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Posts posted by LadiesFirst

  1. It's interesting how in these discussions about oil prices and the economy no one ever brings up federal transfer payments. These equalization payments come from federal taxes on corporations and individuals. With oil revenues plummeting there will be much less corporate taxes collected which eventually will affect provinces that depend upon equalization payments.


    As things get tighter in the western provinces it follows that it will get tighter in the rest of the country.



    Excellent point. Perhaps one way to counter that problem would be for the govt to invest in Canada both our people and infrastructure. One of the benefits of the recent economic slowing is the drop in interest rates. Our govt can borrow money for 10 years @1.5% or 30 years @ 2.05% I say there turn to pick up the slack.

  2. I'm kind of nervous actually. In 2008, we saw a big correction in the markets, and while unemployment went up, house prices just kept growing as well. That was not the case in US.


    Since then, house prices in the Toronto area, Vancouver, and some other big Canadian cities have reached beyond unaffordable, there is a report that Canadian house prices are overpriced by 60% (although we've been talking about a price correction for a while, so I don't know if it'll happen this year). If I didn't already own, I don't know what I would have done to buy one now. My place has doubled in price since owning it, and had I bought it brand new, it would be nearly 3-4 times the initial asking price. All this in a matter of 12-15 years.


    With the market growing the rate it has since 2009, being 6 years, I'm starting to get nervous. Canada's exchange is 25% finance, 20% oil and gas. That's a huge reliance on just two industries. With oil prices in a free fall, and the cost of production in Canada at ~$70-80 a barrel (from what I heard), I don't know how any of this is good for us in the near future. There will be layoffs, I think we've already started to see some of that. Many of these jobs are very high paying, and while it probably hurts Alberta more then any other provinces, I'm wondering what will happen elsewhere.


    I also don't completely know how yesterday's rate cut will affect finances in the long term. Even though yesterday I made more in one day then I ever have before. Perhaps I'm being massively pessimistic.



    You did great on you house congratulations! Wouldn't worry too much of house prices in toronto, this weak oil and dollar should help Ontario and it's manufacturing, as well tourism should pick up. The same people telling you your house is 60 % overvalued are probably the same people telling you rates had nowhere to go but up. I think the gain on your house is mainly due to rates dropping. And they continue to, both here and globally. People tend to go to the bank inquiring how much of a mortgage they can afford, the lower the rate the more they are approved for and house prices reflect this. I do think Alberta will have some trouble obviously, although rates are low the job market there has been hit hard. However, for the rest of the country especially here in the east, maybe our people can return home and build some ships and demand some houses give us some appreciating prices, hopefully.


    Yes, MKT did well yesterday but we did lose some purchasing power. Our dollar approaching .80 US now. Like oil it is good and bad. Bad, we can't buy as much, good we are more competitive. More Yankees will visit with their money, more Canadians will stay home with their money, global companies will be more inclined to hire and build in Canada.


    Remember there is usually good offsetting the bad. Generally though, it has a harder time making the news.



    Now, if only we could strike down certain bills and legalize certain industries. Let's let the rest of the world see our most precious and valuable resource.... The exquisite beauty of our companions , or country would flourish.

    • Like 2

  3. Thanks for the info everyone. I will try another question (almost at 5!)

    On gifts, women's attire specifically, could be one of the more complicated systems developed by mankind (sorry or womankind ;) ? should a gent take it upon himself to enter the size gauntlet? Chance it not fitting or not liking it? Or go straight for the gift card? Is the effort appreciated or just go with a card?


    I mean there is small medium, no problem. But 0 or 2. How can there be a zero wtf. What numbers are small? What numbers are medium?

  4. Nice post.


    I have a question on email etiquette.


    I would imagine most companions get an incredible amount of email it must be extremely daunting at times. Realizing a companion is only compensated for there time and company and not corresponding where does that leave email? What is appropriate?


    From a Client perspective, it is oh so easy to take a shine to you lovely ladies, and naturally we want to know more but not at the expense of irritating you. Myself, if I email, it is because I want to see you again and I want to know that it is a little bit reciprocated before booking again.


    Now putting on the companions shoes, I don't get paid to email. If I email someone not booking what do I get out of it?

    Yes, I need to respond for repeat business but so and so is trying to book now.....


    So again I ask what is appropriate/acceptable?

    I know it is a case by case thing but just as a rule of thumb?

    How much of a companions day is email? Do good clients email monthly? Quarterly? Do bad clients email weekly? Daily?



    I just find it a gray area...

  5. Just think of it as your run of the mill deflation (basically when asset prices in general are too high, not just oil, and they correct themselves). Know that most all market trends move excessively in both directions (more than people think)a period of deflation happens to work off periods of exuberance (2009-present)


    Just think of it as a workout after indulging excessively. The thought and process of the workout is tedious and painful much like watching your asset prices adjust lower. But, when it is over you feel better look better and can eat bad again much like the our economy after deflation prices are lower our currency is lower, so cheap Canadian assets in a cheap currency makes Canada attractive to foreign investors and growth ensues . once again we consumers can start to do what we do best.... Excessively consume until next time.

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  6. Outed no, educated.... Seems so.

    How's the saying go?

    "Careful of the toes you step on they could be connected to the hand that feeds you"

    If you have contact with these lawmakers get them working for the good guys. I would expect that it is very difficult to support this industry publicly but maybe if they could have a good argument. Try to have them focus on the fiscal pocket book. Take Mary Jane, an industry also difficult to support publicly, that is until the story gets spun to cost of policing and lost revenues than, presto, things start happening.


    Canada has had it's share of turmoil over the past number of months. Plummeting energy has shocked an industry and the families that comprise it, this lost production will spread to other connected industries. Our currency has lost about 20% of its value reflecting this. All the tax revenue from cigarettes is being vaporized by ecigs.


    Sooner than later we Canadians should think of how we are going to pay for our standard of living for our ballooning costs for our aging retirees...


    Let's take cigarettes and companionship, one kills, the one I can buy. Why not treat companionship as cigarette's? Let me buy it, charge me a tax, show me some graphic illustrations of what I can expect, and I'll be sure not to do it within 4 meters of doorways :)


    I'm happy, government got 15%, and lady operates out of safe place....

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