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Posts posted by goldmember

  1. I completely agree with sore muscles. what really gets tiresome from newbies or anybody really is members constantly posting that people should use the search function and stop asking questions that have been asked before. Sometimes there is a reason for asking the same question again. perhaps someone wants up to the minute recommendations on someone or some place. Its less bothersome for me to read the same question again than a string of posts informing us all to use the search function.

  2. I think it is similar to the popularity of amateur porn. People get more excited at the thought of watching regular people as opposed to professionals. To me the ultimate is getting a great professional massage and sensual experience (not necessarily a he) and be able to claim in on my health insurance.


    I would never ever have someone do something they dont want to do. I have never and will never engage in name calling on here. I respect you ladies and would hope you respect me as well.

  3. I dont think he is alone in wanting to find a RMT provider who willl provide a more sensual experience with someone she feels comfortable with. They ARE out there and there ARE people looking for them. I myself have found them in other places. Just not here in Winnipeg yet. Not that I have really looked that hard yet. Yes they could be in trouble with the various licensing bodies however some will find it worth the risk with the right customer. I am pretty good at deciding which RMT is open minded and worth asking respectfully for the experience I want. But obviously any sharing of information of this nature should be done discreetly and on the private board

  4. Search for "Ellice relaxing" on kj.


    I went here last week and had the best happy ending massage I have had in a long time. I was quite impressed with her body. She had wonderful breasts for a slightly older gal. The mutual touching was much appreciated. I plan to go back. I fully expect to get to my 6th massage which they provide free. :)

  5. This is NOT a recommendation thread. This is in the general discussion for massage section. Ladies are WELCOME to post here and join the conversations as long as they are not advertising in here (unsolicited) meaning if someone asks for someone who speaks Russian the ladies can say "I speak Russian" some would consider that an advertisement so I just like to clarify that when this is questioned.


    Harsh comments are not appreciated, everyone's questions should be addressed with respect as we have lots of newbies and lots of veterans here. Let's keep cerb a inviting friendly place.


    Thanks for that clarification. I still consider myself a newbie here and still quite unsure of the rules. For instance I understand why we can not mention a specific address but am I not allowed to mention a street name? a negihborhood? I have seen street names mentioned several times in reference to massage providers so not sure why I was given an infraction for mentioning a street name? But I think its a great board and hope everyone can be respectful.

  6. Wow. That reply was quite harsh and disrespectful? Seemed like an honest post from a member looking for a recommendation on a place? I am also a little shocked that you think it isn't quite common for a nail/hair salon to offer massage with happy ending!? Ever been to Toronto? All over the place and in many reflexology is synonymous with HE massage. Just last week I got a he massage at a nail/hair place in wpg. So please try to follow the rules of the board and not attack well meaning members?! I also thought it was against the rules of the board for sp's to post on recommendation threads? Just sayin

    • Like 2

  7. The big problem with this thread is that


    a) poster states that limits to service were repeatedly expressed




    b) poster thinks that it is OK to "see if it changes" with more visits.



    There is no good outcome to this methodology. Masseuse has very distinctly outlined terms of service. If poster does not "get his way", masseuse is a bitch. If he does, masseuse is a liar.


    If poster wants to be happy (at the ending) he should give his business to someone willing to service his needs. And there are no shortage of those.


    Still don't understand people who think that they can combine their "hobby" with Blue Cross / insurance scamming... do they respect themselves at all?



    sigh.... the poster never said that limits were repeatedly expressed! And also never said he would see if things change with repeated visits! He had never been there and wanted to see if what was expressed thru email was expressed in person!


    poster never "got his way" and never called the provider a bitch. He simply enjoyed the cheap massage and respected the boundaries. It was a pleasant interaction and she was a nice lady. Anyway I am now done with defending myself in this thread. I know I am a respectful client and thats all that matters. Have a great day.......On to the next recommendation

    • Like 1

  8. Personally I leave little to chance. I only trust CERB ladies, and like cars, food and wine you most often get what you pay for. Seeing how far you can go, sounds like a highschool date and hoping you get to second base before being shut down. Most Sps are specific about boundaries, that works for me


    Yes I agree most SPs do have specific boundaries which one finds when at the session. Again I apologize for the terminology used. I simply meant I was going to find out what the boundaries are.


