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Posts posted by Cyndall_Kent

  1. February if you want the winter experience especially skating or just walking on the canal. June for summer without the crowds. Anytime for the hobby experience.


    I agree with this post. February there is Winterlude, skating on the canal and beautiful ice sculptures, weather depending of course.


    May and June are lovely for spring/summer adventures!

  2. I may be a grinch, but I am so darn glad that Christmas is over! haha


    So will you please tell me about some exciting things you are looking forward that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Christmas?


    I'll start!


    1. Heading to Toronto in January to spend time with a friend for her Birthday!

    2. Finishing my exams in January right before my trip! :D

    3. Starting my new semester and kicking calculus' arse!

    4. Summer is coming!

    5. Montreal trip in February for some Trapezing and adventures!


    Okay, your turn!

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  3. I am still fairly new here, but I am super paranoid about someone I know finding me on here...It hasn't happened yet, but this is why I keep my face out of my photos. I have even edited some of my more identifiable tattoos out of some of them.


    I do offer to send headshots to people so they can see my face if they would like before booking, but this is usually after a bit of conversation and getting to know them.


    Maybe I'm being too paranoid, but I am more comfortable posting photos in a board/thread than I am on my cerb profile, you know what I mean?


    Otherwise, I really love seeing clean lines and big smiles on other ladies profiles. :)

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  4. I love all stockings, but lately I've been really into outrageous colors. I bought these bright orangey-red ones not too long ago and I looooove them! I also just purchased some hot-pink ones and some neon green ones...I am a stocking fanatic, I could wear a clean pair of socks or stocking every day for three months without having to re-wear a pair or do laundry...:D



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  5. ...was spent resting. I stayed up all night with my best friend on Christmas eve watching movies and playing dressup. After the sun rose in the morning, we ate a light breakfast and then fell asleep from about 10am-6pm. When we woke up we demolished some egg sandwiches and then broke out the gin for some holiday drinks!


    I am not a big holiday person, but I don't think I could have enjoyed it any more than I did this year! <3

  6. I drink ALL OF THE TEAS!


    I never put anything in them, but I can drink it all day. My current favourite is a floral-fruity blend that is just sweet enough on it's own called "Angel Mist Falls". Also can never go wrong with Celestial Seasonings, but I prefer to buy loose tea in bulk!

  7. Craziest place I've ever had sex? Likely up in the branches of a tree, or on the roof of a restaurant overlooking a bustling street.


    Fantasies? I love playing dress up! Slowly building my costume collection, if I could dress up every day, I would! Schoolgirl, nurses, sexy foxes, flapper, Vaudevillian dancer! All of the costumes! :D


    One kind of embarrassing thing? I was doing a private Skype show for a client, and squirted all over my netbook from about 3' away. Bye-bye pretty shiny computer... --frown--


    Additional Comments:

    This is freaking fantastic!


    Additional Comments:

    I had a young lady and we were together for all of high school. We used to watch a lot of tv at her grandma's house, so Lynn always had a blanket on as the ac was always on. We moved from petting, to stroking her clit until she came all over me, to digits until she came, then having her move closer so we could "spoon" and I could penetrate. First in vagina, then moved to anal! All with her grandma in the room. The odd time here parents were there she would only allow me to finger her wet, hot pussy! Yum


    That is pretty much the best thing ever!

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