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Everything posted by aubreyxxx

  1. Ok I apologize I didn't mean it in a rude tone, and sometimes it is hard to clarify what you mean through just text but I have seen ladies get upset on here for men insuating such and I was just commenting how it may be taken, I didnt post that in a combative response and I should've clarified that Sorry
  2. I don't think I have ever heard of any lady on CERB offering to give anything away for free, and assuming that she offered that is kind of insulting Im sure...
  3. When you say there isn't a space to type anyhting, maybe her account has been suspended or she has closed her account. Could you PM me her user name on CERB and I could check out her account to maybe help you more.
  4. And I did not mean to nominate your post, no offense, but just clarifying lol
  5. i think you can comment but the thing is that the comments are moderated
  6. WEll gentlemen Ill be in Sydney tomorrow (Wednesday) and only staying until Thursday, so make sure if you want to see me that you get ahold of me 902.394.4867
  7. what iwas trying to write in the rep points before my chubby finger deleted it on my laptop was this "Has he not ever heard the term 'put some slob on my know'." lol
  8. Having special cerb members show me how much they want to see me by doing extra special things to make my way just a little bit easier :) You know who you are
  9. Most likely in November Boomer :) It was a pleasure to meet you my dear :)
  10. I know of a lady that works for an agency that is dark skinned.. Would you be interested in me contacting her for you?
  11. I just wanted to thank the wonderful men of Halifax for making my first little trip a successful one! I hope you all enjoyed my company and I assure you my next visit won`t be too far away! Have an excellent week-end! xoxoxo Aubrey
  12. Having the bestest time ever in Halifax - What a lively city. Tall buildings-TRAINS!!! gosh what a sheltered life I lead lol Had a wonderful time last night with a wonderful lady xoxoxo life is good
  13. aubreyxxx

    Damn girl - I am more of a booty lady myself but to be honest, those fine breasts have got my girlie love radar dinging like crazy - You have a banging body
  14. aubreyxxx

    Beautiful eyes babe xox
  15. The day before my trip to Halifax, having a phone call from my bank to inform me my funds are frozen for 72 hours due to the fact that my card was ``skimmed`` (the strip on the back was copied and my pin was somehow copied) and had been used fraudulently. I am happy that they noticed this and that my funds are being replaced, but to not be able to access my account right before my trip sucks ass! Oh well thankfully I have a horny client who needed to see me as soon as I get there!
  16. Okay gentlemen of Cape Breton, if you were unaware I am going to be in Halifax on Wednesday October 17th, Thursday October 18th and Friday October 19th and departing on Saturday. But I was thinking about the gentlemen in Cape Breton who are always asking for SP's to travel there. Now I know this is short notice and if there isn't enough interest no biggie, I was just thinking since ill be in Nova Scotia why not make a trip over on Saturday where I will be able to provide in-call service later on in the afternoon (around 4pm-5pm) until late into the night and Sunday morning as well. Only outcalls will be available for after 12pm on Sunday October 21st. I will be departing Cape Breton and heading home around 5pm Sunday evening. So please contact me at your earliest convenience so we can arrange a very long over-due encounter that I assure you will prove that "Good things cum to those who wait" ;) I hope we can meet soon!! xoxoxoxo
  17. I am getting quite excited for my first little ''off-island'' trip in quite some time. Everything is falling together quite nicely so far --knock on wood-- I am hoping during my time in Halifax that I may get to see a train for the first time in my life ( Before you laugh your ass off wondering how this is possible, please remember I live on an island) I have always wanted to see a train!
  18. I agree completely Angela! I've always said when a woman is faking an orgasm that is encouraging bad behavior. I would rather not fake it so that the man knows than when I actually do have one he is doing something good
  19. After loosing my shoutbox privileges for double posting I now take my time and carefully think of how to use it properly so I dont loser 'er again. So just now as I am writing out my shoutbox my chubby little pinky hit enter and now everyone thinks I am just posting what a wonderful day...and nothing regarding the fact i was asking you to join it with me! lol I guess I will just have to wait til I scroll down some..
  20. I gave out way too much reputation today so it will not allow me to do so anymore hence the quote reply - this is excellent advice!
  21. I wonder why you are asking the members of Cerb whether or not a poster from -------- is offering sex in her GFE? Do you not think that maybe these questions should be forwarded to the lady on BP
  22. hahhaha Your last comment was cute I can only speak for me personally but in my own personal situation I would need to know the other lady previously before a duo. Some women are able to but I think to have the type of chemistry that you want for your fantasy threesome the two women have to know each other at least in someway beforehand so that everyone is comfortable and are able to let go and enjoy ! :) I think if you had 2 particular ladies in mind you could mention to both women your fantasy with them that you have in mind and ask if they would be interested in considering this for you or maybe they could meet prior so that this could be arranged for you. Every lady is different so your going to have to go about it in a tasteful, respectful manner when approaching them about it, but I think as long as you are classy in how you ask, most ladies will have no problem giving you their honest opinion on your request Good luck with your fantasy menage-a-trois
  23. Your opinion on my class is irrelevant, I am standing up for the respect and dignity of the women who don't deserve or didn't ask to be judged by a man who has no level of class :) so take care sir and happy thanksgiving
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