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Posts posted by ripleymonroe

  1. The cutie short hair brunette, Vlaska:


    Then it was my long time favorite Vlaska (I have reviewed already in this thread). I saw a very cute pale short haired brunette


    I had a few dances with Vlaska today in the CR and she is awesome. It was her first time dancing for a woman (outside of a couple) so we giggled together for a while. Great presentation, great dancer, very charming. I wouldn't hesitate to get more dances with her next time I see her. :)

    • Like 1

  2. The 'destiny' from 61 doesn't have an accent...only works nights and I think she is a student the rest of the time...haven't heard of North Bay trips. If it is the same 'destiny' make sure you do your sums right as she has been known to miscount.


    Ok, we're probably talking about different people then. Never had a problem with the Destiny I know. In fact, she gave me a free dance the last time I saw her. :)

  3. . About a year ago at the Playmate there was a hot ebony that I still can't forget. She was slim but with a perfect figure and that wonderful ebony bum with enough flesh to squeeze. Also large firm breasts with big nipples. She only worked on Friday and Saturday nights, but not every one. Also a very nice girl who also has a day job. I have forgotten her name - does anyone know who it is and does she still work at the Playmate? I might go there soon. Cheers.

    Posted via Mobile Device


    I agree, there are a few beautiful black women at the 'mate. I'm not sure who you're thinking of but my favorites are Destiny and Brianna. Both work nights.


    Additional Comments:

    A wee blonde by the name of Stella used to be a favorite at the Mate, but she's been gone a long while, sadly. Also, a dancer at the Mate named Jersey that I became friends with, but she quit dancing a few years ago. Seems now a lot of the ladies are only around for a good time, not a long time, so it's hard to develop favorites. And my wallet won't let me go often either. ;)


    So true! I was at the playmate recently after not having been there for a couple of months and except for Brianna and Jasmine, all of the dancers were new or I had never seen them before. Definitely makes it hard to come back for dances with your favorites.

  4. I had a terrible lap dance at a club today so I thought I'd come back to this thread to share my favorite dancers solely based on the CR experience....


    Playmate: Foxy, Annessa, Destiny, Brianna, Natasha

    Barb's: Shannon, hands down...I would spend hours with her if I could! Most sensual experiences I've had in the CR have been with her...but I've only seen her once...if anyone knows what her schedule is like, let me know!


    Additional Comments:

    I also remember a one time Danika at Playmates, a very happy cheerful blonde dancer and had a number of dances with her. Never saw her again.


    Danika works during the day. :)

    • Like 1

  5. I need a personality too. Maybe weird, but hey, it's me...

    I understand the business but, as a customer driven worker, I also understand the service...

    This being said, most of the time, a girl will spend 30 minutes to one hour with me before asking the CR question... so I cannot complain on that front very much



    That's interesting...for me, it's the opposite. There are some dancers that I've gotten to know so well that I don't ask or accept dances from them anymore (but I'll buy them a drink if they come over and chat it up). For me, the fantasy is in barely knowing them. I like a bit of small talk and then dances. Otherwise, I find it uncomfortable getting lap dances from women with whom I may have formed a strong platonic friendship.


    Another pet peeve of mine (and I say this somewhat tongue in cheek)...


    ...so often the waitresses or shooter girl are hotter than the dancers!! Sometimes I'll spend my time checking out the shooter girl! What is up with that?!?!


    Hahaha, yeah I went to a club with a buddy of mine recently and he was totally infatuated with the waitress. He felt that she was the most beautiful woman in there. For me, it's service over looks when it comes to waitresses but I know what you mean. My pal kept asking me if she was a dancer too but I had to tell him that she wasn't. :P

  7. Guys, it's all pretty clear...


    The award rules mention that this is "a recognition award for the ladies who take time to participate and contribute in the forums and chat areas."


    Forums and chat are both public areas. This isn't about community-building anywhere else.


    Clearly, what's happening here is a problem with the members not bothering to vote for the SP who fits the description of who this award is meant to honour (based on the award description itself).


