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About Novicenova

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    General Member

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    Moderately interesting suburbanite
  1. Te lack of response feels like that creepy silence at a dinner party when someone's asked a delicate question and no one has anything positive to say. :icon_eek: Or someone broke wind and everyone's trying to ignore it, LOL. Fair 'nuff. Moving' on... :-P
  2. What was it the great and insightful George Carlin once said? Something like "there are a lot worse things you can give someone than an orgasm." :-)
  3. Two additional thoughts, questions: I wonder how many hobbyists are hobbying precisely because the reaction of pleasure from the lady is lacking elsewhere? I'd like the opinion of the SPs on this: do you find there's an age difference? Does one age group look more for mutual pleasure or your pleasure, does a different age group focus more on themselves? (A loaded Q I admit, but based on an observation once made by an SP).
  4. The day I'm in bed with an attractive woman, she tells me that I'm really turning her on, and I don't take that as a compliment, send me to a psychiatrist. I'm with most everyone else. A woman telling me I'm pleasing her makes the experience 1000 times better; my feeling like she didn't have fun, too, that's just depressing.
  5. I'd be grateful for any recommendations on this agency and young lady. Anyone have good experiences?
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