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Posts posted by blazejowski

  1. I hear you deeper. After me & a very well liked girl left EB/TO, we decided to look through the yellow pages. Can't even remember the name of the agency. It was located on Notre Dame close to Arlington. Was in what looked like a store but with blacked out windows. But with the vibe we got on the phone while talking to them about hiring, we were iffy.But they talked about the amazing money to be made & they were very busy.

    So we drove over there walked in. Was a huge room with couches and girls all sprawled out watching T.V. They didn't even have the curtesy to move & sit up to offer us a seat. There were a few bedrooms down a hall on the way to the kitchen. I believe they brought in traveling girls & they slept & stayed there. My g/f & I walked down to 7-11 to grab some food and stretch our legs, cause the 2 hours sitting on the floor waiting for the phone to ring we were getting cramped up. When we returned we sat back on the floor to nibble on what we'd bought & were screamed at by this big ass butch lady named Sky to eat in the kitchen & that's 100.00 fine for for eating where we were. Holy crap. Went to the kitchen ate our food said screw this & walked out. Was barely in my front door the phone was ringing they were asking us why we left & we didn't even give it a chance. I said the phone rang one time in 2 1/2 hrs. I don't call that busy. Plus this other very butchy girl that also ran the place took the call & the appointment. The other girls just looked so unimpressed and like lumps bored to death on the couch. It was an awful experience. I didn't see how anyone was making money other then the one answering the phone when the Sky lady wasn't & then taking the appt. She didn't even give the fella on the other end much of an option by the way she was talking to him on the phone. I swear to god if I was a man & she showed up I'd have sent her away, like I said very butchy, zero class. Wore jeans & T-shirt to the appt. I thought if this is how they run agencies in Winnipeg, Thanks, But no thanks. Shortly after that her and I came over here to EC, and have prospered & flourished since. I wish I could take those 2 1/2 hours back lol.

    I do know it was a well known agency, Could have been Joanne's or possibly Linda & ladies. This too was many years ago. I think I blocked it out on purpose lol.


    Yikes... I don't blame you for blocking that out....

  2. I had seen her late last year, and although I enjoyed myself, I found the hour went by too quick, and we had to leave her incall at the time before the hour was up. Not that it felt rushed, but she's just a very fun girl to talk to, and we lost track of time.


    To make it up to me, she proposed another session that would be a much longer one, at the same price, which I accepted - we just needed to sync our schedules, and it just so happened this weekend worked out.


    Met her at a new place, and we took our time, had a few drinks & a very good time, with a few SOG. Definitely made me a happy man, and left me feeling satisfied. She's a great girl to chat with, and is definitely passionate in the bedroom. Not a spinner in the least, nor would I classify her as a BBW at all - just a little baby fat, and that was fine with me...

  3. I had seen her late last year, and although I enjoyed myself, I found the hour went by too quick, and we had to leave her incall at the time before the hour was up. Not that it felt rushed, but she's just a very fun girl to talk to, and we lost track of time.


    To make it up to me, she proposed another session that would be a much longer one, at the same price, which I accepted - we just needed to sync our schedules, and it just so happened this weekend worked out.


    Met her at a new place, and we took our time, had a few drinks & a very good time, with a few SOG. Definitely made me a happy man, and left me feeling satisfied. She's a great girl to chat with, and is definitely passionate in the bedroom. Not a spinner in the least, nor would I classify her as a BBW at all - just a little baby fat, and that was fine with me...

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