    I was going to recommend that the mods make the rules a bit more clear, but now that I've read that line, it's clear as day!


    Additional Comments:

    To be honest, I am mortified with this whole thing. I understand most peoples views and opinions, but really, does there need to be this much discussion regarding my relevance here? Do I need to ask to be removed from the poll? I apologize to the voters out there who have voted for me and are being penalized for doing so. somebody said "this is not high school....." yet, it sure is starting to look that way. I am at a loss for words with this one. But I do want to thank everyone for repeatedly saying my name! Keeping saying it! Erotic Emily. Not bad for 6 weeks of learning on here, but I do spend more hours on cerb then anything else in my life. I will keep doing what I do, it makes me happy and those in contact with me happy. Have a sexxxy September! xoxoxoxo


    No no, it's got nothing to do with you. :)


    Honestly, it looks like it's just a misinterpretation of what qualifies a person for the award. The guys likely really appreciate your private contributions but the issue at hand is that award is meant for public participation. But in the end, who knows. Maybe it's a clear indicator that the members want private contributions included in this.


    So in a way, this is a good thing - it's either an evolution or it will require clarification for the next one.

    • Like 7

  8. Here's my take on it as a new member to CERB. When I first started out posting in the forums or in private convos, I noticed the Member's Choice graphic next to some of them. Without having any idea what that meant, I assumed that these women had won some sort of award for being highly respected by CERB members. It was natural for me to assume that I could trust them more or that they were veterans here on CERB.


    Now that I'm seeing what's happening here, I'm thinking that the guys are shooting themselves in the foot. New members won't know that someone has been voted in because of private participation or because they somehow got some publicity through discussions like this. They'll likely be like me and see that badge as evidence that this person has garnered the trust and respect of members through long-term community-building.


    I would personally prefer to see this kind of award going to someone who engages the community publicly rather than privately. Otherwise, it's no longer a community - it's email.

    • Like 3

  9. But at the end I do believe (I will sound harsh here), that you are truly alone in a way, people, friends, family, lover will be there by your side, love you, support you...but with inner struggle, you are always alone.


    YES. Thanks for writing that. You make such an important point here: in the end, we are alone. I also survived an illness at one point and it's amazing how life changes when all of a sudden, the people you thought you were friends with disappear and don't come and visit you. There are times when we have to depend on something else to keep us going.


    And that also reinforces the notion that really great friendships are truly rare. Sometimes we need unfortunate events to uncover these kinds of truths and to appreciate the people who make life less lonely.

    • Like 1

  10. Ripley, you are more than welcome to come whether you are a man or woman (that didn't sound right).


    Just don't be surprised, if you have gents asking if they can call you sometime.


    hahaha, as long as it's platonic it's all good. i think a lot of guys here know now that we play on the same team. ;)


    btw, maybe you mentioned it and i missed it, but is this a formal event or casual?

  11. I have been homeless and lived on the food bank during my last year of high school. That experience alone, and knowing that there are others who haven't been successful at bouncing back from something like that, has made me who I am today.


    We all go through bad times. Sometimes, you need a mosh pit, sometimes, you need to dance, sometimes you need to reach out to a mentor, a hero, a good friend.


    And me? I cling on to my dreams. If I fail, I keep going. And if I fail again, I try harder.


    I hold on to the fact that if you take a moment to refocus, you see that life is incredibly beautiful. It's beautiful precisely because it's possible to start over. We can't help everyone but we can recognize that greatness is inside us. And when you push through the bad times, you may be quietly inspiring someone else too. :)

    • Like 6

  12. Wigs are so much fun! I've used them for photoshoots, they're fun for play, and for the person wearing it, it's like being someone else for a day. My ex and I used to get them at Malabar, that theatre and costume place in the west end.


    The only time I find it weird is when I wasn't expecting a wig and then run my hands through a woman's hair or start giving her a scalp massage and then the truth reveals itself. Awkward, but cute nonetheless. ;)

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