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Malika Fantasy

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by Malika Fantasy

  1. I only keep records of no show/bad dates and the like.


    I do however keep my previous agenda and a calendar


    but the most in it is something like


    "Steve 2hrs at 4pm"


    and after the appointment I put if I would repeat with this person or not, sometime they are some people that while are not bad dates I just didn't connect

    • Like 2

  2. MASSIVE difference.

    I have use all of them because I tour the country from time to time.


    Cerb is really friendly and SP are really accepted. But it is a recommendation not a review board which could make a difference



    Brutal as hell. I have to use it because I am base in Toronto and that's where I get the most of my business. People are mean like no tomorrow



    Not as bad as terb, but a lot of cheap people. Bitching in French and English.


    Perb: friendliest of the t/m/p board.


    Caerf: the most friendly board out there, not as active as terb, but guys seriously thanks each other for the reviews and community seem good. Business wise it doesn't seem to give me a lot of hit on my website, but heck it's free for indy SP to advertise


    hope this help!

    • Like 8

  3. Ocean's air

    A French bakery early in the morning

    A chill autumn at dusk when it's just a bit windy

    Gingerbread cookies and warm milk

    The smell of someone you love left on the pillow

    A discountinue green apple body wash from Shopper's that I am stretching it to it's limit


    • Like 1

  4. I'm not sure why everyone is jumping on the privacy aspect of the email money transfer when the OP didn't even mention it once.


    I personally take email money transfer and have an extremely bland "Jane Doe" type of email address that is not posted anywhere online and most ladies have something like this.


    As for outcall most SP do ask for a transportation fee, but if there someone that advertise in the East End it should probably be lower than someone advertise as offering incall in Kanata for example ;)

    • Like 2

  5. I personally like them.

    It doesn't particularly sexy to have a piece of latex sticking out of your genitalia...but eh it does have some advantages


    1) for those that want to do duos and have the fantasy of not changing condoms between girls can do it since each sP can wear a female condom


    2) it's really good for those that get soft with putting a condom on their penis since you don't have the feeling of being construct by it

    • Like 3

  6. 25 years old seem to be a somewhat big turn point in this industry.

    I don't lie about my age and the day I started to advertise that I was 25 yrs old, compare to 24 (hell matter of a few weeks) I started to see a difference in my appointments.

    Generally a bit longer, more conversation share over coffee or a glass of wine compare to 30/60 min appointments where it's basically just sex.


    After talking to some gents it seem that some don't want to fuck someone that is younger than their own kid and well the interests of people tend to be different at 20 compare to 60

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