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Posts posted by curmudgeon

  1. Same thing happened to me one Saturday afternoon last month in that lot.


    I guess that's not a city lot then. I have before me a notice from Banks St BIA:


    Downtown. At the intersection of everything. FREE PARKING ON WEEKENDS.


    At city lots and on street spaces. Starts at 5:30pm on Friday.


    West of the canal, East of Bronson, North of Queensway, excluding City Hall.

    • Like 1

  2. dont tip and he will disappear .


    My point exactly.


    Let's get back on topic. :-)


    Some current favourites..









    Do you all know about the Wednesday evening supper special? Steak and vegetables and draft beer for $6.75! A steal (before 7 only)! :-)

    • Like 2

  3. Keep us posted on any Bella or Jenny sightings


    Jenny was in this afternoon, looking statuesque as usual. Bridget and Brandy also looking exquisite. The abovementioned Paige was in, as was a luscious curvy brunette Mariah, as well as Alice Cooper fan Roxy, and sundry others.

    • Like 2

  4. daytime claire , is she still around


    Indeed she is, and if you'd been in earlier this afternoon, you could have responded to the DJ's request for assistance, and joined Claire and Sara on stage, in tipping Amanda.


    You weren't there - so I had to take you place. Shucks!! Life is tough. :-)

  5. Going back to the subject of this thread: if you're hankering after someone who can put on a show and you happen to be at Barb's, look out for Jolie (on the assumption that she's still there - I haven't been for a while). Her stage show is well worth watching.


    Jolie was working nights last week. Her show is great - her other dancing gig is in a Burlesque troop, and it shows.

  6. Had some awesome CR dances yesterday from Mira, of russian background but born here and doesn't speak a word of it. Classic green eyes, almond shaped, luscious lips, a banging body, perky ass, tanned long brown hair, about 5 foot 9. Highly recommended.


    I met Mira tonight. Unfortunately had neither the time nor money to get to know her better, but can agree with you she was stunning and very seductive. I took it from what she said that she won't be in the neighbourhood long, so enjoy while you can.


    Additional Comments:

    Saw Jessa, and yes she was the Jesse I have been looking for since last October!


    Are you quite, quite sure? Jessa was previously Jenna, and does look a bit like the brunette Jessie we used to know and love. But Jenna and Jesse weren't the same doll.


    Jessie moved back out west - I think Calgary.


    Cherry would know.

    • Like 1

  7. I was told from the manager that a dancer named Gabriella has the most biggest boobs from the dancers at barb.

    If that is the case, when is she working and at what time.

    If she is not the one with the biggest boobs, then who is?



    Gabriella is a late night gal. She has very big naturals - I expect the manager is correct.


    If you are a daytime visitor, check out Adria. And I notice Jenna has just made a return (daytime). Her's aren't huge - just very big and lovely.

  8. How is it these days? busy?


    Only occasionally. I think lunchtime today there was about equal split of girls and customers - not bad odds :-)


    Quite a few visiting girls. Jenny was there today as well.


    Thu/Fri lunchtime and Fri/Sat/Sun nighttimes are the busiest times - but you probably know that already.

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