) is the girl you are going to meet seem like a level headed proffestional with a mind on her surroundings?


    (2) What is the areas attitude towards the service of incalls? most areas are primarly concerned with the effects on the community then what you do in your own place.

    • Like 1

  9. No one is attacking you bunny


    When we answer we do so strictly in facts, the black and white.

    When a "lady" comes on the boards asking for help most of us are happy to give insight to whatever matters or issues need to be discussed.


    If you think for a moment that any of us ment you any wrong doing, then your wrong.

    Asking serious questions and then being offended for being offensive is ridiculous. A person with a "good heart in the right place" would recognize this.


    I do believe that ur interest is genuine, and that you are a wide picture thinker. I am happy u found a few dates and I hope that they are not only safe but fun. But plz remember that even with my 11yrs experience I to sometimes can't always pick out the bad apples. Actually the most dangerous man I ever saw was sweet as pie for over 4months of seeing me regularly before he tried to slice me open with a knife from behind during the act.


    We were not firm in our answers to be rude,

    I know that I just want to be clear.


    I see you have many interests. I'm sure you will find something that will make u happy and fulfilled.


    Oh and negative comment are not permitted on CERB hun, positive only. I'm sure if we were cruel to you that the MOD would have spanked us by now :) lol


    Plz take a look at newbie and legal sections here on cerb. It's all important reading if you want a taste of what your getting into.


    And I think I can say with some confidence that all of us here wish you luck, life, happiness............ And heck ya, lots of $$$ to do good things with. It's awesome to hear that it is a major intention of urs. Speaks volumes :) <3

    • Like 1

  10. No one is "too old" for sex work, hence marketing is very important.


    There are clients that want a girl from 18-25 because they are looking for young, spunky or sweet (or someone young with no sex work experience hoping they can get away with being sleazy)


    A mature lady as yourself could market herself as a "perfect companion". A treat for the business man visiting town wanting to do the evening date, willing to do dinner and a play with a hot passionate good-bye at the end of your evening.


    Again........you are your own company/business, and marketing is key.

    Find what it is that you best offer for services and cater to that in your advertisements.


    And most important........... No one is too old for sex work!!!!! Lol <3

    • Like 1

  11. My next question as a trainee has to do with the demographics of clientele in the Thunder Bay area. My aim is to cater to an upscale market and I'm hoping to hear from those service workers who have knowledge and experience in this capacity.


    Time and marketing are the answers.


    If your a new lady and you want to start at the top your gonna need an experienced agent or a miracle.

    As an independent with no contacts coming into the field your gonna want to take every call you can that is safe. See you don't get to choose who you see. You screen through who contacts you. If a client sends red flags your way then you don't see him. Besides that this is the job we do. Ugly as sin or brad pitt, as long as he/she is polite and clean and what you not willing to do is respected, then a call is a call and everyone deserves a lil fun....... That why they call us :)


    Our job is to be the playthings and fantasies for men and women. The GFE, the PSE, the fetish, candle light dinners, the public date, and the more often then not "I just wanna fuck you and go"........... This is our job, to play these roles.


    Personally I have a closed list of clients that can msg me anytime they want that are tres bon. Mind you I've been in this city slightly over 10 years and have marketed myself to be a "rare treat" for availability these last few years after the many it took me to get to this place. I don't do as many calls as I did 10 years ago, but I do make just as much and have time for a full life outside of sex work. Market yourself towards those that you would like to seek you out.


    my advice is to market yourself as well as you can. If not then find an agent with experience in the area. And be sure they can show you credentials, asking for a T4 from the company for tax purposes is the best way to go. Only licensed agents can do this. There are lots of places in town that are just a # in the local paper taking 1/2 of ur pay illegally.

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  12. I've done both the hosting in an apartment and hotels


    Hotels can be expensive when used on a consistent basis; but it also offers you the opportunity to limit the amount of days that you work a 24hr schedule.


    When finding an incall location it is wisest to not use your own home for safety reasons obviously. Mind you some girls do and have no issues, but if u are "new" to this playing it as safe as possible is wise. You'll also feel much more comfy and concentrated on enjoying your work as well. Imo


    That said when looking for an apartment or condo make time to meet your neighbors. I have always found that if you are polite and nice with a sweet and simple cover story will make you and ur traffic welcome in the area. What most ppl care about is trouble. If you can show others ur not trouble (drugs/drama/aggressive or unruly clients) then 9/10 that no one will care what happens @ur place.


    From person experience I've worked for agencies that have an open door policy with the local police that offered in calls @the time. It was not rare to see a uniformed officer in the lobby every month just checking the ages for the girls and a quick look in common areas just to see it was on the up and up (no drugs, slave trade). So thunder bay is kind to us providers and don't bother us unless we give them a reason. The first thing we all need to remember is that we are not doing anything illegal.


    I'm pretty well versed with this city (11 years) if you'd like plz feel free to msg me if you want any advice :)

    I believe that all service providers should be wise about what they are doing so that they are as safe and HAPPY as possible.


    Welcome to CERB love <3

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  13. I just wanted to give u all a special thank you for making these last few days of incalls wonderful.


    After hearing how some of you are looking for that safe, clean, and friendly call girl for regular hosting services; I will defiantly be catering to u guys and girls more often in the new year :D


    --I'm so sorry for shutting down my in call location. I didn't know u'd miss me as much as I'd miss you. Will u ever forgive me lol-- tee hee


    I hope u all have a safe and wonderful holiday full of joy, love, and laughter <3


    Love Always

    Miss Madison Sparks


    P.S: you were all perfect and wonderful, and I was grateful and blessed to see u all again :)

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  14. Best of luck dear!!!!!!


    I always say it's the best practice to take a LOA from sex work on a some what of a consistant basis. And if this truly is the final curtain call, I wish u every happiness <3


    Hopefully some of those future plans of urs are just around the corner for u, if not already in the palm of ur hand. :)

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