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Posts posted by Icebreaker

  1. There are always the old standbys like:


    It's a Wonderful Life

    Miracle on 34th Street

    Christmas Carol (with Alastair Sims)


    Grinch (agree with Jesse - the animated version)


    Newer personal fave (which I'm not alone) - Christmas Vacation


    But after many Christmas's I've started looking for lesser known or not strictly Christmas films:


    The Bishop's Wife (Cary Grant) Still popular but not overplayed

    Holiday Affair (Robert Mitchum - late 1940's)


    The Thin Man (1934) a comedic murder mystery set during the Christmas holidays - a wonderful film to see and again not overplayed

    • Like 2

  2. I very much believe that political correctness has gone way too far.


    My personal issue are those using social outrage to shut down any views that differ from theirs and vilify those who disagree


    The Internet fosters so many of these so-called outrage warriors (regardless of their views or political leanings) as it becomes so easy for a person to bask in opinions and information that align only with their own and rarely let in a dissenting thought.


    By taking political correctness as far as society has, how will people objectively debate issues in society. As was mentioned by Loopie, over-protecting young people does prepare them for the real world and that in my opinion is doing them the greatest disservice of all. It sets such an unrealistic expectation at such a young age that you will forever be protected from any and all offence.


    Recently I saw that I think was the most ridiculous example of political correctness gone too far: a youth oriented gathering where clapping / applause was prohibited. Instead of clapping only finger snapping was allowed (clapping was considered too scary / aggressive????).


    With respect to the question if this is feeding Trump's popularity, I think in part it is. If the political correctness pendulum swings too far to one side some will rebel against it and Trump most certainly caters to the other end of the spectrum.


    Having said that, I firmly believe that we can be kind and respectful to one another without this increasingly trend of political correctness.

    • Like 1

  3. Like most others I have not gone completely digital. I am a bit of a collector of books so I think it will be a while before I go for books as I enjoy having a good hardcover book to read. In terms of music I have gone mostly digital since I don't want to carry a CD player when I'm out and my current car doesn't have a CD player in it - the assumption seems to be music will be streamed over Bluetooth (I like the fact it clears up the clutter from having CD's in the car). I still buy DVD's and BluRay again as a bit of a collector there are many movies and TV shows I'd prefer to keep on a physical medium since steaming services remove content. However with iTunes and Netflix I am definitely buying fewer DVD's and BluRay (often I would buy if I though they'd be interesting but seeing that I only watched some discs only periodically I've been gravitating to streaming if I felt it was only an occasional watch.


    The bonus I find with digital is that there is more content that is more easily obtained.

    • Like 1

  4. As a faithful attendee I would hate to see the socials die out. Speaking for myself I agree with Boomer and would be just as happy with a scaled down version of the social if the attendance is dropping off.


    I hope this one goes ahead in some form and do want to thank Loneskater and Alexxandria for all the work they have put in to organizing the socials.

  5. Tonight I had the great pleasure of meeting Cassidy and had a wonderful time.


    Although I am normally a shy and nervous person when meeting someone for the first time I found Cassidy to be very charming, smart and friendly putting me at ease right away.


    She is definitely a beautiful lady who is adorned with lovely tattoos.


    Not being the type to kiss and tell about private details but I will say that I did have a fantastic and memorable time.


    I highly recommend Cassidy and look forward to seeing her again

  6. I don't have any problem using my real first name, its easier than making up a fake persona. I would have to know a lady quite well before giving any more information, but that has happened on occasion.


    I also don't see any reason to inquire about a lady's real name or identity. I don't see why anybody would want or need that info. For me its the persona the lady has chosen that I'm attracted to, and I think she rightfully should stick to that. Many of them have full lives outside of this profession and they have a right to their anonymity.

    The lady's need to guard their real identity for safety and security, and I support that.


    I hadn't noticed this post quoting mine until now but I did want to clarify that I have never inquired about a lady's real name and that I assume the second paragraph above does not apply to my quote.


    The intent of my previous post was to highlight my personal comfort in sharing my information with ladies I felt comfortable with and without the ladies divulging any of their information.

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