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Posts posted by piano8950

  1. I'm not a Christian, but being in the wedding industry, I'm in a church a lot for ceremonies. I've seen most women wear clothes that definitely looked sexy, but nothing too outlandish or disrespectful. Many wear a shawl to cover their shoulders and cleavage while inside, and take it off for the rest of the day unless it was cold.


    But there was one person who's dress was beyond inappropriate. It felt like every step she took, her breasts were going to pop out. I felt that even outside the church, in the context of the wedding of a friend, it was inappropriate. Mind you, if she was wearing the exact same thing to a club, or a casual get together, or beach party or something similar, it would've been fine by me.


    I just think that sometimes, the need to dress and show off your body isn't appropriate. And this applies to men too who wear muscle shirts. Yes, you're fit and you're healthy! Good for you, but in the office, I do not care.

  2. I knew services like this existed, but I never really paid too much attention to them. Insert the last two months which were absolutely terrible. Business/School/Personal stuff that was related to business, I had just started to figure it out, and then sometime in the last week I decided I'd get in touch with Megan from Megan's touch. To be completely honest, I couldn't see myself going through with it, but I went through the motion, I'd contacted her through email, withdrew the cash amount and then set up an appointment to talk.


    Then I got her call, and after talking for a minute or 10? we set up an appointment for the next day for the actual session. I've never cancelled on anything unless it was for a good reason, and when I confirmed over the phone, and the call ended, I couldn't believe what I had done. To give you a perspective of how big this was for me, I come from a part of the planet where people get killed for suspicion of much less (or at least that's my background). I've never known anyone to do something like this (although maybe some have)


    The appointment was in the afternoon, and annoyingly, I had finished all the work I needed to do by the previous night. I had nothing to do, and I couldn't stand hanging out with a friend since I could barely speak. Now I've done some scary stuff in my life (And I'm not just talking about skydiving, although I did that too), but none of them made me this nervous. Was it a trap? Would I offend her in my sheer nervousness somehow, what do I say, how do I sit, what if I project on her, am I clean enough (Seriously I showered 2 times that afternoon before going, and brushed 3 times), and so on.


    A last minute confusion about the location partially distracted me, and when I saw her for the first time, I seemed to have forgotten everything and just relaxed. She was amazing to say the least. Later while talking, she said the experience can be liberating and I agreed. I just didn't appreciate how much. I did something that challenged me, and I didn't give in to my fear, and thank goodness for that!

    • Like 6

  3. For the first time in I can't remember how long, I have absolutely nothing that needs to get done...I think this is what a vacation feels like. All work projects and school exams completed, and nothing till May!!! :D


    Anyway, I found this forum, and I'm glad I did. It seems that the prevalent culture that's fostered here is friendly, non-accusatory and overall respectful. I've been part of different forums over the years till I either lost interest or got annoyed at the people there, and I have been to only one other that is as polite as the one here, and that to because it's relatively small.


    I had not appreciated this entirely until I checked out other forums of the same nature, and wow, are the people nasty! I have to say, if I hadn't found this place first, I would've stayed away and might have formed a less then positive opinion of the entire industry. Thanks to helpful reviews, a gentle environment that's extremely considerate towards newcomers, I was comfortable in making a choice, and I'm so glad I did. It ha been an experience I won't be forgetting soon.


    I guess my point is, thank you all for being nice.

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  4. This was the first time I ever had an experience like this. To say I was nervous leading up to the session would be an understatement. Megan knew about my nervousness, and took lead throughout the entire time there. There are some people who have described what happens considerably more eloquently than I could, so I'll just end of with this. As I left, and stepped on to the street, I felt energized and relaxed to such an extent, I could not remember the last time I was at this state. Oh, and the lap dance was amazing! Definitely go for the 90 minute option.


    I loved the experience, and I will be going for it again.

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