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Everything posted by schecter54

  1. I also can't think of any locally but if Kareena ever came back to the peg, she should be on your to do list. I had a fantastic time!
  2. I tried to arrange something with her last night. But when I asked her via text if I could phone her she stopped replying to me all together. Probably a scam.
  3. They recently started posting and the pictures look legit. Has anyone toftt yet? PM me with any info! thanks
  4. they aren't posted on EC or Cerb only BP, and they have 204 numbers... seems fishy
  5. Does anyone have any info on these girls, are they legit? I'm interested but weary. pm me pls
  6. Looks to good to be true, anyone have any feedback on her?
  7. Does anyone have any info on "pritty meagan' from BP. She posts every once in a while on BP, but the pics seem too good to be true.
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