    Nothing wrong with tried and trued CERB ladies. I personally like to explore little advertised independents as well

    • Like 2

  9. Plasticmember, you are outnumbered! Just digging deeper into the hole you are being buried in. You may not have intended to sound as pushy as it turned out, but best to just apologize and let it be. You did sound as if you were talking to a group of guys in a hockey or baseball changeroom.


    outnumbered?? I agree with most of the members here that a boundary is a boundary! Where did I sound pushy at all?? I never said I would try to convince the provider of anything! I simply said I was going for the massage anyway as it was cheap and really just toftt. But obviously for some it was not clear so I will apologize for that. I am simply trying to help out with some recommendations on this site and not trying to offend anybody......


    Additional Comments:

    To me trying to convince anyone (SPs , MPs, RMTs, everyone)

    into doing something they don't really want to do,

    just looses all the appeal and fun.


    For me, it's all about the mutual fun.

    Part of that is respect and a persons boundries.

    They are humans with feelings.


    And what about afterwards?

    I want to feel good about the whole experience from start to finish and after.

    With no drama. Convincing creates drama.

    One sided fun does not appeal to me.



    I completely agree with this. I would never want it to be uncomfortable! I very rarely even ask a provider for a he. Non verbal cues from her are usually enough. .............On the bright side I am building my post count up to 20 here maybe so I can qualify for that list of Winnipeg HE providers lol

    • Like 1

  10. Again, if she says in her email she does not provide a HE, leave it at that. Its really the same when you ask an sp "do you provide greek" she says "no" and you decide because she shows a great picture of her ass "well, lets see if I can get her to do greek".


    All providers feel the same way - makes no difference if she is an RMT, MA, SP, Fetish, Dom, Stripper. If she says she does not provide a service - that should be the end of the conversation. To pursue it further is bordering on sexual assault. NO MEANS NO.


    Exactly. If a provider even insinuates in person that the answer is no then the answer is no.


    Additional Comments:

    Exactly. If a provider even insinuates in person that the answer is no then the answer is no.


    And I didnt go there to convince her to give me a happy ending! simply to get a massage cheap and see how sensual it would be. Thats it. I am offended that some would imply I would not respect a lady and her intentions. It was simply to find out what her intentions are.

  11. The Tara I saw was off Henderson, but probably more in EK. At the time , nothing was even hinted. She subsequently advertised a location in Fort Rouge on KJ . but I haven't seen any sign of her for over a year. She may have gone back to work as RMT somewhere.


    yeah she was in EK then to another spot off Henderson further North then to Fort Rouge I heard. she didnt give HE to everyone she said. But normally if you asked and tipped well she would

  12. Oh, I'm gonna hate myself in the morning for responding to this but what the hey...


    With all due respect, what part of this woman's message is unclear? She said no.

    If she said no by email, by posting a flyer on the wall, by painting a chicken, she said no.


    Why would her answer be different in person?


    And hey, I'm sorry, but I have to call out the "I totally respect a ladies boundaries" thing.


    She's providing me with a sensual massage undraped. (She was dressed like a slut.)


    I am thinking that there is at least a chance she may offer more at some point. (So I'm gonna push her against the wall and see if I can have some fun with her.)


    The parallels are just too freaky.


    Just my opinion and observation. Continue as you were...



    Really? So every SP says exactly what they provide via email??


    Push her against the wall and see if I can have some fun with her????.. How can you compare that to simply going to a provider in person to see how the massage progresses!? You want to call out my statement that I respect a ladies boundaries?? how is it exactly that YOU determine boundaries? In person I suspect?!

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  13. yes but thats by email. I am wondering if the scenario might be different in person. she did agree to a sensual massage what ever that means to her


    Additional Comments:

    And yes I totally respect a ladies boundaries. I just need to find out what they are. She is providing me a sensual massage undraped. I am thinking that there is at least a chance she may offer more at some point

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